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The BBC Director-General Resigns |
arrival of Saturn into Scorpio also signals social shifts in attitudes to sex.
Collectively, we find ourselves dancing around the line between sexual freedoms
and sexual controls. Some historical and current examples of this are explored
in Saturn in Scorpio: Your Guide Through the Dark.
key facet of Saturn’s transit through Scorpio is that we are shown, all too
starkly and dramatically, the results of past sexual behaviours, freedoms,
controls and abuses. This phenomenon of exposure is linked closely to Pluto’s
relationship to Saturn in Scorpio. For example, in the 1980’s, when Saturn in
Scorpio conjoined Pluto in Scorpio, the devastating HIV/AIDS virus came to our
attention. At the height of the scare it seemed that sex equalled death, quite
forward to 2012 and we have Saturn in Scorpio with Pluto in Capricorn. In
mutual reception1 and in Sextile1 by sign, Saturn and
Pluto are enjoying a relationship which makes it easy for Saturn to act as
filter and conduit for Pluto’s energy to manifest. As we’ve already
established, Saturn in Scorpio can be about the use and abuse of sex by those
in authority. Pluto in Capricorn is about exposing and holding responsible the
past wrong doings of individuals, corporations and institutions which have held
power. From here, it’s a very small leap
to suggest that once Saturn moved into Scorpio, the past sexual ‘crimes’ of
those in power and authority would be exposed.
moved into Scorpio on October 5. Just TWO DAYS ahead of this ingress, a
documentary was shown on ITV in the UK, entitled Exposure - The Other Side of Jimmy Savile2 which investigated allegations that the late
entertainer had sexually-abused vulnerable teenage girls.
What this scandal has also ignited is a major crisis at the BBC.
it seems that the corporation appeared to look aside while the abuse was going
on under their roof. This calls into question the culture at the organisation
during those years, that so many seemed to know what was going on. It appears
that they either accepted it as part of the culture, or, if they did feel uncomfortable with it, felt powerless to act.
it’s come to light that in December 2011, BBC’s Newsnight is said to have
pulled out of broadcasting the findings of their own investigation into
Savile’s sexual abuse. Had the story ran, it would have coincided with lavish BBC
tributes to the recently deceased Savile. The BBC has offered no feasible explanation
to why the story was pulled, but Newsnight’s editor has stepped aside.
the BBC have been forced to apologise unreservedly after Newsnight implicated a
Tory peer as being involved in organised sexual abuse of children at
care homes in North Wales in the 1980’s. As a result, Newsnight, a bastion of
probing investigative journalism, is facing editorial controls and
restrictions. (This is a case unrelated to Savile, but which has been resurrected
after allegations that a previous inquiry into the abuse had not uncovered its
full scale and that powerful politicians may be involved in covering up a paedophile ring which included some powerful figures)4.
developments have shaken trust in the BBC, one of the UK’s most trusted
institutions, so much so that George Entwistle, the BBC Director-General has
resigned. He was only in the post for 54 days.![]() |
Chart for the BBC. Click to enlarge |
BBC company was founded in 1922, but it was on 1 January 1927 that it became the British Broadcasting
Corporation, by Royal Charter, making it the significant and accountable organization
it still is today. Using this date as a birthday with a midnight birth time
(which is appropriate for the birth of an organization), gives the Sun at 9
degrees Capricorn Conjunct South Node at 7 Capricorn, straddling a 9 degree Capricorn
IC. Transiting Pluto in Capricorn is therefore making a series of conjunctions
to the BBC’s Sun, South Node and IC and opposing its MC and North Node.
Transiting Uranus, Pluto’s current partner in crime due to their ongoing series
of disruptive, game-changing Squares, is making a series of Conjunctions to the
Descendant in the BBC’s chart, which is at 7 Aries.
they like it or not, the BBC is being forced to undergo a serious
transformation that will shake it to its roots (IC) and affect its relationship
to the public (Descendent) and its reputation (the MC) and bring in big changes
at senior management level (MC). Saturn in Scorpio has just entered the BBC
chart’s second House, challenging the corporation’s values and purse strings.
Saturn will oppose natal Mars in Taurus in the 8th from the end of 2012 through
2013. Mars in Taurus is not going to yield to change easily, but what is
certain is that questions will be asked about how the BBC is funded, how it
manages its resources, what its core values are and how it expresses them. The
corporation will be held ever more responsible in these areas.
Then, in
2015/6 the BBC will experience its Pluto half return when transiting Pluto
opposes its 10th House Pluto in Cancer. We shall see a very different ‘Auntie
Beeb’ by the time these transits are over.
Speaking at
a recent conference5 Lynn Bell described Saturn in Scorpio as taking
us to the place of nightmares, challenging the boundaries of our world.
Something is opened up, Pandora’s Box-like. This is certainly the case here.
Once it all comes out, it’s what you do with the toxic ‘stuff’ that counts. We can hope that out of the darkness comes
some light, healing and positive transformation.
This is
something that we need insist upon as the Savile scandal, the North Wales care
home abuse scandal and the BBC crisis all play themselves out. For Savile’s
victims, the first crucial step of the healing process has been taken. They
have spoken and they have been listened to. Now the authorities
dealing with this scandal need to do everything they can to ensure that the
victims receive help to accept and maybe even forgive what has been done to
them, if that is possible6. Not only that, but it should be made
easier for all of those who have been, or are being, abused by someone in power
or authority, to come forward and to be believed and taken seriously.
The culture
at the BBC and at all big corporations needs to change so that this can never
happen again. It’s about breaking down the poisoned
structures and building new, better structures in their place. This
would be a powerfully positive use of the mutual reception and Sextile energies
of Saturn in Scorpio and Pluto in Capricorn, as well as positive expresson of Uranus Square Pluto.
also need to nip the panicked witch hunt in the bud, to ensure that innocent
people aren’t smeared with the paedophile tag and to avoid more sacrificial head
rolling at the BBC and elsewhere. Saturn, Uranus and Pluto will not be satisfied until the REAL perpetrators
are held to account.
As noted at
the top of this article, Saturn in Scorpio signals cultural
shifts in attitudes to sexual behaviour, redefining the rules of what is and
what isn’t acceptable. When Karin Ward said in a recent interview with The
Daily Mail, “he was just like any other bloke in the mid-Seventies and
at the time I never even thought of it as anything other than normal behaviour.
He grabbed a handful of bum and went to grab a handful of boob...”7,
we realise how far we have come, because that sort of behaviour in any
workplace is totally unacceptable now8. That it has taken us so long
to acknowledge how prevalent this kind of behaviour was, the devastating effect
it can have, and allow some healing and recompense around that, makes us
realise just how far we still have to go.1Two planets are in mutual reception when each are in the sign of the other’s ruler. Planets in mutual reception tend to work together easily (strong allies or partners in crime). When planets are in mutual reception they tend to dominate the horoscope. Planets are in Sextile aspect when they fall within 60 degrees (two signs) of each other. Sextile aspects enjoy easy expression and are said to offer opportunity.
2Jimmy Savile was a TV and radio broadcaster from the 60’s and
70’s who became a household name. During the 80’s he became known for his
charity work and in the 90’s he received a Knighthood, one of the highest
honours in the land. Savile died in October 2011.
3For full details and a timeline of events see
http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-199216585The Annual Conference of the Astrological Association of Great Britain, September 2012
6Saturn In Scorpio: Your Guide Through The Dark, Mandi Lockley's timely ebook discusses issues of
healing, acceptance and forgiveness in relation to Saturn’s transit through
just about old enough to remember the days when, if a woman objected to being
wolf-whistled or to having her bum pinched etc. she was told there was
something wrong with her, that is was only a bit of fun. It was widely accepted
that an ambitious women had to put up with this kind of thing if she wanted to
get anywhere in her career. At the same time, she would be vilified by other
women if it was perceived that she had ‘slept her way to the top’.
A note
about Jimmy Savile’s Birth Chart
I don’t have
a birth time, but his date of birth was 31st October 1926 in Leeds UK. At the
time of the ITV documentary, transiting Saturn at 29 Libra was approaching a conjunction
to his Venus at 2 Scorpio. Venus is conjunct his Sun at 7 Scorpio. At the same
time, transiting Saturn was in an exact opposition to Savile’s natal Chiron at
29 degrees Aries. The revelations of his abuse of young women are indeed
fitting for Saturn in Scorpio conjunct Venus and the transit to Chiron perhaps
suggests the healing that now needs to be done. I can’t find a birth date for
Karin Ward, but certainly she fits the wounded healer archetype.
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