Infinity Astrological Magazine #2 has just been published and you can download and read it for free here>
Contents below - including a small but beautifully formed piece from myself and the marvellous Rod Chang:

2. Euro, Greece's future in the EU and 8º Scorpio (Author: Smiljana Gavrančić)
3. Where God Divided by Zero: New Thoughts on the Galactic Centre (Authors: Mandi Lockley and Rod Chang)
4. The Meaning of the Mayan Long Count Calendar in Context with Modern Astrology (Author: William Stickevers)...
5. Club 27 rockstars: “Hope I die before I get old…” (Author: Alan Annand)
6. Medical Astrology with Lynn Koiner (Author: Lynn Koiner)
7. Dancing Girls (Jonathan Flanery)
8. Eclipses - How they will change your life? (Author: Toni Thomas)
And here's the Facebook page link
With love,
Mandi xxx