Wednesday 28th June: Mandi Lockley presents Your wheel of fortune – what your horoscope can tell you and what it can’t!
Wednesday 26th July: Marcos Patchett presents
Where’s your head at? – What astrology tells you about your focus in life
Wednesday 30th August: Sue Merlyn Farebrother
discusses Your path of destiny – the Moon’s nodes in your chart
Each live mini-lecture lasts approximately 30 mins
and cost only £10 each, or you can sign up for all four for only £30 (and if
you sign up for all four and/or if you missed Rod's brilliant talk last week, recordings will be available).
Rod's talk: On Wednesday 31st May, Rod revealed his 10 top tips for reading your chart – or anyone else’s
Rod's talk: On Wednesday 31st May, Rod revealed his 10 top tips for reading your chart – or anyone else’s
I'm proud as punch that my article about Neptune Transits, first published in Smiljana Gavrančić's wonderful Infinity Astrological Magazine, has been re-published on astro.com.
And check out the latest issue of Infinity Astrological Magazine - I.A.M. - with articles on the theme of the gatekeeper from a wide ranges of astrologers and disciplines. This issue I write about claustrophobia at the movies (with an analysis of the chart of Hollywood superstar Ryan Reynolds)
And while you're here, sign up to the Academy of Astrology UK newsletter. It's free and every month contains links to our latest articles and YouTube videos as well as course updates.
With love, Mandi xxx
Stones Image Source: CC0 Public Domain, by Einfach-Eves via pixabay.com