An old classic from Nat King Cole.
A perfect accompaniment to the Leo New Moon on July 30.
"Roll out those lazy, hazy, crazy days of summer
Those days of soda and pretzels and beer
Roll out those lazy, hazy, crazy days of summer
Dust off the sun and moon and sing a song of cheer"
You'll wish that summer could always be here....
With love,
Friday, 29 July 2011
Monday, 25 July 2011
Amy Winehouse, the 27 Club & the Secondary Progressed Moon Cycle
The astrological blog-o-sphere is awash with opinion about the astrological measurements that symbolise the tragic early death of singer Amy Winehouse. Her death at 27 puts her in the infamous ‘27 Club’ a well documented group of wild creative geniuses who left this planet at the same age. The group includes Jim Morrison, Brian Jones, Janis Joplin, Jimi Hendrix and Kurt Cobain.
Astrologically, age 27 is associated with the first progressed lunar return – the time when the secondary progressed Moon returns to its natal position. Amy had a progressed lunar return just six months ago.
Earlier this year I wrote a detailed article about the progressed lunar cycle - a cycle of emotional maturity. The article also explores the relationship between the progressed lunar return and the Saturn return which closely follows it:
“The transition from the Child phase to the Adult phase occurs around the age of 27-28, when the secondary progress (SP) Moon returns to its natal position and conjuncts the natal Moon. It is not until we have experienced our first full SP Moon cycle, closely followed by our first Saturn return, that we can truly understand our own emotional needs and get to grips with our place in the world in relation to others. While the Saturn return brings hard work, crisis and the need to let go of the material safety net of our childhood, the first SP Lunar Return, which precedes it, represents a major emotional initiation. We must work to remove the emotional crutches of childhood in order to move into our future. Along the way, we must lose our innocence, but in so doing we become emotionally mature in order to allow ourselves to experience emotional fulfilment and stability in the future”. Read the full article here
To leave around the time of the first progressed lunar return and before the first Saturn return suggests a subconscious reluctance to grow up, an inability to come into full maturity. On the other hand, when we consider the early fame and talent of those in the ‘27 Club’, we could hypothesise that they had simply done all they needed to do, on a spiritual level. They had created their legacy and it was time to move on.
On a karmic level, we could say that having completed one full cycle, these souls had reached a ‘break clause’ in their soul contract which they opted to exercise. I think this hypothesis is supported by the fact that 27 is also marked by the nodal half return, another karmic time point on our journey through incarnation.
One final observation…Amy has an Out of Bounds Moon, a measurement she shares with Kurt Cobain. Steven Forrest has done some fine work on the Out of Bounds Moon. Some of the characteristics he associates with the OOB Moon are: bold, groundbreaking genius; criminal (or alleged criminal) behaviour; zany characters; ‘nice’ outlaws and finally, choosing to leave early, which Forrest describes as a “tendency to walk away from situations which more conventional individuals might consider prestigious or desirable. Voluntarily, they exile themselves from success as it would be defined at the tribal level”. In the case of Winehouse and Cobain, the early exit was at its most extreme and irreversible.
You can read Forrest’s fascinating article on the Out of Bounds Moon here. The article also explains what the Out of Bounds Moon is and how to calculate it.
I could go into a detailed analysis of Winehouse’s chart and the transits for her day of death, but I am not in the habit of doing ‘death predictions’, even after the fact. If you want to look at her chart for yourself, astrologer Frank C Clifford has recently published data, as follows:
Amy Jade Winehouse, R.I.P. Born 14 September 1983, 22:25 GDT, Enfield, London, England. Source: From Winehouse's mother to a mutual friend of astrologer Margaret Zelinski. RR: A.
Alternatively you will find a wealth of articles on other astrology blogs. publishes most of the best.
There is also a whole website dedicated to the astrology of the Club of 27
Comic actor Russell Brand, a friend of Amy's, has written an honest, sincere and moving article about Amy and the nature of addiction. He also relates how at 27 he went into recovery from his own addictions and turned his life around:
See also: The 27's, the Greatest Myth of Rock & Roll, by Eric Segalstad and Josh Hunter. Astrologer Rob Tillett contributed some of the astrological observations to the book.
Rest in Peace Amy, you will be missed.
With love,
A note: If you are about to experience your first SP lunar return or you have an Out of Bounds Moon, this does not mean that you may die. The people discussed above are rare souls indeed and do not reflect tangible possibilities for the rest of us. I would also like to add that this article is not intended to romantise the lifestyle choices that this group of people made. If you are having problems with drugs, alcholol or have other addictions, Astroair urges you to please seek help.
Here again is the link to my article about the Secondary Progressed Moon cycle:
If you liked this post you can sign up to receive Astroair Astrology by email.
Astrologically, age 27 is associated with the first progressed lunar return – the time when the secondary progressed Moon returns to its natal position. Amy had a progressed lunar return just six months ago.
Earlier this year I wrote a detailed article about the progressed lunar cycle - a cycle of emotional maturity. The article also explores the relationship between the progressed lunar return and the Saturn return which closely follows it:
“The transition from the Child phase to the Adult phase occurs around the age of 27-28, when the secondary progress (SP) Moon returns to its natal position and conjuncts the natal Moon. It is not until we have experienced our first full SP Moon cycle, closely followed by our first Saturn return, that we can truly understand our own emotional needs and get to grips with our place in the world in relation to others. While the Saturn return brings hard work, crisis and the need to let go of the material safety net of our childhood, the first SP Lunar Return, which precedes it, represents a major emotional initiation. We must work to remove the emotional crutches of childhood in order to move into our future. Along the way, we must lose our innocence, but in so doing we become emotionally mature in order to allow ourselves to experience emotional fulfilment and stability in the future”. Read the full article here
To leave around the time of the first progressed lunar return and before the first Saturn return suggests a subconscious reluctance to grow up, an inability to come into full maturity. On the other hand, when we consider the early fame and talent of those in the ‘27 Club’, we could hypothesise that they had simply done all they needed to do, on a spiritual level. They had created their legacy and it was time to move on.
On a karmic level, we could say that having completed one full cycle, these souls had reached a ‘break clause’ in their soul contract which they opted to exercise. I think this hypothesis is supported by the fact that 27 is also marked by the nodal half return, another karmic time point on our journey through incarnation.
One final observation…Amy has an Out of Bounds Moon, a measurement she shares with Kurt Cobain. Steven Forrest has done some fine work on the Out of Bounds Moon. Some of the characteristics he associates with the OOB Moon are: bold, groundbreaking genius; criminal (or alleged criminal) behaviour; zany characters; ‘nice’ outlaws and finally, choosing to leave early, which Forrest describes as a “tendency to walk away from situations which more conventional individuals might consider prestigious or desirable. Voluntarily, they exile themselves from success as it would be defined at the tribal level”. In the case of Winehouse and Cobain, the early exit was at its most extreme and irreversible.
You can read Forrest’s fascinating article on the Out of Bounds Moon here. The article also explains what the Out of Bounds Moon is and how to calculate it.
I could go into a detailed analysis of Winehouse’s chart and the transits for her day of death, but I am not in the habit of doing ‘death predictions’, even after the fact. If you want to look at her chart for yourself, astrologer Frank C Clifford has recently published data, as follows:
Amy Jade Winehouse, R.I.P. Born 14 September 1983, 22:25 GDT, Enfield, London, England. Source: From Winehouse's mother to a mutual friend of astrologer Margaret Zelinski. RR: A.
Alternatively you will find a wealth of articles on other astrology blogs. publishes most of the best.
There is also a whole website dedicated to the astrology of the Club of 27
Comic actor Russell Brand, a friend of Amy's, has written an honest, sincere and moving article about Amy and the nature of addiction. He also relates how at 27 he went into recovery from his own addictions and turned his life around:
See also: The 27's, the Greatest Myth of Rock & Roll, by Eric Segalstad and Josh Hunter. Astrologer Rob Tillett contributed some of the astrological observations to the book.
Rest in Peace Amy, you will be missed.
With love,
A note: If you are about to experience your first SP lunar return or you have an Out of Bounds Moon, this does not mean that you may die. The people discussed above are rare souls indeed and do not reflect tangible possibilities for the rest of us. I would also like to add that this article is not intended to romantise the lifestyle choices that this group of people made. If you are having problems with drugs, alcholol or have other addictions, Astroair urges you to please seek help.
Here again is the link to my article about the Secondary Progressed Moon cycle:
If you liked this post you can sign up to receive Astroair Astrology by email.
Friday, 22 July 2011
Astrology for July ~ Pt. 3 The Lion and the Maiden
My astro-preview this month is split into three parts, published a few days apart. A summary list of all July’s events and links is included at the end of each post. Click for Part 1 and Part 2
July 22/23*: Sun enters Leo
The Sun is out and proud! In loyal Leo, the Sun leads by the heart and it’s time to express yourself with pride, vitality and warmth. This is a great Sun placement for anyone who wants to be noticed and enjoys a sense of drama. If you’re going to do it, do it large while the Sun is in Leo! The Sun in Leo also stimulates our creative energy, along with our innate magnanimity. What could possibly go wrong with the Sun in this lovely sign? Well, watch out for childish behaviour, stubbornness and excessive ego/arrogance when the Sun is in Leo. Instead, remind yourself of the lessons of Leo - to lead honourably, to behave generously, to live life creatively and dramatically and to shine without leaving others in the shade.
Enjoy the Sun in Leo and a happy birthday to all you Lions out there! Here are some quotes from some very well known Leos.
The Sun will be in Leo until August 23.
July 28: Venus enters Leo
Venus the planet of love and affection joins the Sun in Leo. This placement urges us to express our affections with warmth and enthusiasm. Venus in Leo needs to remember though that there are two people in every relationship and it’s not appropriate for one partner to take up all the emotional space, there needs to be space for both partners to feel and express themselves. On the upside, Venus in Leo gives affection generously and enthusiastically and receives affection with good grace and an open heart. Most of all, Venus in Leo is a highly creative and sociable placement which urges us, through our relationships, to bring our inner child out to play. Enjoy!
Venus will be in Leo until August 21
July 28: Mercury enters Virgo
Mercury feels right at home in the exacting sign of Virgo. This is a time to think logically, critically, analytically and to use our words, minds and hands to be helpful and provide service to others. The energies for this Virgo placement are great for paying attention to detail, thinking things through with a healthy does of scepticism and communicating in a matter of fact, down to earth way. This can also be a humbling placement for Mercury, but perhaps that’s a good thing to counteract the ego centric energies of Sun and Venus in Leo. Just be careful of not being overly negative, taking on too much or losing sight of the bigger picture.
It would be wise to tackle anything complex or detailed and to have any difficult conversations before Mercury in Virgo turns retrograde in early August.
Mercury will turn Retrograde in Virgo on August 2/3. It re-enters Leo on August 7/8. It turns direct on August 26 and re-enters Virgo on September 8/9 where it stays until September 25.
July 30: New Moon in Leo ~ Lions in the Shade
The New Moon is the dark time of the month. This New Moon is in Leo, the sign that loves the brightness of the Sun, so what happens when you put Leo in the shadows? Well, simply put, the Lion takes a nap. He might be the king of the jungle, but he’s lazy at heart and can’t be in the spotlight all of the time!
For all of us - but particularly those with the Sun or Moon (or to a lesser extent other planets and angles) at 6-8 degrees of Leo or Aquarius - this New Moon is a time to recharge our batteries. Enough of work already, it’s time to rest and it’s time to play. Indulging in any kind of play now, in the widest sense of the word, is a great way to stimulate your inner child and get those creative juices running for the month ahead.
If you do anything this New Moon, make sure you do it with pride, warmth, confidence and generosity. Make those lions proud.
Summary of July’s Main Events
July 1: Eclipsed New Moon at 9 degrees Cancer
July 1/2*: Mercury enters Leo
July 3/4*: Venus enters Cancer
July 9/10*: Uranus turns retrograde at 5 degrees Aries
July 13: Venus in Cancer square Saturn in Libra (11 degrees)
July 14/15*: Full Moon at 22 degrees Capricorn
July 22/23*: Sun enters Leo
July 28: Venus enters Leo
July 28: Mercury enters Virgo
July 30: New Moon at 7 degrees Leo
Click for Void of Course Moon times for July
Click for Astroair’s three month Solstice Forecast
NOTE: *Where two dates are given, the event occurs on the earlier date in American time zones and on the later date in European time zones. This is due only to time differences on the clock, in reality the event occurs simultaneously everywhere. In the summary of July’s events the degrees have been rounded up or down to the nearest degree.
With love, Mandi
July 22/23*: Sun enters Leo
The Sun is out and proud! In loyal Leo, the Sun leads by the heart and it’s time to express yourself with pride, vitality and warmth. This is a great Sun placement for anyone who wants to be noticed and enjoys a sense of drama. If you’re going to do it, do it large while the Sun is in Leo! The Sun in Leo also stimulates our creative energy, along with our innate magnanimity. What could possibly go wrong with the Sun in this lovely sign? Well, watch out for childish behaviour, stubbornness and excessive ego/arrogance when the Sun is in Leo. Instead, remind yourself of the lessons of Leo - to lead honourably, to behave generously, to live life creatively and dramatically and to shine without leaving others in the shade.
Enjoy the Sun in Leo and a happy birthday to all you Lions out there! Here are some quotes from some very well known Leos.
The Sun will be in Leo until August 23.
July 28: Venus enters Leo
Venus the planet of love and affection joins the Sun in Leo. This placement urges us to express our affections with warmth and enthusiasm. Venus in Leo needs to remember though that there are two people in every relationship and it’s not appropriate for one partner to take up all the emotional space, there needs to be space for both partners to feel and express themselves. On the upside, Venus in Leo gives affection generously and enthusiastically and receives affection with good grace and an open heart. Most of all, Venus in Leo is a highly creative and sociable placement which urges us, through our relationships, to bring our inner child out to play. Enjoy!
Venus will be in Leo until August 21
July 28: Mercury enters Virgo
Mercury feels right at home in the exacting sign of Virgo. This is a time to think logically, critically, analytically and to use our words, minds and hands to be helpful and provide service to others. The energies for this Virgo placement are great for paying attention to detail, thinking things through with a healthy does of scepticism and communicating in a matter of fact, down to earth way. This can also be a humbling placement for Mercury, but perhaps that’s a good thing to counteract the ego centric energies of Sun and Venus in Leo. Just be careful of not being overly negative, taking on too much or losing sight of the bigger picture.
It would be wise to tackle anything complex or detailed and to have any difficult conversations before Mercury in Virgo turns retrograde in early August.
Mercury will turn Retrograde in Virgo on August 2/3. It re-enters Leo on August 7/8. It turns direct on August 26 and re-enters Virgo on September 8/9 where it stays until September 25.
July 30: New Moon in Leo ~ Lions in the Shade
The New Moon is the dark time of the month. This New Moon is in Leo, the sign that loves the brightness of the Sun, so what happens when you put Leo in the shadows? Well, simply put, the Lion takes a nap. He might be the king of the jungle, but he’s lazy at heart and can’t be in the spotlight all of the time!
For all of us - but particularly those with the Sun or Moon (or to a lesser extent other planets and angles) at 6-8 degrees of Leo or Aquarius - this New Moon is a time to recharge our batteries. Enough of work already, it’s time to rest and it’s time to play. Indulging in any kind of play now, in the widest sense of the word, is a great way to stimulate your inner child and get those creative juices running for the month ahead.
If you do anything this New Moon, make sure you do it with pride, warmth, confidence and generosity. Make those lions proud.
Summary of July’s Main Events
July 1: Eclipsed New Moon at 9 degrees Cancer
July 1/2*: Mercury enters Leo
July 3/4*: Venus enters Cancer
July 9/10*: Uranus turns retrograde at 5 degrees Aries
July 13: Venus in Cancer square Saturn in Libra (11 degrees)
July 14/15*: Full Moon at 22 degrees Capricorn
July 22/23*: Sun enters Leo
July 28: Venus enters Leo
July 28: Mercury enters Virgo
July 30: New Moon at 7 degrees Leo
Click for Void of Course Moon times for July
Click for Astroair’s three month Solstice Forecast
NOTE: *Where two dates are given, the event occurs on the earlier date in American time zones and on the later date in European time zones. This is due only to time differences on the clock, in reality the event occurs simultaneously everywhere. In the summary of July’s events the degrees have been rounded up or down to the nearest degree.
With love, Mandi
Tuesday, 19 July 2011
Will David Cameron Survive the News of the World Scandal?
i newspaper headline 19 July '11 |
Why is Cameron in such a dangerous position now? Well, the two most senior officers in the Metropolitan police resigned yesterday over the scandal, specifically over the Met’s appointment of former News of the World journo Neil Wallis. Wallis has also since been arrested over the hacking scandal. So the question is, if that is enough to bring down two Met chiefs, why not Cameron, whose appointment of Coulson seems just as dodgy as the Met’s hiring of Wallis?
Let’s take a look at the charts. Below is a tri-wheel. In the centre is the UK 1801 chart, Cameron’s chart is in the middle, and around the outside are the transits for tomorrow when Cameron will be back in parliament. (Tri-wheels can look at bit busy, so the individual charts are posted at the end.)
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With a Libra ASC and first house, the UK prides itself on its fair and just society, as well as on its diplomacy, its negotiating expertise and its ability to get along with other countries. Simply put, the UK wants to be liked, it aims to please. With Cameron’s Venus so tightly conjunct the UK ASC and because Venus is highly dignified in Libra by ruler-ship, it is easy and natural for Cameron to channel and represent these positive UK ‘qualities’.
Cameron’s Sun in Libra also falls in the UK’s first house and this is where the picture gets more difficult for him. Traditionally, the Sun in Libra is in its fall. Planets in their fall are said to feel uncomfortable and weak, with reduced power to assert themselves. The Sun in Libra therefore needs the support of others to achieve its goals. We can see how Cameron has made the most of his networks to gain power, starting off with an Eton/Oxbridge education, a combination that is still a ticket to power, if you can afford it. Even before the hacking scandal blew up, there were rumblings about Cameron’s background amongst certain sectors when he announced his government austerity measures (severe cuts in jobs and services). They asked whether a man of his privilege could have any understanding of the ordinary concerns of the ordinary citizens he represents.
Now, during this hacking scandal, we are learning more about the other networks that have helped Cameron into power, notably, his personal friendships with influential News International executives and the ill judged role he gave to Coulson, who had resigned from the News of the World way back in 2007 over phone hacking. It has also been implied by commentators that News International dropped any residual support of the Labour party by its tabloids before the 2010 general election because Labour didn’t back Murdoch’s BskyB bid. It is rumored that the conservatives were more willing to support the deal so the papers went with them. It can’t be underestimated how influential the newspapers still are when it comes to elections in the UK.
Now these relationships, and others, so carefully nurtured by Cameron are starting to fall apart. Often, when a planet is in its fall, there is a humbling experience when those factors or people who ‘propped up’ the planet start to fall away. This is certainly what is happening now.
What of the transits? Well this is where it gets very interesting. Transiting Saturn is moving through the crucial 1st house in the charts of both the UK and David Cameron. Transiting Saturn is urging us, as a nation, as well as urging Cameron personally, to see reality as it really is. It is asking us to take responsibility for our actions and address wrongdoings. With Saturn you get out what you put in and if what you put in is criminal or immoral or not in the best interests of the collective, Saturn will not let you get away with it. Saturn transits also teach us lessons and ask us to restructure aspects of ourselves, or in this context, to restructure our media, government and police force. In Libra, Saturn also speaks about how we handle our relationships and about justice and the law. Transiting Saturn has already made two hits on Cameron’s Sun and will make the final hit in early September. Cameron needs to put things right. He cannot get away with cutting corners, fudging or not telling ‘the whole truth and nothing but the truth’. Lies will be exposed.
This is dramatically underlined by the relationship of the UK chart and Cameron’s chart to the moving Uranus-Pluto square. The challenging alignments of these two planets are associated with huge and often revolutionary changes in society, culture and politics. They symbolize energy for change and revolution. They bring shocks, breakdowns, breakthroughs and seemingly sudden, but far reaching events that alter everything. This is a long transit. We are already feeling it quite obviously in the collective even though it’s yet to make an exact hit. The first of seven hits comes in June 2012 and the final hit will be in March 2015. The rounded up cardinal degrees for the exact alignments are 8, 7, 11, 9, 14, 13 and 15. Notice how the first four hit the angles of the UK chart. Notice also how the Uranus-Pluto square will form a t-square with Cameron’s Venus and then his Sun, giving him a mega-transit that will last until 2015!
Whether he ‘survives’ this scandal or not, there seems little doubt that the fate of the UK is tied up with the fate of Cameron. Uranus-Pluto can mean a metaphorical ‘sudden death’ in this context, but on the other hand, Pluto is the survivor. I wouldn’t like to make a call either way on whether Cameron will lose his office, except to say that I will not be totally surprised if he does go as a direct or indirect result of this mess, if not immediately, but further down the line. Perhaps he will charm his way through the Uranus-Pluto transit to his Venus, but then fall when it hits his debilitated Sun in Libra?
Time will tell us the fate of Cameron and his government, but will the UK establishment ever be the same again? For myself, I very much hope that things will change for the better. Or maybe after the hacking scandal has blown over and few heads have conveniently rolled, we will go back to ‘business as usual’ at UK plc, like we did after the banking crisis and the parliamentary expenses scandal. For all our sakes, I truly hope that this is not the case.
With love,
Related posts:
No More Secrets, Pluto in Capricorn
The Lid Comes Off the Jar, Pholus, the Murdoch’s and the News of the World Scandal
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Friday, 15 July 2011
The Lid Comes off the Jar ~ Pholus, the Murdochs and the NoW Scandal
Watching news coverage of Rupert Murdoch’s personal apology to the Dowler family this evening, the reporter likened the whole News of the World scandal to the lid coming off the jar as the revelations continue to unfold in the phone hacking scandal.
The lid coming off the jar reminded me of Melanie Reinhart’s description of the centaur Pholus. It was no surprise then to discover that Murdoch is having a Pholus transit. Pholus is currently positioned at 14 Sagittarius 38 retrograde. Sagittarius of course is the sign of internationalism and publishing. Transiting Pholus is squaring Murdoch’s natal Mercury (news, communication, information) at 15 Pisces 56. Yes indeed, the lid has come off the jar, as the world finally understands exactly what went on at his News International business and possibly beyond.
Zane B Stein describes Pholus as “like a pressure release, akin to shaking up a bottle of Pepsi on a hot day, and promptly opening it. It's just that the stuff keeps coming out. A genie coming out of a bottle is perhaps a better metaphor, but that, too, comes with the sense of materialization. Pholus has a quality of opening the door to the infinite. Depending on the door, that may or may not be helpful, or seem helpful, but it is what it is and when Pholus has become active, it's necessary to get out of denial and work with the energy consciously.”
You can easily draw your own conclusion about how the themes of Pholus are reflected in this massive current news story. Stein goes on to say that Pholus, “is the Centaur of fast-moving changes, or rapid transformations.”
Stein also explains how Pholus’ orbit crosses that of both Uranus (shocks, revolutionary energy, breakdowns and breakthroughs) and Neptune (media, deception, scandals). Therefore, it’s safe to assume that Pholus picks up and carries the energies of both planets as it moves through the zodiac and we can easily see those themes here.
Robert von Heeren adds that Pholus is "the catalyst and provider for a landslide-like change (in history for example) and turning some cases, Pholus activity represents or instigates situations in which something gets out and you cannot get it back in, such as when riots begin and the government cannot stop them, or you make one change and it cascades into a series of other developments. This same quality also gives Pholus experiences the quality of a leap to a new level.”
Perhaps we can add that Murdoch’s natal Mercury, in its fall in Pisces, has made self deception and a loss of touch with the reality of a situation an easy space for his mindset to end up in and with that Mercury on his IC, opposing his MC, it's all tied up with his roots, where he came from and how he has expressed himself through his career. Now, with Pholus charging up that Mercury, it’s all coming out, in the most public of ways.
What about Murdoch’s natal Pholus? At just short of 6 degrees of Capricorn, its conjunct his Ascendant (ego, identity), at 2 Capricorn and opposite his Jupiter (again, publishing and internationalism) at 10 Capricorn in his ‘relationship with the public’ 7th house.
Another quality given to Pholus is that is symbolises anything that involves three generations. The whole News International affair centres around Rupert Murdoch and his son James, Chief Executive of News Corporation, which oversees News International. That’s two generations. The third? Well, today, when Murdoch Snr. personally apologised to the Dowler family, he is reported as saying that the News of the World’s actions were not the standard set by his journalist father. Remember, his natal Mercury on the IC (roots, father) is receiving a transit from Pholus. We can easily surmise that Murdoch can imagine his father telling him how ashamed he is by what has happened.
James Murdoch, born on 13 December 1972 in Wimbledon London (source Wikipedia) has three planets in Sagittarius (Sun, Mercury and Neptune), the sign that Pholus is currently transiting. More remarkably, transiting Pholus is currently opposing his Saturn (authority, lessons, karma, taking responsibility, father issues) at 16 Gemini 44. Natally, Murdoch Jnr. Has Pholus at 1 Pisces 47, tightly square his natal Mercury at 0 Sagittarius 29.
The lid really has come off the jar in a nuclear reaction type fashion and the astrology is strongly suggesting that these two men, the mastheads at the front of the whole saga, must take responsibility and try to right the wrongs of the past, not just their own personal wrongs, but the crimes and misdemeanours of their whole tribe of news makers.
With love,
Pholus info from
Special thanks to for the Pholus ephemeris.
Chart data for Rupert Murdoch from
Additional research:
Thursday, 7 July 2011
No More Secrets ~ Pluto in Capricorn
It seems there can no longer be any secrets.
Yesterday’s Evening Standard opinion piece began, “This is an age of institutional and professional crisis”. As an astrologer I would add, “This is the age of Pluto in Capricorn”.
Since the God of the Underworld moved into the sign of corporate business, authority figures, politics, and working practices, revelation after revelation has been dug up and exposed to the light. It’s been hard even to keep up with developments, but here are a few notable examples.
In 2008, just as Pluto was dipping its toe in Capricorn and the expansive, bloated, globalising Pluto in Sagittarius era was concluding, "the financial sector was rocked to its foundations by global nemesis". That’s another quote from The Evening Standard. I couldn’t phrase it myself with more Pluto in Capricorn gusto! The upshot was that the financial world got so high on profiting from reckless lending that they forgot to notice when there was nothing left to lend. I don’t need to point out, dear reader, that we are all still paying the price several years later.
In 2009, the wealth management business of Bernard Madoff was exposed as a fraudulent Ponzi scheme. Thousands of investors lost billions of dollars. 73 year old Madoff was convicted to 150 years in prison. I’m guessing he’ll have to finish his sentence in Hades’ realm.
Also in 2009, the UK parliamentary expenses scandal “swept through the Palace of Westminster like a cleansing fire” when the Daily Telegraph published details of controversial expenses claims. The scandal led to the resignation of a number of high profile politicians. Subsequently, a handful of MPs/former MPs and Peers have faced criminal charges, guilty verdicts and custodial sentences. Many more made a gesture of paying back some of the taxpayer money they had erroneously claimed as expenses. Some of the most notorious examples of fraudulent or inappropriate expense claims included numerous unnecessary second homes, a duck island, the cost of maintaining a moat and porn movie rentals.
Now, this week, we are in the midst of the latest and the worst episode in the News of the World phone hacking scandal. The heinous practices of the tabloid rag were first exposed in 2005 following intrusion into the private lives of the Royals, leading to two criminal prosecutions. Then, in July 2009 the story resurfaced when The Guardian newspaper alleged that over 3,000 celebrities, politicians and other public figures had been hacked. It was also alleged that NoW paid off some of the victims to avoid legal action.
Remember, for most of 2008 and 2009, Pluto was on or around the revelatory Aries Point, the point at zero degrees of the cardinal signs (Aries, Cancer, Libra, Capricorn) where the private becomes public and the personal becomes political. Well, Pluto at 0 Capricorn certainly didn’t disappoint on that score!
Also in late 2008 and through to mid 2010, we were in the midst of a series of status quo shaking Saturn and Uranus oppositions. These oppositions, the half way peak of the current Saturn-Uranus cycle, symbolized a societal crisis point and the collective urge for change. Out with the old, in with the new was the rallying cry. In the US, it was Barack Obama who answered the call, becoming America’s first black president. In the UK it was out with Labour and in with a Conservative-Liberal Democrat coalition.
In late 2009, Saturn dipped his scythe into Libra and began a sequence of dynamic and stressful squares with Pluto. The information dredged up under Pluto in Capricorn’s energies met the energies of harsh but fair Saturn in Libra. Out came the scales of justice and the purging began. In fact, it was in Feb 2010, just days after the second exact hit of this aspect that it was announced that a number of individuals would face criminal charges in the parliamentary expenses scandal. All of them were convicted.
Back to the hacking scandal and it now seems clear that Pluto isn’t through with the News of the World. The story has been rumbling on and refusing to go away since the 2009 Guardian allegations and has slowly been building momentum. That said, the general public seemed quite ambivalent about tales of celebrities being hacked, perhaps because they understood the mutually dependent relationship between celebs and the tabloids in the PR driven fame game.
Everything changed this week. The tipping point in public and media opinion came when it was revealed that the mobile phone of murdered teenager Milly Dowler was hacked and messages deleted, giving her family false hope that she was still alive. It’s also been revealed that this was by no means a one off. The bereaved families of other murder victims and terrorist attack victims were also hacked. More names are being added to the list daily. Advertisers are pulling out of NoW faster than you can blink.
What is also shocking is that these hackings go back at least as far as 2002. Furthermore, the evidence of this week’s revelations was unearthed way back in 2005/2006. Why was it sat upon for so long? What was the true nature of the relationship between NoW and the Metropolitan Police? Already, it’s been alleged that NoW paid the Met for stories. Did the NoW editors of the day really know nothing about what was going on at the paper they were in charge of, as they claim? What about NoW’s relationship with government? Certainly, two former NoW editors who were at the helm when the alleged hackings took place have been closely linked with the Prime Minister David Cameron.
The News of the World is ultimately owned by media plutocrat Rupert Murdoch. It will be interesting to see how he comes out of all this and what becomes of his takeover bid for BSkyB, a dealing facing ever growing mass public protest. Transiting Pluto has already completed a series of conjunctions to Murdoch’s Capricorn Ascendant, but it seems that Pluto is not through with him yet. (Astrodatabank)
Click on the link for a timeline of how this story has unfolded.
For the BBC’s Q&A, click here
The words heinous, disgusting, repulsive and shocking have all been used extensively to describe the NoW scandal. These are very Uranian words. Pluto in Capricorn and Uranus in Aries are rumbling ever closer to their first exact square next year. In fact, they have been close enough to count as ‘in aspect’ for some time now, for the purposes of mundane (world) astrology anyhow. Uranus-Pluto is the revolutionary, everything must change, nothing will be the same again aspect. Just look at what has been unfolding in the Middle East and North Africa.
This powerful Uranus-Pluto square alignment, the first major crisis point for this planetary cycle since their world shaking mid-sixties conjunction, takes us right through to 2015. What we are seeing now is merely the tip of a very large iceberg. When Uranus and Pluto find their momentum, no government or corporate ship will be unsinkable. If you’ve anything to hide, you’d better find out where the lifejackets are kept.
With love,
Yesterday’s Evening Standard opinion piece began, “This is an age of institutional and professional crisis”. As an astrologer I would add, “This is the age of Pluto in Capricorn”.
Since the God of the Underworld moved into the sign of corporate business, authority figures, politics, and working practices, revelation after revelation has been dug up and exposed to the light. It’s been hard even to keep up with developments, but here are a few notable examples.
In 2008, just as Pluto was dipping its toe in Capricorn and the expansive, bloated, globalising Pluto in Sagittarius era was concluding, "the financial sector was rocked to its foundations by global nemesis". That’s another quote from The Evening Standard. I couldn’t phrase it myself with more Pluto in Capricorn gusto! The upshot was that the financial world got so high on profiting from reckless lending that they forgot to notice when there was nothing left to lend. I don’t need to point out, dear reader, that we are all still paying the price several years later.
In 2009, the wealth management business of Bernard Madoff was exposed as a fraudulent Ponzi scheme. Thousands of investors lost billions of dollars. 73 year old Madoff was convicted to 150 years in prison. I’m guessing he’ll have to finish his sentence in Hades’ realm.
Sir Peter Viggers' Duck Island |
Now, this week, we are in the midst of the latest and the worst episode in the News of the World phone hacking scandal. The heinous practices of the tabloid rag were first exposed in 2005 following intrusion into the private lives of the Royals, leading to two criminal prosecutions. Then, in July 2009 the story resurfaced when The Guardian newspaper alleged that over 3,000 celebrities, politicians and other public figures had been hacked. It was also alleged that NoW paid off some of the victims to avoid legal action.
Remember, for most of 2008 and 2009, Pluto was on or around the revelatory Aries Point, the point at zero degrees of the cardinal signs (Aries, Cancer, Libra, Capricorn) where the private becomes public and the personal becomes political. Well, Pluto at 0 Capricorn certainly didn’t disappoint on that score!
Also in late 2008 and through to mid 2010, we were in the midst of a series of status quo shaking Saturn and Uranus oppositions. These oppositions, the half way peak of the current Saturn-Uranus cycle, symbolized a societal crisis point and the collective urge for change. Out with the old, in with the new was the rallying cry. In the US, it was Barack Obama who answered the call, becoming America’s first black president. In the UK it was out with Labour and in with a Conservative-Liberal Democrat coalition.
In late 2009, Saturn dipped his scythe into Libra and began a sequence of dynamic and stressful squares with Pluto. The information dredged up under Pluto in Capricorn’s energies met the energies of harsh but fair Saturn in Libra. Out came the scales of justice and the purging began. In fact, it was in Feb 2010, just days after the second exact hit of this aspect that it was announced that a number of individuals would face criminal charges in the parliamentary expenses scandal. All of them were convicted.
Sienna Miller, phone hacking victim |
Everything changed this week. The tipping point in public and media opinion came when it was revealed that the mobile phone of murdered teenager Milly Dowler was hacked and messages deleted, giving her family false hope that she was still alive. It’s also been revealed that this was by no means a one off. The bereaved families of other murder victims and terrorist attack victims were also hacked. More names are being added to the list daily. Advertisers are pulling out of NoW faster than you can blink.
What is also shocking is that these hackings go back at least as far as 2002. Furthermore, the evidence of this week’s revelations was unearthed way back in 2005/2006. Why was it sat upon for so long? What was the true nature of the relationship between NoW and the Metropolitan Police? Already, it’s been alleged that NoW paid the Met for stories. Did the NoW editors of the day really know nothing about what was going on at the paper they were in charge of, as they claim? What about NoW’s relationship with government? Certainly, two former NoW editors who were at the helm when the alleged hackings took place have been closely linked with the Prime Minister David Cameron.
The News of the World is ultimately owned by media plutocrat Rupert Murdoch. It will be interesting to see how he comes out of all this and what becomes of his takeover bid for BSkyB, a dealing facing ever growing mass public protest. Transiting Pluto has already completed a series of conjunctions to Murdoch’s Capricorn Ascendant, but it seems that Pluto is not through with him yet. (Astrodatabank)
Click on the link for a timeline of how this story has unfolded.
For the BBC’s Q&A, click here
The words heinous, disgusting, repulsive and shocking have all been used extensively to describe the NoW scandal. These are very Uranian words. Pluto in Capricorn and Uranus in Aries are rumbling ever closer to their first exact square next year. In fact, they have been close enough to count as ‘in aspect’ for some time now, for the purposes of mundane (world) astrology anyhow. Uranus-Pluto is the revolutionary, everything must change, nothing will be the same again aspect. Just look at what has been unfolding in the Middle East and North Africa.
This powerful Uranus-Pluto square alignment, the first major crisis point for this planetary cycle since their world shaking mid-sixties conjunction, takes us right through to 2015. What we are seeing now is merely the tip of a very large iceberg. When Uranus and Pluto find their momentum, no government or corporate ship will be unsinkable. If you’ve anything to hide, you’d better find out where the lifejackets are kept.
With love,
Tuesday, 5 July 2011
Astrology for July ~ Pt. 2 Backwards and Full
My astro-preview this month is split into three parts, published a few days apart. A summary list of all July’s events and links is included at the end of each post. Click for Pt. 1
July 9/10*: Uranus turns retrograde ~ The Storm Breaks
The Retrograde period for any planet symbolises a time when the energies and urges the planet represents go inwards, slow down and come up for review.
What does this mean for intense, rebellious, freedom loving Uranus?
A burst of exciting, electrifying energy is likely when Uranus goes retrograde, preceded by a sense of frustration as it slows down before turning. It’s a bit like the feeling when the sky feels dark and heavy and you know a storm is coming. Dramatic change is in the air. When the storm breaks there’s a big sense of relief and awe as the heavens open up and crack with lightning.
Uranus turns retrograde at 04Ari34 and turns direct on 10 Dec 2011 at 00Ari39. If you have planet or angles between zero and four degrees of the cardinal signs (Aries, Cancer, Libra, Capricorn) you will get the second hit of a Uranus transit while Uranus is retrograde. (Get your chart for free at
Under a Uranus transit things suddenly become clearer. The urge for freedom, to break out of a rut seems intense. Change is coming over the horizon, but you don’t quite know what that change will look like or when exactly it will arrive, but you hope that clear blue skies will follow the storm. You may feel inspired and energetic about embracing the new and full of inventive ideas. Expect the unexpected under a Uranus transit! During this retrograde second hit of your transit you may feel that old ground is being re-covered or you might feel frustrated that change and freedom is coming too slowly. Don’t rush to make all or nothing changes now, but do claim some space and a little extra freedom for yourself though, this is important for finding and holding a clear perspective on all the craziness that may be going on around you.
For more on Uranus transits, have a look at my recent post about Good News Uranus Transits here and also see Uranus in Aries Transits
Tuning into the Sky God: I love synchronicity and as I started to write this slot about Uranus a storm broke and as I finish the storm is passing and I can glimpse a little bit of blue sky beyond the clouds.
July 14/15*: Full Moon in Capricorn
In Capricorn, this Full Moon brings to a head issues associated with the sign of the sea goat, whose goal is to cross every raging torrent and conquer every mountain top, little by little, steady as he goes. Yes, Capricorn is the upwardly mobile organizer-administrator of the zodiac, the practical, ‘get things done’ type, driven by ambition and the need to progress.
The Capricorn Moon opposes the Cancer Sun. Oppositions invite us to see the other side of things and to find a balance between the opposing urges of the two signs involved. With Capricorn and Cancer, the need to balance work life and home/family life could crop up. With more of us working longer and harder to provide for ourselves and our families, our ability to hold things in equilibrium needs addressing. While we need to be financially secure (Capricorn), we also need to remember that emotional security (Cancer) is just as important.
Venus Square Saturn: Ultimately Full Moons, being oppositions, are about relationships. Because this Full Moon is accompanied by a square between Venus in protective, sensitive Cancer square Saturn in partnership focussed Libra, it’s reasonable to expect that our relationships could feel tested during this Full Moon and the few days leading up to it. Perhaps it’s time for us to consider setting some healthy boundaries in all our partnerships.
This Full Moon will be particularly relevant if you have planets or angles around 22 degrees of Cancer, Capricorn, Aries or Libra. Venus square Saturn (exact on July 13) will be relevant to you if you have planets or angles around 11 degrees of Cancer, Capricorn, Aries or Libra.
Summary of July’s Main Events
July 1: Eclipsed New Moon at 9 degrees Cancer
July 1/2*: Mercury enters Leo
July 3/4*: Venus enters Cancer
July 9/10*: Uranus turns retrograde at 5 degrees Aries
July 13: Venus in Cancer square Saturn in Libra (11 degrees)
July 14/15*: Full Moon at 22 degrees Capricorn
July 22/23*: Sun enters Leo
July 28: Venus enters Leo
July 28: Mercury enters Virgo
July 30: New Moon at 7 degrees Leo
Click for Void of Course Moon times for July
Click for Astroair’s three month Solstice Forecast
NOTE: *Where two dates are given, the event occurs on the earlier date in American time zones and on the later date in European time zones. This is due only to time differences on the clock, in reality the event occurs simultaneously everywhere. In the summary of July’s events the degrees have been rounded up or down to the nearest degree.
Picture credit: Nasa
With love, Mandi
July 9/10*: Uranus turns retrograde ~ The Storm Breaks
The Retrograde period for any planet symbolises a time when the energies and urges the planet represents go inwards, slow down and come up for review.
What does this mean for intense, rebellious, freedom loving Uranus?
A burst of exciting, electrifying energy is likely when Uranus goes retrograde, preceded by a sense of frustration as it slows down before turning. It’s a bit like the feeling when the sky feels dark and heavy and you know a storm is coming. Dramatic change is in the air. When the storm breaks there’s a big sense of relief and awe as the heavens open up and crack with lightning.
Uranus turns retrograde at 04Ari34 and turns direct on 10 Dec 2011 at 00Ari39. If you have planet or angles between zero and four degrees of the cardinal signs (Aries, Cancer, Libra, Capricorn) you will get the second hit of a Uranus transit while Uranus is retrograde. (Get your chart for free at
Under a Uranus transit things suddenly become clearer. The urge for freedom, to break out of a rut seems intense. Change is coming over the horizon, but you don’t quite know what that change will look like or when exactly it will arrive, but you hope that clear blue skies will follow the storm. You may feel inspired and energetic about embracing the new and full of inventive ideas. Expect the unexpected under a Uranus transit! During this retrograde second hit of your transit you may feel that old ground is being re-covered or you might feel frustrated that change and freedom is coming too slowly. Don’t rush to make all or nothing changes now, but do claim some space and a little extra freedom for yourself though, this is important for finding and holding a clear perspective on all the craziness that may be going on around you.
For more on Uranus transits, have a look at my recent post about Good News Uranus Transits here and also see Uranus in Aries Transits
Tuning into the Sky God: I love synchronicity and as I started to write this slot about Uranus a storm broke and as I finish the storm is passing and I can glimpse a little bit of blue sky beyond the clouds.
July 14/15*: Full Moon in Capricorn
In Capricorn, this Full Moon brings to a head issues associated with the sign of the sea goat, whose goal is to cross every raging torrent and conquer every mountain top, little by little, steady as he goes. Yes, Capricorn is the upwardly mobile organizer-administrator of the zodiac, the practical, ‘get things done’ type, driven by ambition and the need to progress.
The Capricorn Moon opposes the Cancer Sun. Oppositions invite us to see the other side of things and to find a balance between the opposing urges of the two signs involved. With Capricorn and Cancer, the need to balance work life and home/family life could crop up. With more of us working longer and harder to provide for ourselves and our families, our ability to hold things in equilibrium needs addressing. While we need to be financially secure (Capricorn), we also need to remember that emotional security (Cancer) is just as important.
Venus Square Saturn: Ultimately Full Moons, being oppositions, are about relationships. Because this Full Moon is accompanied by a square between Venus in protective, sensitive Cancer square Saturn in partnership focussed Libra, it’s reasonable to expect that our relationships could feel tested during this Full Moon and the few days leading up to it. Perhaps it’s time for us to consider setting some healthy boundaries in all our partnerships.
This Full Moon will be particularly relevant if you have planets or angles around 22 degrees of Cancer, Capricorn, Aries or Libra. Venus square Saturn (exact on July 13) will be relevant to you if you have planets or angles around 11 degrees of Cancer, Capricorn, Aries or Libra.
Summary of July’s Main Events
July 1: Eclipsed New Moon at 9 degrees Cancer
July 1/2*: Mercury enters Leo
July 3/4*: Venus enters Cancer
July 9/10*: Uranus turns retrograde at 5 degrees Aries
July 13: Venus in Cancer square Saturn in Libra (11 degrees)
July 14/15*: Full Moon at 22 degrees Capricorn
July 22/23*: Sun enters Leo
July 28: Venus enters Leo
July 28: Mercury enters Virgo
July 30: New Moon at 7 degrees Leo
Click for Void of Course Moon times for July
Click for Astroair’s three month Solstice Forecast
NOTE: *Where two dates are given, the event occurs on the earlier date in American time zones and on the later date in European time zones. This is due only to time differences on the clock, in reality the event occurs simultaneously everywhere. In the summary of July’s events the degrees have been rounded up or down to the nearest degree.
Picture credit: Nasa
With love, Mandi
Friday, 1 July 2011
Astrology for July (Update 1 - Eclipse)
As an experiment (well, I am having a Uranus transit) my astro-preview this month will be split into three parts, published a few days apart. This is because I’ve decided it’s best to publish a few bite size chunks rather than one long post. Let me know if you disagree. A summary list of all July’s events will be included at the end of each post.
July 1: Cancer New Moon ~ An Eclipse in a Shell
July kicks off with the Sun in sensitive, nurturing Cancer conjunct Moon in Cancer, for an Eclipsed New Moon on the first of the month. Solar Eclipses are times of endings, when something is literally eclipsed. Inherent in endings though are fresh starts and new beginnings, so when something ends it can often be a very positive thing. For example, a marriage marks the end of single life and a long awaited retirement means the end of working life and a new taste of freedom.
Because Solar Eclipses are basically New Moons with a bit of extra pizzazz, similar themes apply. Use this Eclipse time to rest, pause and plan. It’s even OK to retreat into your shell a little bit during this Cancer eclipse, to seek comfort and security at home or around those you are closest to.
This eclipse falls at 9 degrees of Cancer, so will be most relevant to those of you who have a planet or angle between seven and eleven degrees of Cancer, Capricorn, Aries or Libra (get your chart for free at The effect of an Eclipse falling closely in aspect to one of your planets or an angle can last several months. Because eclipses fall in exactly the same sign and degree every 19 years, it’s worth looking back to see what was going on in your life back then, because it could offer you some clues about what this current eclipse means to you personally.
This Eclipse hooks into the Saturn-Uranus-Pluto cardinal t-square, with Saturn at 11 Libra, Uranus at 5 Aries and Pluto at 6 Capricorn. This means that if this eclipse touches one or more of your planets or angles, you are in the midst of, or on the brink of, one or more important transits. I recommend you browse through the articles from last year’s Cardinal T-Square blog-a-thon, which offer plenty of insight, resources, coping mechanisms and healing tips for the transits of Saturn in Libra, Uranus in Aries and Pluto in Capricorn. Please note that orbs are traditionally very tight for transits to natal planets and points. Allow a maximum of two degrees either side.
This is the third eclipse within the last month – see June Astrology ~ Welcome to Eclipse Season for more on the two June eclipses. See also Working with Eclipses for some handy tips on unravelling what your Eclipse transit might mean for you.
July 1/2*: Mercury enters Leo ~ Dramatic Cat
Less than 24 hours after the Eclipse, Mercury, the messenger of the gods, moves out of Cancer and into Leo. What message does this carry for us? In Leo, Mercury communicates with drama and creative flair. It can be given to stubborn or childish tantrums, but at best, this is a Mercury placement that urges us to communicate with humour, warmth and affection. Leo is also a great Mercury sign for intuition, for listening with your heart as well as your head.
It’s a fun game of mine to watch/read the news for stories that reflect the current Mercury placement, especially when Mercury’s in a fire sign. Look out for stories about attention seeking big heads, dramatic announcements and heroic tales of courage while Mercury is in Leo. Kings, Queens and leaders could all be in the spotlight now and expect issues of pride and respect to come up.
Mercury will be in Leo until July 28. It then re-enters Leo on August 7/8 when retrograde. It turns direct on August 26 in Leo and re-enters Virgo on September 8/9 where it stays until September 25.
July 3/4*: Venus enters Cancer ~ Sweet Nothings
When relationship planet Venus moves from Gemini to Cancer, there should be less talking and more holding hands and hugging. Venus in Cancer urges us to express our affection with sensitivity, to give comfort to our loved ones to make them feel safe and secure.
Venus in Cancer easily absorbs the feeling and moods of others, which is why this placement can sometimes feel overly protective. We can easily feel a little crabby when Venus is in this watery sign. Overcome this by putting some effort into nurturing your loved one. A tender caress, a few loving sweet words or a nice home cooked meal are good ways to show your love and appreciation when Venus is in Cancer.
Venus will be in Cancer until July 28.
Summary of July’s Main Events
July 1: Eclipsed New Moon at 9 degrees Cancer
July 1/2*: Mercury enters Leo
July 3/4*: Venus enters Cancer
July 9/10*: Uranus turns retrograde at 5 degrees Aries
July 13: Venus in Cancer square Saturn in Libra (11 degrees)
July 14/15*: Full Moon at 22 degrees Capricorn
July 22/23*: Sun enters Leo
July 28: Venus enters Leo
July 28: Mercury enters Virgo
July 30: New Moon at 7 degrees Leo
Click for Void of Course Moon times for July
Click for Astroair’s three month Solstice Forecast
NOTE: *Where two dates are given, the event occurs on the earlier date in American time zones and on the later date in European time zones. This is due only to time differences on the clock, in reality the event occurs simultaneously everywhere. In the summary of July’s events the degrees have been rounded up or down to the nearest degree.
With love, Mandi
July 1: Cancer New Moon ~ An Eclipse in a Shell
July kicks off with the Sun in sensitive, nurturing Cancer conjunct Moon in Cancer, for an Eclipsed New Moon on the first of the month. Solar Eclipses are times of endings, when something is literally eclipsed. Inherent in endings though are fresh starts and new beginnings, so when something ends it can often be a very positive thing. For example, a marriage marks the end of single life and a long awaited retirement means the end of working life and a new taste of freedom.
Because Solar Eclipses are basically New Moons with a bit of extra pizzazz, similar themes apply. Use this Eclipse time to rest, pause and plan. It’s even OK to retreat into your shell a little bit during this Cancer eclipse, to seek comfort and security at home or around those you are closest to.
This eclipse falls at 9 degrees of Cancer, so will be most relevant to those of you who have a planet or angle between seven and eleven degrees of Cancer, Capricorn, Aries or Libra (get your chart for free at The effect of an Eclipse falling closely in aspect to one of your planets or an angle can last several months. Because eclipses fall in exactly the same sign and degree every 19 years, it’s worth looking back to see what was going on in your life back then, because it could offer you some clues about what this current eclipse means to you personally.
This Eclipse hooks into the Saturn-Uranus-Pluto cardinal t-square, with Saturn at 11 Libra, Uranus at 5 Aries and Pluto at 6 Capricorn. This means that if this eclipse touches one or more of your planets or angles, you are in the midst of, or on the brink of, one or more important transits. I recommend you browse through the articles from last year’s Cardinal T-Square blog-a-thon, which offer plenty of insight, resources, coping mechanisms and healing tips for the transits of Saturn in Libra, Uranus in Aries and Pluto in Capricorn. Please note that orbs are traditionally very tight for transits to natal planets and points. Allow a maximum of two degrees either side.
This is the third eclipse within the last month – see June Astrology ~ Welcome to Eclipse Season for more on the two June eclipses. See also Working with Eclipses for some handy tips on unravelling what your Eclipse transit might mean for you.
July 1/2*: Mercury enters Leo ~ Dramatic Cat
Less than 24 hours after the Eclipse, Mercury, the messenger of the gods, moves out of Cancer and into Leo. What message does this carry for us? In Leo, Mercury communicates with drama and creative flair. It can be given to stubborn or childish tantrums, but at best, this is a Mercury placement that urges us to communicate with humour, warmth and affection. Leo is also a great Mercury sign for intuition, for listening with your heart as well as your head.
It’s a fun game of mine to watch/read the news for stories that reflect the current Mercury placement, especially when Mercury’s in a fire sign. Look out for stories about attention seeking big heads, dramatic announcements and heroic tales of courage while Mercury is in Leo. Kings, Queens and leaders could all be in the spotlight now and expect issues of pride and respect to come up.
Mercury will be in Leo until July 28. It then re-enters Leo on August 7/8 when retrograde. It turns direct on August 26 in Leo and re-enters Virgo on September 8/9 where it stays until September 25.
July 3/4*: Venus enters Cancer ~ Sweet Nothings
When relationship planet Venus moves from Gemini to Cancer, there should be less talking and more holding hands and hugging. Venus in Cancer urges us to express our affection with sensitivity, to give comfort to our loved ones to make them feel safe and secure.
Venus in Cancer easily absorbs the feeling and moods of others, which is why this placement can sometimes feel overly protective. We can easily feel a little crabby when Venus is in this watery sign. Overcome this by putting some effort into nurturing your loved one. A tender caress, a few loving sweet words or a nice home cooked meal are good ways to show your love and appreciation when Venus is in Cancer.
Venus will be in Cancer until July 28.
Summary of July’s Main Events
July 1: Eclipsed New Moon at 9 degrees Cancer
July 1/2*: Mercury enters Leo
July 3/4*: Venus enters Cancer
July 9/10*: Uranus turns retrograde at 5 degrees Aries
July 13: Venus in Cancer square Saturn in Libra (11 degrees)
July 14/15*: Full Moon at 22 degrees Capricorn
July 22/23*: Sun enters Leo
July 28: Venus enters Leo
July 28: Mercury enters Virgo
July 30: New Moon at 7 degrees Leo
Click for Void of Course Moon times for July
Click for Astroair’s three month Solstice Forecast
NOTE: *Where two dates are given, the event occurs on the earlier date in American time zones and on the later date in European time zones. This is due only to time differences on the clock, in reality the event occurs simultaneously everywhere. In the summary of July’s events the degrees have been rounded up or down to the nearest degree.
With love, Mandi
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