Monday 1 February 2010

Void of Course Moon Times for February

Welcome to February!

Well, we all got through January, which always seems like the longest month in the year (and the darkest, if you're in the Northern hemisphere).

A busy one astrologically it was too: Saturn went Retrograde, Mars stayed Retrograde and Mercury went direct. Jupiter moved into Pisces, the Sun and Venus went into Aquarius and there was a Solar Eclipse in Capricorn. Finally, but not leastly, Saturn and Pluto made the latest in their current series of Squares.

The Void of Course Moon times for February are up (click here>) and check back in with Astroair Astrology soon for more new blogs, including a classic meditation for the Aquarius New Moon and a special called Your Transits are Not Just About You!

In the meantime, click here to find out about something that's making me feel very excited: International Astrology Day Blog-a-thon in March!


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  Update (April 2024)   I have now moved my content to YouTube & you can view my channel,  On Purpose Astrology, by clicking on this lin...