Mars in Leo Stations Retrograde on 20 Dec 2009 (at 190Leo42’) and then Stations Direct on 10 Mar 2010 (at 00Leo18’). However, this whole Retrograde cycle really began on 19 October 2009, when Mars first hit 00Leo18’, the degree it is destined to Retrograde back to. The Retrograde loop will end when Mars Direct makes it back again to 190Leo42’ on 17 May 2010, finally clearing his Retrograde ‘shadow’.
To summarise, the whole Mars Retrograde loop lasts from 19 October 09 through to 17 May 10, with an intense period between 20 December and 10 March, when Mars is actually moving Retrograde (Rx).
That’s all well and good, you might be thinking, but what does it all mean? This is an article about Mars after all, so you can be forgiven for feeling impatient.
Well, in the horoscope, Mars symbolizes where and how we direct our energy, how we act, our desires, our physicality and our sexual urges. It represents how we anger and what makes us angry, how we compete and assert our will and how we approach challenges and conflict.
In Leo, Mars asserts itself proudly, warmly, from the heart. Its expression can be dramatic and self-seeking, because Mars in Leo wants to be recognized, there’s no doubt about it. However, pride can easily get the better of Mars in Leo and if the will is too stubborn and self-centred, this can lead to problems, especially if Mars in Leo doesn’t feel like he’s getting the flattery and compliments he feels he deserves for his unquestionable prowess! Then Mars in Leo can become pushy, overbearing and domineering. At best though, the natural confidence of Mars in Leo is shared generously with others, for this combination can have tremendous creative flair and positive vitality.
During this Mars in Leo Rx period, some of you may be feeling as if you are not getting the recognition you deserve for your talent or creativity, or you may feel that your authority is not being respected. If you are feeling this, then perhaps it’s time to confront your inner ‘brat’ and question whether you really deserve what you desire. Have you truly put the work in or do you just think the world owes you because you’re ‘special’? Difficult questions, but remember, special is as special does.
That said, some of you will of course be deserving of recognition and respect for all the effort you have put in and will be totally justified in asking for what you want and need. The energies of this Mars Leo Rx period will therefore be great for taking some time to work out just how to ask the world to reward you.
Still others will find that they may have been using their energies in the wrong direction and this is why they are not getting their due plaudits. This Rx time will then be about recognising and accepting this. If this applies to you, look to your heart to help you find a new path for the future.
Mars Rx could well be a time when you are confronted with a great deal of frustration, either your own personal frustration, or others’ frustration pushed upon you. We feel frustrated when we are not getting our own way, not achieving our goals and desires, not getting what we need. Frustration can easily give way to out and out anger, so watch for the signs and take a step back if you feel yourself starting to simmer and boil over. This Mars Rx is indeed a great time to review how you personally deal with frustration and its sister, disappointment. If we are all totally honest with ourselves, there is a small part in all of us that could do with learning more emotionally intelligent ways of negotiating the path of getting our will done, while avoiding unnecessary conflict and having the grace to stand in our light without casting others into the shadows.
If you find yourself in the line of fire of others’ frustrations, then make sure you set clear boundaries on what you are prepared to take and where the line needs to be drawn. To achieve this, maybe its time to learn new tactics to help to diffuse angry situations, or if necessary, to learn how to recognise when it’s most appropriate to just plain get out of the way, before a cat fight ensues. Everybody count to ten, sit on your hands! :D
Most generally speaking, Mars Rx suggests a general feeling of slowing down, lacking energy and finding it difficult to build up any momentum. Things can feel held back, blocked, backed up. If this is the case for you, don’t beat yourself up, instead use the time creatively to think about what you really want and then to and prepare for Spring when Mars goes forwards again and gains momentum, when we will be refreshed and ready to go for our heart’s desire. If you can wait it out, the delayed gratification will taste even better than the immediate relief!
There is bound to be drama along the way, this is Leo after all. However, Leo is ultimately the sign of warmth and generosity and if you embrace this now, you can’t go far wrong.
Will Mars Retrograde Affect You?
If you have Sun, Moon, planets or angles placed at 0-19 degrees of Leo or any of the other fixed signs of Aquarius, Taurus or Scorpio, then this Mars Retrograde will pick up your chart dynamically. If you do not know if you have Sun, Moon, planets or angles in the relevant degrees and/or signs you can quickly download your own birth chart which will provide you with this information in a simply understood way at http://www.alabe.com/
It is also worth looking at the house that Mars Rx is travelling through. Look for the house in your chart which has Leo on the cusp and this will give you some clue to what area of life you could meet Mars Rx related challenges. You can read a good basic description of each house at Café Astrology’s website here>.
Mars goes Retrograde about once every two years, but the last time it was Retrograde in Leo was between Jan and March 1995, with the longer period including the 'shadow' from the end of October ‘94 through to the end of May ’95. Thinking back to this time might also give you a few more clues.
Recommended Further Reading
Everything you ever wanted to know about Mars Retrograde by Lynn Koiner
Mars Retrograde in Leo, The Lion Hearted Warrior by Melanie Reinhart
Mars Mission: A great series of Mars Rx related articles by Donna Cunningham
Commentary on Mars Retrograde from Bill Herbst
See also Mars Retrograde News Watch
Hmmm... taurean with mars 15 degrees leo.... a timely reminder for me mandi, thanks... i shall watch out!
ReplyDeleteGreat post, Mandi! Right to the heart of the matter and a great reminder for us to "temper" our lists of demands.
ReplyDeleteYou reminded me to hold up a mirror to myself so I can see my spoiled "child star" self in a very bright spotlight. Thanks!
Hi Suzi, thank you for your comment, I hope Mars Rx is a good time for you, the slower energies could be a good time for you.
ReplyDeleteHi Auntiemoon, thanks for the compliment. The same definitely goes for me too!
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