Friday 19 March 2010

The IAD Blog-A-Thon Is Here!

The transiting cardinal T-square of Pluto, Saturn, and Uranus of 2010-11 has got everyone who knows even a little astrology talking and worrying and predicting – on blogs, on forums, in magazines, at conferences. Already we’ve seen huge shifts in our economies and our political structures and even environmental shifts in the earth itself. Many of us have found this instability reflected in their personal lives and we’re wondering what’s next? How will we and our loves ones be affected?

The idea behind this exciting web-based Blogathon event for International Astrology Day is to help with these questions by providing some valuable insights into how the main players in the T-square - Saturn, Uranus and Pluto – operate and by offering some helpful tools to work with the issues they represent.

This exciting event was conceived by renowned astrologer and therapist Donna Cunningham, who put together a wonderful team of coordinators to assemble a collection of almost 70 articles by over 50 talented astrologers!

It has been an honour and a privilege to be a part of the Blogathon team and coordinate Saturn collection. The full team comprises Donna Cunningham (Pluto); CJ Wright (Uranus); Sasstrology’s Jeffrey Kishner (Relationship Special) Liz Houle (Astrologer’s Memorial sound bytes) and Jude Cowell (Cosmic Art Gallery). Neeti Ray (of Astrology Expressed) and Fabienne Lopez (of Astrology Unboxed) have worked tirelessly to publicize this event, along with many others and Jan Tud (Astrogrrl), is hosting a forum at the Astrocreeps and Tarot Freaks, where readers can discuss their experiences.

These article collections form a permanent resource, so you can bookmark the main event blog link at and come back time and again to browse through this remarkable body of work.

Today's Events
Let the Blogathon Begin!
Online starting Friday, March 19, 2010:
Pluto in Sagittarius was an era of speculation and easy credit, and we expanded far past what was wise. Pluto in Capricorn is a time of facing reality, getting grounded, paying the bills, and being accountable. Coordinated by Donna Cunningham, the 15 articles in the Pluto collection help you understand a variety of Pluto-related difficulties and suggest resources and healing tools to sort them out. They include the debt trap, sleep disorders, bullying, fertility issues, erectile dysfunction, grief, patterns we carry over from previous generations of our families, grief, healing from abuse, and a variety of other persistent problems.
Online Friday, March 19, Vibration Magazine Presents:
Not to be confused with aromatherapy, flower essences are a superb, natural, and inexpensive healing tool that can catalyze personal growth and smooth out the rough edges of times like these. The combination of astrology and flower essences is outstanding in helping people understand and address difficulties that arise during difficult transits. This collection of 15 articles by astrologers who are also flower essence practitioners will suggest ways astrology and essences can enhance one another.

Multimedia Events Celebrating Astrology Starting Friday:
This vast collection of pages about astrology’s great contributors ably maintained by Liz Houle contains tributes and photos of colleagues we’ve loved and lost. Take a walk down memory lane, starting at this page of sound bytes from archived tapes.

Visionary artist and astrology blogger, Jude Cowell presents a series of luminous images of heavenly phenomena. Take time out to rest your mind and feast your eyes on her exquisite slide shows and special galleries.

Forum for Readers’ Experiences and Comments
Jan Tud (astrogrrl) of Astro Creeps and Tarot Freaks will be hosting a forum for readers’ comments about their experiences with these transits and about the articles. You can register and then join the astrology forum discussions.

Blogathon Schedule for Saturday and Sunday

Note: Live links to these Collections will be added on the day they open. Check on the blogathon’s own blog at:

Online starting Saturday, March 20, 2010
Look after Saturn and Saturn will Look After You:
Transiting Saturn’s oppositions to Uranus were accompanied by sudden change and shocks to upset the status quo, resulting in economic crisis. As ripples reached our personal lives, our ability to remain flexible in the face of disruptive change is being tested by Saturn in Libra’s square to Pluto in Capricorn and the upcoming entry of Uranus into Aries. Coordinated by Mandi Lockley, the 17 articles in the Saturn collection will help you work with a variety of Saturnian issues. Experienced astrologers invite you to view Saturn not as a planet to be feared, but as a necessary, helpful teacher whose lessons can help you through life’s challenges. Others provide useful resources, down to earth advice, and inspirational coping and healing tools.

Online Saturday, March 20th
Passing the Tests and Trials of Saturn to Build Better Relationships
As the planet of obstacles and inadequacy moves through Libra, all types of partnerships are challenged. Is there an equitable give-and-take in your marriage? Are you having trouble manifesting a satisfying relationship? Coordinated by Jeffrey Kishner, the articles featured on Sasstrology will do more than offer insight into the meaning of this transit. The experienced astrologers featured here will help you to create solid partnerships that can survive the ups and downs that occur when two souls attempt to create one union.

Online starting Sunday, March 21, 2010

Uranus in Aries: Claiming a Self-Reliant Future
Unpredictable Uranus is ending his sojourn in Pisces and will soon enter irascible Aries. Following a period of reluctantly dealing with the real world, Uranus steps up to proclaim personal freedom. This is not the freedom bell that Uranus usually rings for everyone, but the unabashed self-proclamation of “My Rights, Every Day!” Coordinated by C.J. Wright, the 17 articles and additional media presentations in the Uranus collection are as erratic as Uranus himself. You will discover some of the disruptive changes Uranus loves to spring on us and receive suggestions on how to work with rather than against yourself as you evolve and grow.

PLEASE NOTE: We’d appreciate it if you’d pass along word of this event to your friends, fellow students, and others with an interest in astrology, particular those with concerns about the cardinal t-square.

  Update (April 2024)   I have now moved my content to YouTube & you can view my channel,  On Purpose Astrology, by clicking on this lin...