Tuesday 20 September 2011

Astrology for September Part Two ~ Equinox

Here’s part two of September’s astrological action…. (click here for part one)
The Sun viewed from the International Space Station. Image Credit: NASA
September 23: Sun Enters Libra

As the Sun moves into Libra, let’s take a moment to ponder the deeper meaning of the sign of the scales.

At the heart of Libra lies a deep need for companionship and affection. A Libran soul will suffer greatly when this is denied. The scales of Libra symbolize the constant adjustments and compromises a Libran soul feels compelled to make in order to fulfill its needs.

A naive Libra soul will swing between extremes before it finds its place of equilibrium and balance. On the one hand, Libra will selfishly pursue approval and appreciation through relationship at all costs and on the other side, the Libra soul will carelessly give itself away in order to please and placate others in the hope of being loved.

On its journey, Libra often unconsciously seeks out conflict just so it can cast itself as peacemaker. But, as the evolving Libra soul learns to be true to itself and hold its inner light steady and balanced, the need to create discord or place itself in the midst of others’ conflict, gradually falls away. In learning to rise above conflict, Libra understands that all of life is connected and interrelated. From this vantage point Libra is able to hold itself in perfect equilibrium and in so doing creates a space of harmony and peace that can truly help and serve others. Then, the Libra soul quickly realizes that it doesn’t have to experience tension and discord in order to experience relationship. The give and take of companionship and affection will come naturally and effortlessly from a place of love and light and Libra will have learned the lesson of brotherhood and the true meaning of peace.

You can consider yourself strongly Libran if you have Sun, Moon or Ascendant in Libra, or if you three or more other planets or points in Libra. Get your free chart at www.alabe.com
The Sun is in Libra until October 23.

September 23: The Autumnal Equinox*

The passage of the Sun into Libra also marks the Autumnal Equinox, one of two days in the year when day and night are of equal length. This is a great day to set your intentions for the next three months to come, taking you right up the solstice in December.

To give you a few pointers, here’s a summary of some of the energies carried within the Equinox chart (set for the moment the Sun enters Libra):

-          The desire to express creativity
-          The need for attention and drama
-          Impulsive actions
-          Insensitivity to the feelings of others, the need to consider others, the art of compromise
-          Acting without thinking vs. thinking before acting
-          Rebellious thoughts and behaviors
-          Thinking about freedom
-          Rising to challenges
-          Issues of power and control
-          Applying self discipline to goals

Major aspects in the Equinox chart are: Moon conjunct Mars in Leo; Sun in Libra (widely) conjunct Mercury in Virgo; Sun and Mercury opposite Uranus and square Pluto.
*Vernal Equinox in the southern hemisphere.

September 25: Mercury Enters Libra

Mercury in Libra invites us to communicate with charm, intelligence and diplomacy. It asks us to appreciate the beauty of language and the powerful effect our words can have. Language can be used to create harmony and happiness or it can be used to sow discord and fear.

What effect do your words have on others? Take some time during Mercury in Libra to consider this question. What are you saying about yourself when you communicate? How do you express your opinions? Do you act according to the values you express?

Try to see the opposing point of view. Practice being impartial. Perfect the art of being fair and balanced in your thinking and in your interactions with others.

Mercury is in Libra until October 13.

September 27: New Moon in Libra

This is an intense and very important New Moon because it hooks up with the ongoing Uranus in Aries–Pluto in Capricorn square.

Generally speaking, this Uranus-Pluto alignment symbolizes rebellious impulses; reckless, hot-headed behavior; sudden events; spontaneous actions; the demand for freedom; issues of respect, control and responsibility; a serious questioning of power and authority; the call for deep and radical change.

These themes have been playing out in the collective and will continue to do so in the years to come. They are also playing out more and more in the lives of individuals, in particular those who have planets or points between three and nine degrees of the cardinal signs of Aries, Cancer, Libra, Capricorn.

This New Moon in Libra forms a t-square with Uranus and Pluto, highlighting and intensifying the themes described above, personalizing them. As all astrology students quickly learn, a t-square is a very dynamic aspect pattern which signifies conflict and important personal issues that are brought to our attention over and again until we deal with them. The aim is for resolution and ultimately, personal growth.

What issues might come up during this New Moon? Here are a few that spring to mind:

-          The need for a fresh start
-          The resolve to find a new perspective on an old problem
-          Healing old relationship issues
-          Dealing with events and/or emotions that turn your world upside down
-          Learning to cooperate with others in order to reach your goals
-          Sharing fairly on all levels – work, responsibility, power, gains
-          Thinking hard about what to do next with your life
-          Facing deep compulsions and desires
-          Finding the right balance between the old and the new
-          Intensity on any level, a rejection of the superficial, looking for deeper meaning
-          Balancing negativity and pessimism with positivity and optimism
-          Facing challenges head on

As well as in your personal life, look for all of the above themes playing out on the world stage over the coming three months or so, especially as this New Moon falls so close to the Equinox.

Remember though, that New Moons are planning, thinking, seeding times. The time for action is once the intensity of the New Moon has passed.  Therefore, this is a good time to slow down and go within. For more on the Moon’s phases and how to work with them see http://www.mandilockley.com/moon_phases.html

This New Moon, give yourself some mental space to clear and rebalance your mind. Ignore that constant chatter in your brain – the monkey mind – at least for a little while. This can be achieved by meditation, or if meditation doesn’t do it for you, by indulging yourself fully in your favorite music piece. The trick is not to let your mind lock into an idea or get fixed on your worries. If this happens, just acknowledge it and release it. I always visualize my worries in the basket of a hot air balloon, floating away into the distant sky, released into the clouds.

September 29/30: Venus Conjunct Saturn in Libra

September checks out with Venus conjunct Saturn in Libra. The planet of love and affection meeting the planet of fear, caution and obstacles doesn’t sound like a great combination does it? But, according to the rules of traditional astrology, both Venus in Saturn are very comfortable in Libra and very happy to receive each other in these signs.

So how best to use these potentially positive energies? Well, this isn’t about romantic meetings that dreams are made of. Sorry, it’s more of a reality check! It favors serious, longer term relationships. It’s about commitment, overcoming relationship fears, feeling more secure together, taking responsibility for each other.

And remember, Saturn doesn’t give away love for free - you have to work at it!

Summary of September’s Main Events
September 23: Sun Enters Libra
September 23: The Equinox
September 25: Mercury Enters Libra
September 26: Sun opposes Uranus
September 27: New Moon in Libra
September 28: Sun Conjunct Mercury and Square Pluto
September 29/30: Venus Conjunct Saturn

Note: where two dates are shown, the event occurs on the later date in western times zones such as American Eastern Time and Pacific Time and the earlier date in eastern times zones such as GMT.

With love,

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