Part 1: The Cardinal T-Square
(Click here for Part 2, which looks at some of 2010's major new stories)
2010 was a big year and not an easy one, there’s no doubt about that. Now 2011 beckons and it’s time to look forward with hope and optimism, but not before taking a little time out to cogitate and ruminate a while over the year that was twenty-ten.
The major story running through 2010 was the economy. After the banking crisis of 2008 and 2009, followed by ongoing and unprecedented monetary collapses at government level in countries such as Iceland, Greece and latterly Ireland, 2010 was a year of facing realities and making difficult and unpalatable decisions. Not just for banks and governments, but for businesses, public services and individuals alike. Astrologically, of course, this kind of crisis has long been predicted by astrologers, in anticipation of the Saturn, Uranus, Pluto cardinal T-Square, which peaked mid year with Jupiter’s ingress into Aries.
As I wrote back in March:
“In late 2008 Saturn in Virgo was about to make the first of its oppositions to Uranus in Pisces. Saturn-Uranus connections signify sudden change, shocks and the upsetting of the status quo and this was indeed what we were seeing all around us, as the world tumbled into economic crisis. As the ripples began to be felt in our personal lives, many of us found that our ability to remain flexible in the face of disruptive change was tested. When Saturn moved into Libra a year later, instead of a collective sigh of relief, we were all holding our breath waiting for Saturn to make the first of its square aspects to Pluto in Capricorn. Saturn-Pluto aspects signify times of intense challenge, restriction and hard, hard work and without a doubt many of us have been feeling this in our own lives and the lives of our loved ones.
When Uranus moves into Aries in late May 2010, the Saturn-Uranus oppositions and the Saturn-Pluto squares will begin to come together to form the much anticipated cardinal T-square, an event which has many of us puzzled and worried. With these cardinal energies, we can perhaps expect times of fast-forward movement, more shocks and changes, and a lot more hard work. What these energies also promise is the opportunity for personal and collective transformation, exciting creative breakthroughs, inspired action and promising fresh starts. Our ability to keep up with the pace of change will depend to some extent upon our readiness to set clear boundaries, plan for the unexpected, hold things in perspective, apply the wisdom of our experience and keep our minds and bodies in balance while all around us is in flux.”
How was it for you? Certainly these were difficult energies for me and for many around me (transiting Pluto was conjunct my Sun for most of the year, with Saturn squaring it). Fortunately, the online astrological community rose to the challenge, with some spectacularly insightful and helpful articles. Here is my pick of the best:
The International Astrology Day Blog-A-Thon organized by Donna Cunningham and CJ Wright (with a little help from me), focused on providing helpful articles and coping and healing tools for dealing with the energies of Saturn, Uranus and Pluto. Scores of astrologers contributed their wisdom, experience and insights. I’m sure most of you have seen the Blog-A-Thon pages, but the articles form a timeless collection that is well worth revisiting.
The Astrotabletalk blog has covered all the major stories this year, so it’s worth a browse through the topic label list. The post Astrozeitgeist Update gives a pretty concise summary of how this year’s ‘Cardinal Drama’ has been reflected in world events.
Theodore White, at Global Astrology, has written extensively about the ‘Cardinal Crisis’, closely tracking it against world events. Here’s one of his latest posts: Cardinal Crisis, Cable Gate and Wikileaks
Bill Herbst has an impressive back catalogue of newsletters specifically about the Saturn-Uranus-Pluto T-Square and what it means to the world. Download them here:
Richard Tarnas published an excellent article, World Transits 2000-2020, A Overview, a follow up to his excellent book Cosmos and Psyche.
Finally, see my Outer Planet Cycles collection of articles on the major transits of 2010 ~ Saturn-Pluto, Saturn-Uranus, Jupiter-Uranus and Jupiter-Saturn
In Part 2, I’ll review 2010 month by month, looking at how some of the big news stories were reflected in the heavens.
Come back soon!
With love,
Thursday, 30 December 2010
Wednesday, 29 December 2010
Mercury Retrograde Madness!
Well, Mercury Retrograde has hit Astroair hard, because my laptop died and I lost all my data! This is why there have been no posts here for a good while...
Fortunately, I found a laptop hospital in deepest darkest South-East London. Yes, it really was like a hospital, with a waiting room full of tense owners, stacks of magazines at least five years old and scary drilling, banging and beeping noises coming from the 'surgery' behind the screen.
The good news is that the laptop, at great expense, is now 'as new', shiny and clean and sporting a brand new hard drive. It's faster, smarter and yes, they retreived all my data as well! So now, with the craziness of Christmas behind us for another year it's time to get back on the blogging wagon again at last.
New Year's Resolution: Always back up my data! Always back up my data! Always back up my data!
Coming review of 2010!
Wishing a very Happy New Year to all of you who stumble across here.
with love,
Fortunately, I found a laptop hospital in deepest darkest South-East London. Yes, it really was like a hospital, with a waiting room full of tense owners, stacks of magazines at least five years old and scary drilling, banging and beeping noises coming from the 'surgery' behind the screen.
The good news is that the laptop, at great expense, is now 'as new', shiny and clean and sporting a brand new hard drive. It's faster, smarter and yes, they retreived all my data as well! So now, with the craziness of Christmas behind us for another year it's time to get back on the blogging wagon again at last.
New Year's Resolution: Always back up my data! Always back up my data! Always back up my data!
Coming review of 2010!
Wishing a very Happy New Year to all of you who stumble across here.
with love,
Wednesday, 1 December 2010
December Astrology
![]() |
London, December 1st 2010 |
Astrologically, December begins with the Sun in Sagittarius, Venus freshly in Scorpio and Mercury freshly in Capricorn...
When Passions Run Deep
Venus in Scorpio prompts intense, obsessive and passionate expressions of affection and desire. There’s nothing shallow or pretty about this Venus placement. Secret liaisons and compulsive desires are not uncommon and moods are hot and deep. It won't always play out nicely, but ultimately this can be a purging and healing transit, so long as you are willing to surrender to Venus in Scorpio's hypnotic charms.
Serious Thinking
Mercury in Capricorn is serious! In your thinking and in your communications, caution, reserve and even doubt can come to the fore with Mercury in Capricorn. To use these energies at their best, and to avoid negative thinking, think in practical, down to earth ways, have clear goals and objectives about what you want to communicate and use a logical, step-by-step approach in your thinking.
Decisive Actions
Mars moves into steadfast Capricorn on December 7, a perfect placement if hard work, decisiveness and self discipline are required. Shame it coincides with the party season really! On the bright side, Mars stays in Capricorn until mid January, perfect for finding the will power for that post holiday detox diet! Until then, use the energies of Mars in Capricorn to complete those projects on time so you can relax and enjoy a guilt free break later in the month.
Mercury Retrograde Alert!
On December 10, Mercury turns retrograde... I urge you not to get too stressed and worried about this retrograde, but it’s worth paying attention to detail and being prepared. For instance, book your holiday travel before the retrograde. When you do travel, prepare yourself for delays. If delays don’t happen then that’s cool, but if they do, you won’t get too stressed if you’re prepared will you? This is a good time to review your thinking...are you being too negative? Are you being too serious? Do you need to lighten up a bit? On December 18, Mercury rolls back into more easy-going Sagittarius. In this outspoken sign you might put your foot in it or consider what effect your words have one others. Mercury finally turns direct on 29/30 December (depending on your time zone).
Fighting Talk
On December 14, retrograde Mercury lines up in a triple conjunction with Mars and Pluto. If you have a strong point to get across, now’s the time, but remember to play fair. Fighting talk could ensue if you’re not careful in how you express yourself or if you over-react to other’s words, because this has the potential to be an explosive day when you are in danger of losing the perspective. Breathe, think on it, react later if needs be. Remember, ‘tis the season of peace and goodwill.
Uranus Direct
Uranus turned retrograde in Aries back in early July, re-entering Pisces in August. The planet of shocks, breakthroughs and rebellion finally turns direct on December 5. It will re-cover the last degrees of Pisces before finally settling in Aries in March 2011.
More on Uranus direct next week, but here are some previous great posts from Astroair Astrology about Uranus in Pisces and Aries:
An interview with Uranus in Pisces
A Uranus in Aries Brainstorm
Uranus in Aries and your Personal Mars Sign
Solstice Time
Every year, the Sun’s movement into Capricorn (21st December) heralds the Winter Solstice (Summer Solstice in the Summer Hemisphere). The Winter and Summer Solstices are two of the power points of the astrological year, along with the Spring and Autumn Equinoxes. The charts for these events are good indicators of the next three months to come.... This year’s Solstice chart is especially exciting because it coincides with a total Lunar Eclipse! Watch this space for some insights and predictions a little nearer the time.
December’s Moons
New Moon in Sagittarius ~ December 5
A time to plan, think and relax
First Quarter Moon in Pisces ~ December 13
A time to act on plans hatched at the New Moon
Eclipsed Full Moon in Gemini ~ December 21
Everything becomes clearer. A sense of urgency. Pay off or pay back for actions taken during the New Moon and First Quarter Moon. Things coming to a head. Endings. This Full Moon is an exciting one, the third of five in a row occurring in the urgent last degree of its sign. In Gemini, the urgency is around communications, connecting with others, negotiating, sealing the deal, sharing ideas. Mercury retrograde complicates pay attention to detail and make sure you dot the I’s and cross the T’s in your rush to get things completed! More on this special Moon, a total Lunar Eclipse in a forthcoming article.
Last Quarter Moon in Virgo ~ December 28
Time to tie up any loose ends and make final adjustments to actions and projects before slowing down for the next New Moon on January 4. Any mistakes made at the urgent Full Moon will need sorting out now!
And Finally...
For December's Void of Course Moon times and sign changes see:
Wishing you a very Happy December.
With love,
Mandi xxx
Tuesday, 30 November 2010
Sage Sagittarians ~ Some Inspirational Quotes
As the Sun settles into wise, adventurous Sagittarius, here are a few quotes from some well know Saggies, which also reflect their Moon sign...
Blake said that the body was the soul's prison unless the five senses are fully developed and open. He considered the senses the 'windows of the soul.' When sex involves all the senses intensely, it can be like a mystical experience.
To see the world in a grain of sand, and to see heaven in a wild flower, hold infinity in the palm of your hands, and eternity in an hour.
Courage is what it takes to stand up and speak; courage is also what it takes to sit down and listen.
Winston Churchill, British Politician
Sun Sagittarius, Moon Leo
Keith Richards, Rolling Stones Musician
Sun Sagittarius, Moon Virgo
A lady's imagination is very rapid; it jumps from admiration to love, from love to matrimony in a moment.
Jane Austen, Author
Sun Sagittarius, Moon Libra
Why movies are so powerful is because you are right in there and you stay in there until they want you to come out, and then you've really gone somewhere.

I'm competitive with myself. I always try to push past my own borders.
Tyra Banks, Model/TV Presenter
Sun Sagittarius, Moon Aries

Jim Morrison, Singer, The Doors
Sun Sagittarius, Moon Taurus
I'm not wise, but the beginning of wisdom is there; it's like relaxing into - and an acceptance of - things.
Tina Turner, Singer
Sun Sagittarius, Moon Gemini

William Blake, Poet/Artist
Sun Sagittarius, Moon CancerTelling lies and showing off to get attention are mistakes I made that I don't want my kids to make.
Jane Fonda, ActressSun Sagittarius, Moon Leo
Courage is what it takes to stand up and speak; courage is also what it takes to sit down and listen.
Winston Churchill, British Politician
Sun Sagittarius, Moon Leo
Keith Richards, Rolling Stones Musician
Sun Sagittarius, Moon Virgo
A lady's imagination is very rapid; it jumps from admiration to love, from love to matrimony in a moment.
Jane Austen, Author
Sun Sagittarius, Moon Libra
You have many years ahead of you to create the dreams that we can't even imagine dreaming. You have done more for the collective unconscious of this planet than you will ever know.
Steven Spielberg, Film DirectorSun Sagittarius, Moon Scorpio
Rachel Griffiths, Actress (Six Feet Under)
Sun Sagittarius, Moon Sagittarius
I have a hard time with morals. All I know is what feels right, what's more important to me is being honest about who you are. Morals I
get a little hung up on.
Brad Pitt, Actor
Sun Sagittarius, Moon Capricorn
John Malkovich, Actor
Sun Sagittarius, Moon Aquarius
I would like to be remembered as a man who had a wonderful time living life, a man who had good friends, fine family - and I don't think I could ask for anything more than that, actually.
Frank Sinatra, Actor/Musician
Sun Sagittarius, Moon Pisces
Wednesday, 17 November 2010
A Gift from the Heavens?
Venus and Jupiter are the ‘nice’ planets, the ‘benefics’ of traditional astrology. While things are never that black and white, it still should gladden your heart that both Venus and Jupiter emerge from their retrogrades on the same day, 18th November.
Is the sky sending us a gift? Is this a portent of good luck and good fortune? Let’s hope so, but let’s also remember that we have free will. We are not living in medieval times, when we believed that everything was preordained by God and the heavens.
We have a choice whether to accept Jupiter and Venus’ turnaround as a gift or not. I’m inclined to think it is. Remember, both planets are in signs where they are at their strongest, where they rule - Venus in Libra and Jupiter in Pisces. Balance, peace, harmony, compassion, communion, cooperation, love and beauty are some positive keywords for these placements.
If we accept this gift, then it’s up to us to decide what to do with it. Do we think, ‘ah that’s nice’ and then put it on a shelf and forget about it, or do we think more deeply about the meaning of the gift and try to use it wisely?
I’ve decided to use it. I’m setting up some meetings for next week that will hopefully help me take a first step towards a brighter future. Fingers crossed and good luck to you too, I hope you are able to enjoy a little bit of sunshine and happiness to clear away any cosmic doom and gloom that you may be feeling.
The Sabian symbol for 28 Libra (Venus’ degree of turnaround) is: “A man in deep gloom. Unnoticed, angels come to his help. For 24 Pisces (Jupiter) the symbol is: “An inhabited island”.
This is a positive turning point. Help is coming. You are not alone. Or perhaps you are in a position to help another? It's up to you.
See Astrology for November for more insight into Venus and Jupiter's direct station
With love,
Is the sky sending us a gift? Is this a portent of good luck and good fortune? Let’s hope so, but let’s also remember that we have free will. We are not living in medieval times, when we believed that everything was preordained by God and the heavens.
We have a choice whether to accept Jupiter and Venus’ turnaround as a gift or not. I’m inclined to think it is. Remember, both planets are in signs where they are at their strongest, where they rule - Venus in Libra and Jupiter in Pisces. Balance, peace, harmony, compassion, communion, cooperation, love and beauty are some positive keywords for these placements.
If we accept this gift, then it’s up to us to decide what to do with it. Do we think, ‘ah that’s nice’ and then put it on a shelf and forget about it, or do we think more deeply about the meaning of the gift and try to use it wisely?
I’ve decided to use it. I’m setting up some meetings for next week that will hopefully help me take a first step towards a brighter future. Fingers crossed and good luck to you too, I hope you are able to enjoy a little bit of sunshine and happiness to clear away any cosmic doom and gloom that you may be feeling.
The Sabian symbol for 28 Libra (Venus’ degree of turnaround) is: “A man in deep gloom. Unnoticed, angels come to his help. For 24 Pisces (Jupiter) the symbol is: “An inhabited island”.
This is a positive turning point. Help is coming. You are not alone. Or perhaps you are in a position to help another? It's up to you.
See Astrology for November for more insight into Venus and Jupiter's direct station
With love,
Tuesday, 2 November 2010
Scorpio Quotes ~ No Stings, Just Deep Things
As the Sun settles into its yearly transit of Scorpio, here are some lovely quotes from some famous Scorpios that also reflect their Moon sign...
As we look ahead into the next century, leaders will be those who empower others.
Bill Gates, businessman
Sun in Scorpio, Moon in Aries
Do you seriously expect me to be the first Prince of Wales in history not to have a mistress?
Charles, Prince of Wales, British royalty
Sun in Scorpio, Moon in Taurus
The thing women have yet to learn is nobody gives you power. You just take it.
Sun in Scorpio, Moon in Gemini
A man who is good enough to shed his blood for the country is good enough to be given a square deal afterwards
Theodore Roosevelt, American politician
Sun in Scorpio, Moon in Cancer
Be careful what you pretend to be because you are what you pretend to be.
Kurt Vonnegut, author
Sun in Scorpio, Moon in Leo
By the first week of shooting, you know exactly where your film is heading based on the psychology of your director.
Jodie Foster, Actress
Sun in Scorpio, Moon in Virgo

Marie Antoinette, French royalty
Sun in Scorpio, Moon in Libra
And so we remained till the red of the dawn began to fall through the snow gloom. I was desolate and afraid, and full of woe and terror. But
when that beautiful sun began to climb the horizon life was to me again.
Bram Stoker, ‘Dracula’ author
Sun in Scorpio, Moon in Scorpio

Pablo Picasso, Artist
Sun in Scorpio, Moon in Sagittarius
Even if I died in the service of the nation, I would be proud of it. Every drop of my blood... will contribute to the growth of this nation and to make it strong and dynamic.
Indira Gandhi, Indian politican
Sun in Scorpio, Moon in Capricorn
There's an edge to real rock 'n' roll. It's all that matters.
Neil Young, musician
Sun in Scorpio, Moon in Aquarius
A scientist in his laboratory is not a mere technician: he is also a child confronting natural phenomena that impress him as though they were fairy tales.
Marie Curie, scientist
Sun in Scorpio, Moon in Pisces
Birth details from Astrodatabank
Quotes from Brainy Quote
Monday, 1 November 2010
Astrology for November ~ Straight Ahead
Welcome to November
1st November is a day of celebration for many. The Day of the Dead (El Día de los Muertos) in Mexico, the Celtic New Year for pagans and All Saints' Day in the Christian tradition. This is a day to recognise and honour the dead and to find hope and light in the promise of new life to come. Whatever you are celebrating, I hope it’s been a wonderful day for you. It’s fitting, I think, that the Sun is in Scorpio for these festivals.
Turn, Turn, Turn
Astrologically, November sees three planets turn direct. Neptune has been retrograde since the end of May and finally turns around and moves forward from November 6th. Jupiter, retrograde since July 23, turns direct on November 18 and on the same day, Venus which has been retrograde since October 8, turns direct.
Neptune Direct
The long Neptune retrograde period may have been a cloudy period for many, particularly if Neptune has been transiting one of your natal planets. Disillusionment, confusion and lack of energy can oh so often accompany one of these transits. Especially when it’s retrograde, this can be a transit where we become ultra sensitive and yearn to retreat from the world and run away from reality. On the positive side, it’s a transit where we can tap into our higher self and experience joyous connections with anyone and everything. But beware, because Neptune is the planet of glamour and illusions. However, as Neptune turns direct you will be better able to see through those illusions. When you do that, unrealistic dreams will dissolve away, making it easier to find focus on your more realistic dreams, goals and ideals.
Jupiter Direct
After a brief soiree into dynamic Aries, Jupiter turned retrograde in July, moving back into Pisces in September. Jupiter signifies the principle of growth, expansion, faith, wisdom, higher learning and reward. In Pisces, Jupiter symbolises growth through idealism and the expansion of spirit, wisdom from the higher realms, faith through connecting with the ephemeral and intangible and reward through creative involvements, healing energies and acts of compassion. While Jupiter was retrograde, you may have been feeling these energies more inwardly and subjectively. When it goes direct, you can finally open and expand outwards. You will be able to think more clearly about the future and where you want to take your life next, using the new wisdom you have gained during the retrograde period. Jupiter will remain in Pisces until January, when it settles into Aries.
Venus Direct
Here’s what I said in my post on Venus Retrograde:
“It’s a time to review Venusian things and how you express and handle them. Venusian themes include relationships, values, self worth, how we share and give and yield to others, the soft and sweet side of life, the feminine, emotional stuff, the things that money can buy, how attractive we feel, what and who we are attracted to.
Because we are talking primarily Scorpio here for this Venus transit, this brings the urge to purge in Venusian areas of life, the need to check whether our handling of all things Venusian is healthy, or whether we are straying into the shadow side of Venus. Examples could be a tendency to give yourself away to please others, or letting yourself be pushed around in a relationship. Or perhaps you are taking advantage of others who are trying to please you. Such questions may need to be asked if this Venus retrograde is forming a transit in your chart. Money questions may also need to be asked. Are you spending too much on luxuries or are you denying yourself the good things in life unnecessarily? Where do you need to ‘balance the books’ in your life? Consider what your core values are. Are you living them? Do you need to get back to them or redefine them?”
Well folks, review time is over. As Venus turns direct we can now move forward with relationship or financial decisions that need to be taken. However, even though Venus turns direct on November 18, it will not be clear of its retrograde shadow until December 20, so this date should be noted if you’re looking for a benchmark for truly moving forward. (Click for Venus Retrograde transits, still relevant.)
Sagittarius Here We Come
The Sun moves into fiery, optimistic, spirited Sagittarius on November 22. Come back here around then for some quotes from some famous Saggies and find out if those centaurs really do exaggerate!
Nodal Intensity
On November 27, the North Node, which has been moving backwards through Capricorn, finally hits Pluto at 4 degrees of Capricorn. This is an intense conjunction and if it’s touching anything in your birth chart, expect to meet some very Plutonic people and make some very deep and meaningful connections with them. You may also face difficult, intense and emotional situations that have been dogging you for a while, so you can sort them out once and for all! It’s a transit to purge and regenerate and find closure, so you can move on with a fresh perspective. Remember, it might be deep and dark where you are, but if you look long and hard enough, you might just catch a glimpse of buried treasure. By the way, this all happens on my 8th house Sun, so I’ll let you know if anything significant occurs.
November’s Lunations
New Moon in Scorpio ~ November 6 (GMT)/ November 5 (PDT)
A time to rest, plan and sort your head out
First Quarter Moon in Aquarius ~ November 13
A time to take action on plans hatched at the New Moon
Full Moon in Taurus ~ November 21
Everything becomes clearer. Pay off or pay back for actions taken during the New Moon and First Quarter Moon.
This full Moon is an exciting one, the second of five in a row occurring in the urgent last degree of its sign. Check back here around the 21st for some insight!
Last Quarter Moon in Leo ~ November 28
Time to tie up any loose ends and make final adjustments to actions and projects, before slowing down for the next New Moon on December 5.
A Shameless Plug
If you didn’t catch it the first time around, for Halloween I did a special series on Past Life and Karmic Astrology. The links are here:
The Sun
The Moon’s Nodes
Retrograde Planets
And Finally...
For November's Void of Course Moon times and sign changes see:
I hope you have a great November.
With love,
1st November is a day of celebration for many. The Day of the Dead (El Día de los Muertos) in Mexico, the Celtic New Year for pagans and All Saints' Day in the Christian tradition. This is a day to recognise and honour the dead and to find hope and light in the promise of new life to come. Whatever you are celebrating, I hope it’s been a wonderful day for you. It’s fitting, I think, that the Sun is in Scorpio for these festivals.
Turn, Turn, Turn
Astrologically, November sees three planets turn direct. Neptune has been retrograde since the end of May and finally turns around and moves forward from November 6th. Jupiter, retrograde since July 23, turns direct on November 18 and on the same day, Venus which has been retrograde since October 8, turns direct.
Neptune Direct
The long Neptune retrograde period may have been a cloudy period for many, particularly if Neptune has been transiting one of your natal planets. Disillusionment, confusion and lack of energy can oh so often accompany one of these transits. Especially when it’s retrograde, this can be a transit where we become ultra sensitive and yearn to retreat from the world and run away from reality. On the positive side, it’s a transit where we can tap into our higher self and experience joyous connections with anyone and everything. But beware, because Neptune is the planet of glamour and illusions. However, as Neptune turns direct you will be better able to see through those illusions. When you do that, unrealistic dreams will dissolve away, making it easier to find focus on your more realistic dreams, goals and ideals.
Jupiter Direct
After a brief soiree into dynamic Aries, Jupiter turned retrograde in July, moving back into Pisces in September. Jupiter signifies the principle of growth, expansion, faith, wisdom, higher learning and reward. In Pisces, Jupiter symbolises growth through idealism and the expansion of spirit, wisdom from the higher realms, faith through connecting with the ephemeral and intangible and reward through creative involvements, healing energies and acts of compassion. While Jupiter was retrograde, you may have been feeling these energies more inwardly and subjectively. When it goes direct, you can finally open and expand outwards. You will be able to think more clearly about the future and where you want to take your life next, using the new wisdom you have gained during the retrograde period. Jupiter will remain in Pisces until January, when it settles into Aries.
Venus Direct
Here’s what I said in my post on Venus Retrograde:
“It’s a time to review Venusian things and how you express and handle them. Venusian themes include relationships, values, self worth, how we share and give and yield to others, the soft and sweet side of life, the feminine, emotional stuff, the things that money can buy, how attractive we feel, what and who we are attracted to.
Because we are talking primarily Scorpio here for this Venus transit, this brings the urge to purge in Venusian areas of life, the need to check whether our handling of all things Venusian is healthy, or whether we are straying into the shadow side of Venus. Examples could be a tendency to give yourself away to please others, or letting yourself be pushed around in a relationship. Or perhaps you are taking advantage of others who are trying to please you. Such questions may need to be asked if this Venus retrograde is forming a transit in your chart. Money questions may also need to be asked. Are you spending too much on luxuries or are you denying yourself the good things in life unnecessarily? Where do you need to ‘balance the books’ in your life? Consider what your core values are. Are you living them? Do you need to get back to them or redefine them?”
Well folks, review time is over. As Venus turns direct we can now move forward with relationship or financial decisions that need to be taken. However, even though Venus turns direct on November 18, it will not be clear of its retrograde shadow until December 20, so this date should be noted if you’re looking for a benchmark for truly moving forward. (Click for Venus Retrograde transits, still relevant.)
Sagittarius Here We Come
The Sun moves into fiery, optimistic, spirited Sagittarius on November 22. Come back here around then for some quotes from some famous Saggies and find out if those centaurs really do exaggerate!
Nodal Intensity
On November 27, the North Node, which has been moving backwards through Capricorn, finally hits Pluto at 4 degrees of Capricorn. This is an intense conjunction and if it’s touching anything in your birth chart, expect to meet some very Plutonic people and make some very deep and meaningful connections with them. You may also face difficult, intense and emotional situations that have been dogging you for a while, so you can sort them out once and for all! It’s a transit to purge and regenerate and find closure, so you can move on with a fresh perspective. Remember, it might be deep and dark where you are, but if you look long and hard enough, you might just catch a glimpse of buried treasure. By the way, this all happens on my 8th house Sun, so I’ll let you know if anything significant occurs.
November’s Lunations
New Moon in Scorpio ~ November 6 (GMT)/ November 5 (PDT)
A time to rest, plan and sort your head out
First Quarter Moon in Aquarius ~ November 13
A time to take action on plans hatched at the New Moon
Full Moon in Taurus ~ November 21
Everything becomes clearer. Pay off or pay back for actions taken during the New Moon and First Quarter Moon.
This full Moon is an exciting one, the second of five in a row occurring in the urgent last degree of its sign. Check back here around the 21st for some insight!
Last Quarter Moon in Leo ~ November 28
Time to tie up any loose ends and make final adjustments to actions and projects, before slowing down for the next New Moon on December 5.
A Shameless Plug
If you didn’t catch it the first time around, for Halloween I did a special series on Past Life and Karmic Astrology. The links are here:
The Sun
The Moon’s Nodes
Retrograde Planets
And Finally...
For November's Void of Course Moon times and sign changes see:
I hope you have a great November.
With love,
Sunday, 31 October 2010
Halloween Special ~ Past Life Astrology (Pt. 3)
In parts 1 and 2 of this introduction to past life astrology, I looked at the Sun and the Moon’s Nodes. Karmic astrologers also look at retrograde planets to glean insight into issues and challenges from past lives.
Before I look at retrograde planets, I would like to point out that while our Sun sign, Nodes and retrograde planets (and other things in our chart) can highlight past life / karmic issues and challenges, it does not mean that you were ‘bad’ or you ‘failed’ in a past life, so do not judge yourself harshly.
I believe that each soul comes into this world with its own chosen mission, a set of lessons it has volunteered to learn and an array of challenges it has opted to take. These are all designed to help the soul to grow and learn. However, here on earth, I believe we have free will to decide whether or how we take on those challenges.
Please also bear in mind when you read the ‘meanings’ I list for each retrograde planet that these are merely suggestions in keeping with the traditional symbolism of each planet. Do not take them as ‘read’, use them as a starting point to prompt you, then let your own experience and intuition guide you towards what your retrograde planet means to you personally. There’s no right or wrong answer.
It’s also worth considering that some past life issues simply need to be released so the soul can move forward. For example, souls who were persecuted for their ideas and opinions in a past life may need to release a fear of speaking freely in this life so that they can fulfill their mission. Souls who led spiritual past lives and took vows of chastity or poverty, may need to release themselves from those vows in this life, in order to let go of negative fears and emotions around prosperity and sexuality. For some tips on release-ment, see my previous blog post here.
Retrograde Planets and Past Lives
All the planets (except the Sun and Moon) spend some time retrograde and most people have one or more retrograde planet in their birth chart. When a planet is retrograde, you are likely to experience its energy internally and subjectively. In early life you may have difficulties with the areas of life the planet represents, but you will get a second chance later in life.
Karmic astrologers believe that retrograde planets in our birth chart represent:
Part 2: The Moon’s Nodes and Past Lives
Resources and Further Reading:
You can get a copy of your chart for free at
Book recommendation: Karmic Astrology, Retrogrades and Reincarnation by Martin Schulman
With love,
Before I look at retrograde planets, I would like to point out that while our Sun sign, Nodes and retrograde planets (and other things in our chart) can highlight past life / karmic issues and challenges, it does not mean that you were ‘bad’ or you ‘failed’ in a past life, so do not judge yourself harshly.
I believe that each soul comes into this world with its own chosen mission, a set of lessons it has volunteered to learn and an array of challenges it has opted to take. These are all designed to help the soul to grow and learn. However, here on earth, I believe we have free will to decide whether or how we take on those challenges.
Please also bear in mind when you read the ‘meanings’ I list for each retrograde planet that these are merely suggestions in keeping with the traditional symbolism of each planet. Do not take them as ‘read’, use them as a starting point to prompt you, then let your own experience and intuition guide you towards what your retrograde planet means to you personally. There’s no right or wrong answer.
It’s also worth considering that some past life issues simply need to be released so the soul can move forward. For example, souls who were persecuted for their ideas and opinions in a past life may need to release a fear of speaking freely in this life so that they can fulfill their mission. Souls who led spiritual past lives and took vows of chastity or poverty, may need to release themselves from those vows in this life, in order to let go of negative fears and emotions around prosperity and sexuality. For some tips on release-ment, see my previous blog post here.
Retrograde Planets and Past Lives
All the planets (except the Sun and Moon) spend some time retrograde and most people have one or more retrograde planet in their birth chart. When a planet is retrograde, you are likely to experience its energy internally and subjectively. In early life you may have difficulties with the areas of life the planet represents, but you will get a second chance later in life.
Karmic astrologers believe that retrograde planets in our birth chart represent:
- Unfinished business from past lives.
- A second chance to balance your karma by working out a past life issue.
- A chance to let go of a past life issue that is holding you back in this lifetime.
- Past life energies that can be used to help your soul’s growth in this lifetime.
- A chance to find fulfillment and achievement that was denied in a past life.
- Unfinished business from a past life around communicating and expressing yourself.
- A second chance to overcome a past life fear of criticism.
- A chance to let go of past life fears of speaking your truth freely. Perhaps you were victimized for your opinions in a past life, but now you have the opportunity to speak up and be heard.
- An opportunity for soul growth through learning to listen to other’s point of view, or through learning to be flexible and open to new ideas.
- A chance to find fulfillment and achievement through learning and education. If education was denied you in past life, you can make up for it in this life.
- Unfinished business from past life relationships.
- A second chance to experience love and affection denied or lost in a past life.
- A chance to let go of unhelpful emotional behaviors and fears by engaging in relationships. For example, learning to trust and open up to others.
- A chance to release and heal low self esteem issues from past lives.
- An opportunity for soul growth through learning to give and receive in relationships.
- A chance to find fulfillment and achievement through relationship and intimacy and/or through valuing yourself and others.
- Unfinished business from past lives around competition and self assertion.
- A second chance to balance karma from past misdeeds that you still subconsciously feel guilty about.
- A chance to let go of anger and frustration left over from a past life.
- An opportunity for soul growth through learning to assert yourself in a positive and healthy way.
- A chance to find fulfillment and achievement through taking positive action towards getting what you truly want and need.
- An opportunity to learn how to follow your passions and desires.
- An opportunity find closure from past life issues by looking deeply within yourself to find truth and meaning.
- A chance to let go of past life feelings of not being deserving of life’s rewards and riches.
- An opportunity for soul growth through resolving issues around spiritual and religious beliefs. (For example, perhaps you were persecuted in a past life for your religion or maybe you were forced to follow a religion you didn’t believe in.)
- A second chance to find fulfillment and achievement through:
- ~Deep study and higher learning.
- ~Experiencing different countries and cultures.
- ~Learning to have faith in life, yourself and the world.
- Unfinished business from past lives where you may have felt inadequate, pessimistic or blocked. These issues can be worked out by facing them head on and taking positive steps to resolve them.
- A second chance to balance karma by working out issues from a past life where you had difficulty taking responsibility or setting healthy boundaries.
- A chance to let go of fears that may have held you back in a past life.
- An opportunity for soul growth through being a parent or becoming an authority.
- Soul growth from succeeding and earning respect by your own efforts, without cutting corners.
- A chance to find fulfillment and achievement through patiently and diligently working towards long term goals.
The Outer Planets ~ Uranus, Neptune, Pluto
Note: The outer planets spend so much time retrograde that most souls come in with at least one of these planets retrograde. These are the generational planets, so if you have one or more of these retrograde in your chart you are part of a generation that has some collective karma to work out. As such, the retrograde outer planet may not have much karmic resonance with you on a personal/individual level. However, if your retrograde outer planet is on an angle (such as the Ascendant or Midheaven) or is making a close aspect to one of your personal planets (Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars), then it may have some karmic significance for you. If you’re not sure, use your intuition and experience to guide you.
Uranus Retrograde
- Unfinished business from past lives where you resisted change. In this life you learn that change can be a good thing.
- A chance to balance past life karma by daring to do things your own way, even if it upsets the status quo.
- A chance to let go of a past life fear of being persecuted for being different.
- An opportunity to pursue independence and freedom that was denied in a past life.
- An opportunity for soul growth through embracing your individuality and originality.
- A chance to find fulfillment and achievement through living life authentically, being true to who you are.
- Unfinished business from past lives where you were super sensitive. In this life you can learn to use your sensitivity to help others while at the same time learning to set healthy personal boundaries.
- A chance to balance karma by embracing your creativity and imagination, especially if you didn’t nurture these in a past life.
- A chance to let go of unhelpful fantasies and escapist tendencies that held you back in a past life.
- An opportunity for soul growth through learning that there is more to life than what you can see and touch with your five senses.
- A chance to find fulfillment and achievement through fostering compassion for yourself and for all life.
- Unfinished business from past lives around issues of power and control. Perhaps you had no power or control in a past life, or perhaps you had too much and abused it. In this life you learn that power and control can be used in healthy, constructive ways, not in destructive ways. You may also need to recognize that there are some things in life that you cannot control.
- A chance to balance your karma and regenerate yourself by purging unhelpful, self-sabotaging behaviors and emotions.
- A chance to balance karma by seeking fresh perspectives on old (past life) problems, in order to release yourself from them.
- A chance to let go of a past life ‘addiction’ to crisis and upheaval by learning that there is a calmer, more controlled way of dealing with life’s ups and downs.
- An opportunity for soul growth through learning to trust your instincts.
- Soul growth through learning that while you can’t always control what happens to you, you can control how you react and respond.
- A chance to find fulfillment and achievement through learning to be honest and forgiving in your dealings with others.
Part 2: The Moon’s Nodes and Past Lives
Resources and Further Reading:
You can get a copy of your chart for free at
Book recommendation: Karmic Astrology, Retrogrades and Reincarnation by Martin Schulman
With love,
Thursday, 28 October 2010
Halloween Special ~ Past Life Astrology (Pt. 2)
In part 1, I looked at what our Sun sign can tell us about lessons learned in past lives and lessons to be learned in our current life. In the second part of this series on past life astrology, I will be taking a look at another significant past life / karmic indicator....
The Nodes of the Moon
Some astrologers believe that the Nodes of the Moon are special karmic and spiritual significators. Studying the signs, houses and aspects of our Nodes can help us understand our past life karma ~ how we can release it (South Node) and the nature of our spiritual / soul mission for this life (North Node).
The South Node represents:
- Where we’ve come from, our past lives
- The past life karma we bring with us into this life for release, including unfinished business from past lives
- Where we have lifetimes of experience
- Our talents, strength and weaknesses from past lives
- Where we feel comfortable and what we fall back on, even if it’s not in the best interest of our current life path
- Where we need to move away from in order to release our karma and fulfill the promise of our North Node…

- The key to our soul’s direction and purpose for this lifetime
- Where we need to grow spiritually
- What we need to learn and pay attention to, in order to grow as spiritual beings
- Unfamiliar territory which we need to explore
- Parts of ourselves we neglected in past lives
- Talents and strengths waiting to be discovered
It is easy for us to avoid the urgings of our North Node, because they feel uncomfortable and unfamiliar. However, when we take the plunge and start ‘doing’ our North Node (according to the sign and house it’s in and its aspects), we find that we are able to release the karma and unfinished business represented by our South Node. Then we can embrace our soul’s journey and life purpose and strive toward the ultimate goal the Nodes represent – integration, growth and karmic balance.
(Please note: there are other interpretations of the Nodes, but this article focuses primarily on the past life/karmic significances of the Nodes)
Find your North and South Node signs and discover what they mean at:
See Part 1: The Sun and Your Past Lives
Books about the Nodes:
Karmic Astrology-the Moons Nodes and Reincarnation by Martin Schulman
Lunar Nodes: Discover Your Soul's Karmic Mission by Celeste Teal
Incarnation: The Four Angles and the Moon's Nodes by Melanie Reinhart
North Node Astrology: Rediscovering Your Life Direction and Soul Purpose by Elizabeth Spring
Astrology for the Soul by Jan Spiller
With love,
Wednesday, 27 October 2010
Halloween Special ~ Past Life Astrology (Pt.1)
It is said that at Halloween, also known as Samhain and All Saints’ Day, the veil between this world and the next is at its thinnest. As ghosts and spirits rise, we are invited to pay homage to those who came before us. After all, the energies they created in life still live on in the words, thoughts, deeds and descendants they gifted to this earthly plane.

Here is an introduction to Past Life astrology, for your seasonal pleasure. I cannot offer extensive interpretations here, but will provide some clues on how and where to look in your chart, so you can explore and interpret your chart for yourself, from a karmic perspective.
Let us begin our journey…
The Sun Sign
On a karmic level, our Sun sign represents the lessons we need to learn in this lifetime. The qualities of our Sun sign do not so much not represent us as we are, but as we should aspire to be. Embodying the very best of what our Sun sign represents is our goal for this lifetime. The journey towards this goal is a heroic one, peppered with obstacles, lessons and challenges along the way.
In a past life (or lives), we had to learn the lesson of the Sun sign that came before our current one. Our aim was to become the best and highest manifestation of the qualities of that sign, On completing the lesson, we moved on to the next sign, taking what we learned with us to use in the next life.

To interpret the lessons of your own past life and current life Sun Sign, see the Sun sign interpretations at Café Astrology.
Read the Sun sign that comes immediately before your own. The best qualities of that Sun sign are the culmination of the lessons you learned in past lives and are resources that you have at your disposal in this life time. (The signs are listed in sequential order below. If you are an Aries, your past life Sun sign was Pisces.)
Next, read the interpretation of your current sign. The negative aspects are the lessons and pitfalls. The positive ones are what you are striving for. By comparing the best of both signs, you can work out what you need to learn (current Sun sign) and the resources you have to help you (previous Sun sign).
For example, the courage of Aries, learned in a past life, helps Taurus to strive for healthy emotional security in this life, whilst overcoming fear of change and avoiding possessiveness. The generosity of spirit learned in a past life as a Leo helps Virgo to serve others with humility and love and to avoid small mindedness and nit picking.
Aries – Taurus – Gemini - Cancer – Leo – Virgo – Libra – Scorpio – Sagittarius – Capricorn – Aquarius – Pisces
In Part 2 ~ What the Moon’s Nodes say about past life karma
In Part 3 ~ Do Retrograde Planets represent past life karma?
With Love,
Thursday, 21 October 2010
Aries Full Moon ~ Love in Action
In September there was a Full Moon in the urgent first degree of Aries. This fiery lunation signalled a time when our deepest sensitivities were laid bare and our crudest instincts exposed. The Sun in Libra, opposing the Moon in Aries, called for balance and for consideration for the sensitivities of others. The way we have handled our relationships was called into question. A couple of weeks later Venus in Scorpio turned retrograde, taking these relationship questions deeper and linking them to the past.
On October 22/23, we have a second full Moon in Aries, this one in the equally urgent last degree of the sign. This time the urgency comes from a need for closure and resolution around the issues exposed during the September Full Moon. Aries is the sign of action, so something absolutely needs to be done now to move things forward and regain some stability and security.
Any Full Moon highlights the duality of the two signs occupied by the Sun and the Moon. It is through this duality that we can seek clues to guide us towards the balance we need. We may live on material planet Earth, but we are also spiritual souls, so in this post I will look at the soul lessons of Aries and Libra, which show us where we can find the middle path during this Full Moon time and beyond.
In esoteric astrology, the soul lesson of Aries is love in action.
As the Aries soul evolves it must learn to think before it acts and to consider the effects its actions have on others. As sensitivity to the feelings and needs of others is nurtured in the Aries heart, kindness and warmth of spirit develops, which in turn helps to calm and balance Aries’ selfish impulsivity.
The potential for a truly heroic soul journey is held within the Aries archetype. The key to this heroism can be found through trial and error, through learning from mistakes and through starting to care for others. As the evolving Aries soul becomes aware that it cannot live just to nourish itself, it seeks more and more to nourish others. Along the way, Aries learns that love and sacrifice go hand in hand. The sacrifice that must be made is the surrender of the selfish urge to win over others at any cost. Through this process, the Aries soul develops self discipline and a deep responsibility for all life. These qualities can then be combined with Aries’ innate powers of leadership and used to support, console and guide others. This is love in action.
The soul lesson of Libra is brotherhood through relationship with others.
The Libra soul has a deep need for companionship and affection and will suffer greatly when this is denied. The scales of Libra symbolise the constant adjustments and compromises the Libra soul feels compelled to make in order to fulfil its needs.
The un-evolved Libra soul will swing between extremes before it finds its place of equilibrium and balance. On the one hand, Libra will selfishly pursue approval and appreciation through relationship at all costs and on the other side, the Libra soul will carelessly give itself away in order to please and placate others in the hope of being loved.
On its journey, Libra often unconsciously seeks out conflict just so it can cast itself as lauded peacemaker. But, as the evolving Libra soul learns to be true to its own self and hold its inner light steady and balanced, the need to create conflict or place itself in the midst of others’ conflict, gradually falls away. In learning to raise itself above conflict Libra realises that all of life is connected and interrelated. From this vantage point Libra is able to hold itself in perfect equilibrium and balance and in so doing it creates a space of harmony and peace that can truly help and serve others. Then, the Libra soul quickly realises that it doesn’t have to experience conflict in order to experience relationship. The give and take of companionship and affection will come naturally and effortlessly from a place of love and light and Libra will have learned the lesson of brotherhood and the true meaning of peace.
For more on the September Aries Full Moon see Aries Full Moon Round Up
For more on Venus Retrograde see Venus Retrograde Transits
Data for the Full Moon
Sun at 29 degrees 32 minutes Libra
Moon at 29 degrees 32 minutes Aries
18.36 PST (North America) on 22 October
21.36 EST (North America) on 22 October
01.36 GMT on 23 October
08.36 HKT (Hong Kong) on 23 October
12.35 EST (Australia) on 23 October
With love
Reference: Astrology, The Sacred Science by Joan Hodgson. The White Eagle Publishing Trust
Images: The Aries image shown here is available as a print from
On October 22/23, we have a second full Moon in Aries, this one in the equally urgent last degree of the sign. This time the urgency comes from a need for closure and resolution around the issues exposed during the September Full Moon. Aries is the sign of action, so something absolutely needs to be done now to move things forward and regain some stability and security.
Any Full Moon highlights the duality of the two signs occupied by the Sun and the Moon. It is through this duality that we can seek clues to guide us towards the balance we need. We may live on material planet Earth, but we are also spiritual souls, so in this post I will look at the soul lessons of Aries and Libra, which show us where we can find the middle path during this Full Moon time and beyond.
In esoteric astrology, the soul lesson of Aries is love in action.
As the Aries soul evolves it must learn to think before it acts and to consider the effects its actions have on others. As sensitivity to the feelings and needs of others is nurtured in the Aries heart, kindness and warmth of spirit develops, which in turn helps to calm and balance Aries’ selfish impulsivity.
The potential for a truly heroic soul journey is held within the Aries archetype. The key to this heroism can be found through trial and error, through learning from mistakes and through starting to care for others. As the evolving Aries soul becomes aware that it cannot live just to nourish itself, it seeks more and more to nourish others. Along the way, Aries learns that love and sacrifice go hand in hand. The sacrifice that must be made is the surrender of the selfish urge to win over others at any cost. Through this process, the Aries soul develops self discipline and a deep responsibility for all life. These qualities can then be combined with Aries’ innate powers of leadership and used to support, console and guide others. This is love in action.
The soul lesson of Libra is brotherhood through relationship with others.
The Libra soul has a deep need for companionship and affection and will suffer greatly when this is denied. The scales of Libra symbolise the constant adjustments and compromises the Libra soul feels compelled to make in order to fulfil its needs.
The un-evolved Libra soul will swing between extremes before it finds its place of equilibrium and balance. On the one hand, Libra will selfishly pursue approval and appreciation through relationship at all costs and on the other side, the Libra soul will carelessly give itself away in order to please and placate others in the hope of being loved.
On its journey, Libra often unconsciously seeks out conflict just so it can cast itself as lauded peacemaker. But, as the evolving Libra soul learns to be true to its own self and hold its inner light steady and balanced, the need to create conflict or place itself in the midst of others’ conflict, gradually falls away. In learning to raise itself above conflict Libra realises that all of life is connected and interrelated. From this vantage point Libra is able to hold itself in perfect equilibrium and balance and in so doing it creates a space of harmony and peace that can truly help and serve others. Then, the Libra soul quickly realises that it doesn’t have to experience conflict in order to experience relationship. The give and take of companionship and affection will come naturally and effortlessly from a place of love and light and Libra will have learned the lesson of brotherhood and the true meaning of peace.
For more on the September Aries Full Moon see Aries Full Moon Round Up
For more on Venus Retrograde see Venus Retrograde Transits
Data for the Full Moon
Sun at 29 degrees 32 minutes Libra
Moon at 29 degrees 32 minutes Aries
18.36 PST (North America) on 22 October
21.36 EST (North America) on 22 October
01.36 GMT on 23 October
08.36 HKT (Hong Kong) on 23 October
12.35 EST (Australia) on 23 October
With love
Reference: Astrology, The Sacred Science by Joan Hodgson. The White Eagle Publishing Trust
Images: The Aries image shown here is available as a print from
Friday, 15 October 2010
Blog Action Day - Water Harvesting in Uganda
Blog Action Day is an annual event held every October 15 that unites the world’s bloggers in posting about the same issue on the same day with the aim of sparking a global discussion and driving collective action. This year's topic is water.
This year the Eurochange Charity a UK based charity which works to find sustainable solutions to poverty relief in Africa, funded a water harvesting facility for the Batwa Pygmies in the Kisoro region of Uganda.

It amazing what can be done with a little money in a very short space of time. This whole project took only a matter of months from inception to realisation with funding provided by The Eurochange Charity. The project was monitored/supervised on the ground by the charity's Uganda project manager and the money was used to buy all the necessary materials and to employ local builders along with some hard working Batwa labour with a vested interest in the project. Everyone involved set about construction with great enthusiasm and they can rightly be proud of their achievements. Proof, if you need it, that where there's a will, there's a way. This facility will dramatically improve the quality of life for all who benefit from it. There is, of course, still much more to be done in other areas to help the Batwa but, in the meantime, bring on the rain!
To find out more about the work the Eurochange Charity is doing to help the Batwa and other marginalised groups in Uganda, or to make a donation, see
Every Penny Counts
Thursday, 7 October 2010
Retrograde Venus Transits
Venus is a fast moving planet, making a full circuit of the Sun approximately every 20 months. A transit of Venus to a natal planet or angle is therefore only a one day event, which may not materialize into anything more than having a pleasant encounter or two.
A retrograde Venus transit is a more significant event though because when retrograde it travels back and forth over the same degrees of the zodiac three times.
This Venus Retrograde lasts from October 8 to November 18 and covers 27 degrees of Libra through 13 degrees of Scorpio.
If you have any planets or angles in those degrees of Scorpio or Libra, or in the opposite degrees (27 degrees of Aries through 13 degrees Taurus), it’s a transit worth paying attention to. (You can get your chart at
What Does This Transit Mean?
Going over what every individual Venus transit might mean would take up a lot more space than I have here and it depends on what planet or angle it is transiting….but generally speaking Venus transits are meant to be pleasant, sociable, romantic. However, this retrograde transit, mostly in Scorpio, takes things deeper than that. It’s a time to review Venusian things and how you express and handle them. Venusian themes include relationships, values, self worth, how we share and give and yield to others, the soft and sweet side of life, the feminine, emotional stuff, the things that money can buy, how attractive we feel, what and who we are attracted to.
Because we are talking primarily Scorpio here for this Venus transit, this brings the urge to purge in Venusian areas of life, the need to check whether our handling of all things Venusian is healthy, or whether we are straying into the shadow side of Venus. Examples could be a tendency to give yourself away to please others, or letting yourself be pushed around in a relationship. Or perhaps you are taking advantage of others who are trying to please you. Such questions may need to be asked if this Venus retrograde is forming a transit in your chart. Money questions may also need to be asked. Are you spending too much on luxuries or are you denying yourself the good things in life unnecessarily? Where do you need to ‘balance the books’ in your life? Consider what your core values are. Are you living them? Do you need to get back to them or redefine them?
That all said it would be wise to put off any major relationship or financial decisions until the retrograde is done and dusted. Even though Venus turns direct on November 18, it will not be clear of its retrograde shadow until December 20, so this date should be noted if you’re looking for a benchmark.
Another Clue To Your Retrograde Venus Transit…The Venus Eight Year Cycle
Venus has a synodic cycle* of eight years. This means that if you go back eight years in an ephemeris you will find that Venus occupied the same degree of the zodiac. So, if this current retrograde Venus is making a transit to one of your planets or angles, think back eight years for a clue about what it might mean. How did you relate back then? Have you outgrown certain relationships over the last eight years? How have your social and personal values changed? Do you need to get back to a past and more authentic way of relating? Or do you need to move on from past relating habits? Only you will know the answers and in fact, only you will really know the questions to ask.
Around the Houses
It’s also worth noting which House Venus retrograde is traveling through, whether it makes a connection to a planet or angle or not. For example, the whole retrograde will occur in my Sixth House, so issues of work and service will come up for review. Do I give too much to my work or not enough? Do I value the work I do and does the work value me? How do I serve others, how do others serve me? Are my relationships healthy, or are they making me ‘sick’ on some level? Questions I will be considering.
Some First House Issues for Venus Retrograde: Ego values, relationship with self, self-esteem issues, self enjoyment, how you present yourself to the world physically and socially.
Some Second House Issues for Venus Retrograde: Money ~ how you earn it and what you spend it on. Your personal and physical assets, what you value, how you value yourself.
Some Third House Issues for Venus Retrograde: How you connect and communicate with others, relationships with siblings and neighbours, your attitude to learning and education and what value you place on it. Your mindset.
Some Fourth House Issues for Venus Retrograde: How you value your roots, heritage and family background. Your atttitude and values around home and family, how you relate to family members.
Some Fifth House Issues for Venus Retrograde: How you value your own creativity and self expression. Your relationship to your children. Your attitude to gambling and risk taking.
Some Seventh House Issues for Venus Retrograde: How you relate to signficant others including marriage and bussiness partners. Your open enemies. Issues around the type of people you attract / are attracted to.
Some Eighth House Issues for Venus Retrograde: Money issues, especially the resources of others or money you don't earn (such as inheritances etc.) This transit could be a good opportunity for some profound healing around your relationships or financial management.
Some Ninth House Issues for Venus Retrograde: Your values, ethics, religion, spiritual ideas and life philosophy could come up for assessment. Questions around higher education, travel, foreign matters.
Some Tenth House Issues for Venus Retrograde: How you value status and reputation. Your ambitions and the relationships/connections you need in order to achieve them. Professional collaborations. How your boss values you and relationships with parents and authority figures.
Some Eleventh House Issues for Venus Retrograde: Your relationship to peers, friends, acquaintances and groups. How you value group efforts. Your social conciousness and the value you place upon it.
Some Twelfth House Issues for Venus Retrograde: Where you are your own worst enemy. Dealing with unhealthy relationships that sabotage your emotional/social 'health'. The value of service, retreat and the spirtual life.
What About You? What Planet/s will Venus retrograde transit? What House/s will Venus travel through? Leave your comment below...
Wishing you a healthy, productive and pleasant Venus retrograde time.
*It’s not necessary to understand the synodic cycle to understand this article, but if you are astronomically minded and/or curious to learn more you can read about it here:
Image credit: NASA/JPL/USGS
With love,
A retrograde Venus transit is a more significant event though because when retrograde it travels back and forth over the same degrees of the zodiac three times.
This Venus Retrograde lasts from October 8 to November 18 and covers 27 degrees of Libra through 13 degrees of Scorpio.
If you have any planets or angles in those degrees of Scorpio or Libra, or in the opposite degrees (27 degrees of Aries through 13 degrees Taurus), it’s a transit worth paying attention to. (You can get your chart at
What Does This Transit Mean?
Going over what every individual Venus transit might mean would take up a lot more space than I have here and it depends on what planet or angle it is transiting….but generally speaking Venus transits are meant to be pleasant, sociable, romantic. However, this retrograde transit, mostly in Scorpio, takes things deeper than that. It’s a time to review Venusian things and how you express and handle them. Venusian themes include relationships, values, self worth, how we share and give and yield to others, the soft and sweet side of life, the feminine, emotional stuff, the things that money can buy, how attractive we feel, what and who we are attracted to.
Because we are talking primarily Scorpio here for this Venus transit, this brings the urge to purge in Venusian areas of life, the need to check whether our handling of all things Venusian is healthy, or whether we are straying into the shadow side of Venus. Examples could be a tendency to give yourself away to please others, or letting yourself be pushed around in a relationship. Or perhaps you are taking advantage of others who are trying to please you. Such questions may need to be asked if this Venus retrograde is forming a transit in your chart. Money questions may also need to be asked. Are you spending too much on luxuries or are you denying yourself the good things in life unnecessarily? Where do you need to ‘balance the books’ in your life? Consider what your core values are. Are you living them? Do you need to get back to them or redefine them?
That all said it would be wise to put off any major relationship or financial decisions until the retrograde is done and dusted. Even though Venus turns direct on November 18, it will not be clear of its retrograde shadow until December 20, so this date should be noted if you’re looking for a benchmark.
Another Clue To Your Retrograde Venus Transit…The Venus Eight Year Cycle
Venus has a synodic cycle* of eight years. This means that if you go back eight years in an ephemeris you will find that Venus occupied the same degree of the zodiac. So, if this current retrograde Venus is making a transit to one of your planets or angles, think back eight years for a clue about what it might mean. How did you relate back then? Have you outgrown certain relationships over the last eight years? How have your social and personal values changed? Do you need to get back to a past and more authentic way of relating? Or do you need to move on from past relating habits? Only you will know the answers and in fact, only you will really know the questions to ask.
Around the Houses
It’s also worth noting which House Venus retrograde is traveling through, whether it makes a connection to a planet or angle or not. For example, the whole retrograde will occur in my Sixth House, so issues of work and service will come up for review. Do I give too much to my work or not enough? Do I value the work I do and does the work value me? How do I serve others, how do others serve me? Are my relationships healthy, or are they making me ‘sick’ on some level? Questions I will be considering.
Some First House Issues for Venus Retrograde: Ego values, relationship with self, self-esteem issues, self enjoyment, how you present yourself to the world physically and socially.
Some Second House Issues for Venus Retrograde: Money ~ how you earn it and what you spend it on. Your personal and physical assets, what you value, how you value yourself.
Some Third House Issues for Venus Retrograde: How you connect and communicate with others, relationships with siblings and neighbours, your attitude to learning and education and what value you place on it. Your mindset.
Some Fourth House Issues for Venus Retrograde: How you value your roots, heritage and family background. Your atttitude and values around home and family, how you relate to family members.
Some Fifth House Issues for Venus Retrograde: How you value your own creativity and self expression. Your relationship to your children. Your attitude to gambling and risk taking.
Some Seventh House Issues for Venus Retrograde: How you relate to signficant others including marriage and bussiness partners. Your open enemies. Issues around the type of people you attract / are attracted to.
Some Eighth House Issues for Venus Retrograde: Money issues, especially the resources of others or money you don't earn (such as inheritances etc.) This transit could be a good opportunity for some profound healing around your relationships or financial management.
Some Ninth House Issues for Venus Retrograde: Your values, ethics, religion, spiritual ideas and life philosophy could come up for assessment. Questions around higher education, travel, foreign matters.
Some Tenth House Issues for Venus Retrograde: How you value status and reputation. Your ambitions and the relationships/connections you need in order to achieve them. Professional collaborations. How your boss values you and relationships with parents and authority figures.
Some Eleventh House Issues for Venus Retrograde: Your relationship to peers, friends, acquaintances and groups. How you value group efforts. Your social conciousness and the value you place upon it.
Some Twelfth House Issues for Venus Retrograde: Where you are your own worst enemy. Dealing with unhealthy relationships that sabotage your emotional/social 'health'. The value of service, retreat and the spirtual life.
What About You? What Planet/s will Venus retrograde transit? What House/s will Venus travel through? Leave your comment below...
Wishing you a healthy, productive and pleasant Venus retrograde time.
*It’s not necessary to understand the synodic cycle to understand this article, but if you are astronomically minded and/or curious to learn more you can read about it here:
Image credit: NASA/JPL/USGS
With love,
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