Tuesday, 30 March 2010
Chocolate for Astrology Lovers
Monday, 29 March 2010
Libra Full Moon – Who Am I, Who Are You & Where Do We Draw the Line?

Data for the Full Moon:
29 March 22.25 EDT / 30 March 03.25 BST
Sun 9 Aries 17 / Moon 9 Libra 17
Friday, 26 March 2010
Astrology in Action: When Mars Crosses the Line!
I always stress this important point because I do not want anyone to fear that something will ‘happen’ on a particular day. Most often nothing will happen and even if something does, there’s no way I could predict what! To even try would be to take away the freewill of whoever the event is predicted for. On the contrary, my work in astrology is about empowering poeple, not taking away their choices.
That said, very occasionally an ‘event’ will occur that is perfectly timed to the transit of a planet across an angle or over a natal planet. While these cannot be predicted in advance, these events often reflect the astrological symbolism very literally. In my experience, these events are always worth noting and analyzing for the learning they can bring, because most often they reflect something else, something bigger and more personal.
To illustrate what I mean, here is a personal example that happened to me as Mars in Leo was crossing my IC on March 20th.
I was at home, upstairs, on my laptop. The Saturn Collection of articles I coordinated for the Cardinal T-Square blog-a-thon had gone live that morning and I was on the social networking sites publicizing it.
The blog-a-thon had sure created lots of energy and I was about to find out how much!
As I worked, I suddenly become aware of a very nasty burning smell coming from downstairs. I ran down to find lots of smoke and sparks and a few small flames coming from a light switch. The switch had blown up and instead of activating the fuse, it exploded into an electrical fire. The electrician said we were very lucky - had we been out or asleep it would have developed into a major fire. Thank goodness we were all OK and there was no major damage.
Isn’t it stunning how literally the event reflected the astrology? Talk about ‘as above-so below’!
Now, I won’t drag this blog post out by analysing in-depth why I think this event happened, only to say that the reaction to the fire set in motion another series of personal crisis events from which I am still reeling, triggering as they did some of the deep issues I am dealing with as Saturn and Pluto transit my natal Sun in early Capricorn. The fire (the literal fire and the other, personal 'fire' situation that ensued) had been trying to start for a while unseen - under the floor (Pluto) and in the walls (Saturn) - and eventually, by force of motion all the energy exploded outwards (triggered by the Mars transit) and the issue suddenly needed ugent attention. The electrician fixed the light switch and now I need to fix the other, more difficult problem. Wish me luck!
If you find that, as happens occasionally, an event ‘does’ happen that is perfectly timed to a transit, make a careful note of it, see if you can see what triggered it, what its effect was and look to your longer transits to see how the event might reflect something bigger in your life.
I could go on – you wanna hear my story about the dental work I had when Saturn crossed my IC? Probably not – but I would love to hear if you have any examples of literal events that happened when a transiting planet crossed your angles or other planets and what you think they meant.
Shameless Cardinal T-Square Blog-A-Thon Plug: It is perfectly safe to read the blog-a-thon articles - they are totally fire proof, I promise! The Saturn, Uranus and Pluto collections as well as all the other special events form a permanent resource that myself and all the other coordinators hope you will want to return to time and again in the coming months. All the links you need are on the top right side bar of this blog or you can go now to the main blog-a-thon hub page: http://2010astrologycarnival.wordpress.com/
With love,
Sunday, 21 March 2010
IAD Blog-A-Thon: Sunday's Events
Unpredictable Uranus is ending his sojourn in Pisces and will soon enter irascible Aries. Following a period of reluctantly dealing with the real world, Uranus steps up to proclaim personal freedom. This is not the freedom bell that Uranus usually rings for everyone, but the unabashed self-proclamation of “My Rights, Every Day!” Coordinated by C.J. Wright, the 17 articles and additional media presentations in the Uranus collection are as erratic as Uranus himself. You will discover some of the disruptive changes Uranus loves to spring on us and receive suggestions on how to work with rather than against yourself as you evolve and grow.
Online NOW:
From Astroair Astrology: Look After Saturn and Saturn Will Look After You
From Sasstrology: Saturn in Libra And Relationships
For full details of all these fantastic events, see http://2010astrologycarnival.wordpress.com/
Don't forget that these pages form a permanent resource - if you can't read them all today you can go back to them time and time again, so don't forget to bookmark them
Note: We’d appreciate it if you’d pass along word of this event to your friends, fellow students, and others with an interest in astrology, particular those with concerns about the cardinal t-square.
Saturday, 20 March 2010
Look After Saturn & Saturn Will Look After You (IAD Blog-A-Thon)
How This Article Collection Can Help

When you click on the links below you will go to the authors’ own blog or website, so you can read their article and explore what else they have to offer. Before you start clicking, bookmark this page so you can find your way back here. Scroll to the end for the link to the Pluto and Uranus collections and all the other special Blog-A-Thon events.
Saturn The Wise Teacher
Saturn Without Suffering Obstacles, fear, failing, falling and suffering...Jessica Murray of MotherSky takes on all the big themes of Saturn and discusses how, by accepting Saturn’s teachings and consciously changing our attitude towards them, we can truly grow from the experience.
Saturn is the Gateway Amanda Owen explores Saturn’s role as the gateway to the outer planets and explains how in taking responsibility for our lives (Saturn), we set ourselves on the path towards the highest gifts that Uranus, Neptune and Pluto can offer…uniqueness, divinity and power.
Growing Up and Growing Old

King Saturn and the Archetype of the Father Stefanie Iris Weiss and Sherene Schostak, the Saturn Sisters, discuss father issues, finding Saturn’s heart in the daddy archetype and how learning to say and mean ‘no’ is essential for setting healthy boundaries and becoming the author of our own lives.
Astrology Can Improve Parent-Child Relationships Being a parent is probably the hardest job anyone will ever have. Using client examples of parents with strong Saturn-Moon-Pluto configurations, astrologer and counselor Gretchen Lawlor demonstrates how astrology can help parents strike the right balance between nurture (Moon) and structure (Saturn). For more articles by Gretchen, go to www.gretchenlawlor.com
Getting a Handle on your Second Saturn Return If you’re currently having, or coming up to, your second Saturn return, you’ve also got the Uranus in Aries and Pluto in Capricorn dynamic complicating the picture. Victoria Bazeley, whose specialty is helping clients deal with their midlife transits, explains all and provides some very useful suggestions for making the best of this important time of life.
The Astrology of Love in Midlife Just because we get older, it doesn’t mean that we lose our need for love, passion and partnership. With Saturn in Libra putting the spotlight on relationships, Lara Owen discusses the importance of the transits and progressions of midlife to relationships, including the Saturn opposition in our early forties and the second Saturn return in our late fifties.
Practical Saturn
Saturn Transits – What Do They Mean For Your Career? If Saturn is moving through one of your career houses, is this bad news for your job prospects? Not necessarily, explains astrologer and therapist Donna Cunningham. Working with the issues Saturn brings, could be just what you need to get you right on track!
RESOURCE: For some helpful tips and resources on how your birth chart can help with your vocation questions, see Giz a Job! Using Astrology to Make Career Choices

Tightening your Belt with Saturn Transiting Saturn in your 2nd or 8th house? Fearful for your finances? These transits don’t have to be disastrous, especially if you take a realistic and practical approach. Mandi Lockley makes a few suggestions to help you get prepared.
Astrology of Time Management: Bringing Balance into Productivity The demands on our time are ever-increasing in modern life, and now with transiting Saturn being aspected by Pluto in Capricorn and eventually by Uranus, effective time management could be considered a survival skill. Hiroki Niizato presents an astrological perspective on time management as part of his 7-part series on facets of Saturn.
Coping and Healing Tools
Taking Up the Long Conversation with Astrology with Saturn in Libra squaring Pluto bringing up difficult questions for so many people, Jessica Shepherd asks how can astrology help, exploring the value of the creative dialogue between astrologer and client in this beautiful and moving article.
Saturn Survival Tips (He is your Ally, not your Enemy!) The Saturn Sisters, as the name suggests, are experts on Saturn. “Don't have too many rules or too few rules” and “Remember that limits create freedom” are just a couple of their snippets of sound advice for getting the planet of blocks and limitations firmly on your side.
Saturn and the Healing Power of Crystal Quartz Shakti Carola Navran, author of Jewelry and Gems for Self Discovery shows how Quartz Crystals and the Hermiker Diamond, which symbolise clarity, insight and balance, can be especially beneficial tools for coping with the current astrological climate.
Tapping For Saturn: Astrology And EFT Astrologer and Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) Practitioner Kathy Loveless demonstrates how this simple, versatile but powerful healing tool can help you release and overcome the negative emotions and karmic patterns associated with Saturn transits and natal Saturn aspects.

For more helpful coping and healing tools for many of the issues our transits bring - including Saturn transits - check out the wonderful collection of articles on astrology and essences at Vibration Magazine Blog
Saturnalia (Mostly for Fun)
The Astrology of Aging Gemini’s in denial, Virgo’s feeling smug for once and Pisces has lost the plot altogether! Astrologer and cartoonist S.A. Hopkins, takes an irreverent look at the bodily effects of old father time. You can also see more of his cartoons at www.astrologic.us
How Strong is Your Saturn? Are you Saturnian? Find out with this quick and simple quiz from Donna at Sky Writer, then do the quizzes for Uranus and Pluto and compare your scores…You can also enter The T-Square Championship – with a great prize for the highest combined Saturn, Uranus and Pluto score. Discuss and compare your scores at the Astrocreeps Forum
The Sounds of Saturn We’ve all used music as a cathartic self-help tool at some time or other, even if we didn’t realize that was what we were doing. In that spirit, here’s a selection of rocking classics and melancholic dirges – perfect accompaniments to a Saturn transit.
RESOURCE: For further info, dates and data for the T-Square see: The Cardinal T-Square – What’s It All About?
RESOURCE: Don’t forget to check out Donna Cunningham’s Pluto-Saturn Preparedness Kit on her Skywriter blog
I really do hope you found this collection of articles helpful, enjoyable and insightful. If you would like to comment on individual articles you can do so on the author's own blog in most cases or you can discuss what you've read on the Astrocreeps Forum.
This collection is part of the 2010 International Astrology Day Blog-A-Thon, a permanent collection of articles launched 19-21 March. The theme of the blog-a-thon is the upcoming cardinal t-square. Click on the link below to go to the main event blog where you can follow the links to the Pluto and Uranus article collections, as well as all the other special events including: Sasstrology's Saturn in Libra relationship special; Vibrational Magazine's special on combining astrology and essences; Sound bytes from time past at the Astrologers' Memorial and Jude Cowell's stunning Cosmic Art Show.
For links to all IAD Blog-A-Thon Collections and Events Go To:
Please do bookmark this page before you go so you can come back and read more articles in this collection!
Saturn photography courtesy of NASA/JPL/Space Science Institute
Neon Saturn courtesy of NASA/JPL/University of Arizona
Saturn spies the Moon by Jude Cowell
It was a real pleasure and honour to coordinate this fantastic collection. A huge thank you to all the wonderfully talented authors who contributed and a big thanks also to Donna Cunningham for conceiving and driving this important event and giving me the opportunity to get involved.
The International Astrology Day Blogathon articles collections are for educational purposes only.
Inclusion in the Blogathon Collections does not mean to imply recommendation or certification of any of the authors or their companies. We ask website visitors to make their own judgments about the quality of services or products described. Articles are not meant to be advice, and the information is not meant to replace medical or psychological treatment. Opinions expressed by authors and readers do not necessarily reflect those of the Blogathon coordinators.
Friday, 19 March 2010
The IAD Blog-A-Thon - Saturday's Events
IAD Blog-A-Thon Quick Links
From Astroair Astrology: Look After Saturn and Saturn Will Look After You
From Sasstrology: Saturn in Libra And Relationships
For full details of all these fantastic events, see http://2010astrologycarnival.wordpress.com/
Don't forget that these pages form a permanent resource - if you can't read them all today you can go back to them time and time again, so don't forget to bookmark them
The IAD Blog-A-Thon Is Here!
The idea behind this exciting web-based Blogathon event for International Astrology Day is to help with these questions by providing some valuable insights into how the main players in the T-square - Saturn, Uranus and Pluto – operate and by offering some helpful tools to work with the issues they represent.
This exciting event was conceived by renowned astrologer and therapist Donna Cunningham, who put together a wonderful team of coordinators to assemble a collection of almost 70 articles by over 50 talented astrologers!
It has been an honour and a privilege to be a part of the Blogathon team and coordinate Saturn collection. The full team comprises Donna Cunningham (Pluto); CJ Wright (Uranus); Sasstrology’s Jeffrey Kishner (Relationship Special) Liz Houle (Astrologer’s Memorial sound bytes) and Jude Cowell (Cosmic Art Gallery). Neeti Ray (of Astrology Expressed) and Fabienne Lopez (of Astrology Unboxed) have worked tirelessly to publicize this event, along with many others and Jan Tud (Astrogrrl), is hosting a forum at the Astrocreeps and Tarot Freaks, where readers can discuss their experiences.
These article collections form a permanent resource, so you can bookmark the main event blog link at http://2010astrologycarnival.wordpress.com/ and come back time and again to browse through this remarkable body of work.
Thursday, 18 March 2010
Aries Speaks!
But first, a very short story that demonstrates nicely the difference between Aries and Scorpio, those two Mars ruled signs, as told to me by the Aries!

Clearly no one knows what leadership has gone undiscovered in women of all races, and in black and other minority men.

I'd like to produce, direct, write, score, and star in a film in exactly the way Chaplin did. I'll do that before I'm thirty.
Fire has always been and, seemingly, will always remain, the most terrible of the elements.
Harry Houdini, Illusionist - Aries Sun, Sagittarius Moon
I have made good judgments in the past. I have made good judgments in the future.
Tapping For Saturn: Astrology And EFT
A big welcome to guest blogger Kathy Loveless, Astrologer, EFT-ADV, who in this beautifully insightful and helpful article discusses the creative use of the Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) in co-operation with Saturn natal aspects and transits.
What is EFT and How Does It Work?
EFT, Emotional Freedom Technique, has become a popular healing tool in today’s fast-growing field of energy work and complementary medicine. It has been shown to be effective in assisting healing on a physical, mental and emotional level.
With this technique, one practices a simple sequence of tapping points located along the body’s meridians. These points correspond with some of the key acupuncture points. (A simple online diagram is available at http://www.emofree.com/ and from there you can also download a free manual which gives you all the EFT tapping points and basic procedures to enable you to start using it on yourself immediately).
EFT is acupressure which is applied through our fingertips. We simply tap a sequence upon the face, hands, and torso of our body, while focusing on and stating a current problem or painful condition we want to get rid of.
Each statement we make is countered by a positive ending, i.e. “Even though I have this problem, negative feeling about myself”, (etc) “I deeply and completely love and accept myself.“ This point-counterpoint phrasing seems to help discharge the source of the problem from our energy field and “resets” our system, allowing the stuck pain, emotion, or habitual negative behavior to be released.
Tapping on these points while focusing on our problem often brings about a reduction or disappearance of our pain or distress level. However, the memory of our problem does not leave us; the only thing which disappears is the emotional distress or physical pain which had become stuck.
(EFT disclaimer: The information contained in this article is provided as a general information only and is not intended to represent that EFT is used to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any diseases or psychological disorder. EFT is not a substitute for medical or psychological treatment. Any stories or testimonials contained herein, do not constitute a warranty, guarantee, or prediction regarding the outcome of an individual using EFT for any particular issue.)
Healing Our Ancestral Patterns with EFT: Aspects of Saturn in the Birth Chart
When we look at a birth chart and see one or more challenging aspects involving Saturn, it can indicate that the person is carrying forward issues to do with self limiting emotions. The emotions might include fear of failure, a limiting outlook on life, or a pessimistic view of the future that can lead to physical ailments or hypochondria.

Saturn will, in the course of one’s life, come around and “touch off” these issues for review and test to see if we’re making headway in releasing these innate fears.
Of course, our birth planets and their aspects represent our family ancestral patterns. Our shared history and DNA influences our temperament, challenges and experiences. For example, a whole family may exhibit difficult Saturn aspects in their individual charts, though each person was born several years or even a generation apart. Perhaps the charts of your whole clan contain variations of Jupiter and Saturn aspects, revealing several individuals who have wrestled with depression or bipolar disorder.
So, how do we break the link with a negative ancestral or “karmic” imprint? I believe it is by consciously addressing Saturn, which is linked to “cycles of time and chronic illness”; and by turning on the light in the birth chart. EFT gives us a tangible method of working with Saturn to release these imposed restrictions that can manifest in the emotional and physical challenges of a family. To help the individual transcend this cycle, an acupressure tapping sequence would be accompanied by an affirmation:
“Even though I share this connection with so many ancestors who have had depression, I choose to release my link from this chain of illness I see in my chart; and I deeply and completely love and forgive myself and any others for anything I or they may have done to contribute to this family affliction. I am now healing this depression and all its origins and genetic variations, from 100 generations back into my past and 100 generations forward into my future.”
Using EFT to Work With Saturn During Difficult Transits
In dealing with “chronic” problems, we turn our attention to the planet Saturn and how this sometimes feared, seldom revered, planet actually operates in our lives to help us achieve success and wisdom on all levels of experience here on Earth.

Wherever Saturn is active in our chart is where we need to spend some time and effort in testing the foundation in that particular area of our life. I find that turning the light on in the chart and consciously engaging, in this case, Saturn in the healing process, is very empowering and helps to dissipate fear and depression. Careful examination of the chart in conjunction with a pre-treatment consult is necessary to identify the emotions surrounding the issue. If that emotion is fear, isolation, worry, depression, restriction, loneliness…you are quite likely experiencing a challenging Saturn aspect. By examining the emotional issue in question, we can determine what practical methods we can use to begin to heal.
For example, when a client was going through a difficult Saturn transit to her Sun, she was diagnosed with osteoporosis. EFT sessions were begun to allay her fear and depression. As her fear faded, her sense of empowerment and faith began to flow once again. She spent more time outdoors in the sun; she was guided to make gem elixirs for increased bone strength. She attracted other “resources” to help heal and empower herself, including inspiring information on Vitamin D and K – tangible things to honor and support the process of healing this Saturn-Sun related imbalance.
She was directed to ask herself: “What structures (Saturn) in my life are no longer strong or safe enough to support me?” – Every physical restriction has an emotional component. It was revealed that she held a suppressed fear of getting old and of not having much time (Saturn) left to fulfill her own dreams (Sun). EFT could be used to address this wounded part of herself. As new “roots” of an issue are revealed, they can also be tapped on and released, using this process.
The Saturn-Uranus-Pluto T Square – All for One and One for All
Most of us have read with keen interest the possible meaning of this dynamic planetary configuration. Certainly there is a theme of powerful Change and Rebirth. I believe these changes can be through us as well as to us. Saturn in this picture represents where we hold onto the old, afraid to embrace the new (Uranus).
Every one of us is experiencing this planetary dynamic in some department of our own lives. We can use the keywords of Saturn to help us with identifying our personal issues and use EFT or other empowering healing tools to add grace and healing to this challenging life passage.
Group work can maximize the grace in a planetary transition like this. Most healing work, when used in a group, can be very potent. An all for one and one for all effect is often reported. With EFT, the whole group taps along with a person who is addressing a concern, only to find afterwards that they, too, are experiencing “well being” or healing effects. Physical location is not a limitation; these surrogate tapping energies can be directed to people and places in need around the world. Like prayer, EFT can be another powerful form of subtle activism.
NOTE: This is part of a collection of articles about Saturn transits for the International Astrology Blogathon, March 19-21, 2010. The rest of the collection can be viewed here from 20th March: Look After Saturn and Saturn Will Look After You. For the main event page, for links to the Pluto and Uranus collections and the rest of the Blogathon events, go to 2010 Astrology Carnival
Recommended Sites:
For those wishing to explore EFT and its many applications, you may learn much more by going to http://www.emofree.com/ where you will find articles on hundreds of its possible healing applications, as well as a list of trained EFT practitioners.
For those interested in Tapas Acupressure Technique (TAT) by Tapas Fleming – go to www.TATLife.com There are many flower essence resources; I find Lila Devi’s site an important resource. http://www.spirit-in-natureessences.com/
Recommended Books:
The Heart & Soul of EFT and Beyond… by Phillip Mountrose & Jane Mountrose
The Genie in your Genes: Epigenetic Medicine and the New Biology of Intention, by Dawson Church, PhD
The Promise of Energy Psychology (Revolutionary Tools for Dramatic Personal Change), by David Feinstein, Donna Eden, and Gary Craig, founder of EFT
The Essential Flower Essence Handbook by Lila Devi
About Kathy Loveless, Astrologer, EFT-ADV:
I am a practicing astrologer with over 15 years of consulting experience. I attended 4 years of structured classes at the Michigan based Academy of Astrology, where I achieved my certification in astrology Born to truth-seeking parents, I thrived on the variety of metaphysical teachings and practices I was exposed to early in life, including astrology, meditation, and energy healing. By my teens I had begun a serious study of astrology. I developed a strong spiritual foundation which I bring to my practice. I have always tried to link astrology with healing in some way. So, when a client’s chart reveals stressful conditions, I can present simple yet effective forms of self-healing, to reassure them that we are not victims of our chart, but instead, powerful co-creators in this process called Life!
I have an advanced certification in EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique), a simple acupressure exercise which is used to release mental and emotional blockages in the energy field. I am also a certified flower essence therapist, trained through Lila Devi’s two year practitioner course on flower essences. Though gentle and safe to take, these “unassuming little genies” work wonders in restoring balance and well being on every level!
I offer a full range of astrological services, including birth chart analysis, monthly or yearly forecasts, relationship compatibility charts, vocational “calling”, and more. I live in Michigan with my husband, John. Together, we enjoy travel, spiritual philosophy, and all kinds of live music. We also love time spent with our two grown daughters and two precious young grandchildren.
To learn more, I welcome you to visit my website: www.StellarObservations.com. You can contact me by e mail at: Kathy@StellarObservations.com
Update (April 2024) I have now moved my content to YouTube & you can view my channel, On Purpose Astrology, by clicking on this lin...