Thursday, 17 February 2011

Leo Full Moon Round Up

Everything becomes clearer under a Full Moon phase. This is payoff or payback time for plans hatched and actions taken during the New Moon and First Quarter Moon phase. The Full Moon and the few days leading up to it, press us to ACT, especially as February 18th's Full Moon falls across 29 degrees of Leo and Aquarius, the fifth and last Full Moon in a row to fall in the urgent last degree of its sign.

A Full Moon draws our attention to the two signs the Sun and Moon fall in, so what are the issues for Leo and Aquarius? The Leo-Aquarius axis symbolizes the need to balance the individual need for personal gain and acclaim with the need to help, support and be equal to everyone else. Aquarius will never deny Leo’s right to be king, but will absolutely insist that the king serves his people with integrity and honesty. Teamwork and delegation of authority is everything to Aquarius and selfish greed is just not acceptable. Aquarius teaches that ultimately it is through serving the group, the community, the team, our friends, that we gain the honor and significance that is so crucial to Leo. Conversely, Leo teaches Aquarius that sometimes you have to take the lead if the cause is important enough. Somebody has to stand up for the masses, rebel against the status quo and shake the system up, if there is to be any chance of a lasting change for the better and what better than Aquarian energy to do this!

Given the current line up of planets in Aquarius right now, the Leo Moon is injecting spirit into the Aquarian energy, calling for balance, as well as suggesting potential opposition:

Sun in Aquarius = energy and goals directed towards working together for the common good, towards brother/sisterhood, helping out
Mercury in Aquarius = new ideas/commonality of mindset/social networking/forward thinking/rule breaking
Mars in Aquarius = action for equality/fighting for a cause/rebellious anger
Neptune in Aquarius = collective idealism/humanitarianism/vision
Ceres in Aquarius = nurturance/comfort within a group

The events currently sweeping across the Middle East exemplify these Aquarian energies at work, as well as the revolutionary energies of the applying Uranus-Pluto square.

Here’s a quick round up of what some fine bloggers are saying about the Leo Full Moon:

From Virgo Magic: Breaking Open The Heart - Approaching the Leo Full Moon

Full Moon from Tracy's Astro Salon

Join moonpluto's Full Moon in Leo discussion over at ElsaElsa

From Gemini Awakening: Leo Full Moon 

Sun Conjunct Neptune from Cosmic Life Coach

Enjoy the Leo Full Moon!
With love,


  1. Excellent article!
    Found your blog through twitter and just RT about it.
    Started following you on twitter, maybe you want to follow me too.

    All the best from this Aquarian with six natal planets in Aquarius : Sun, Jupiter, Venus, Mars, Mercury and Saturn.....

    Maria Carmo

    Please check out my blog - link at my twitter profile.

  2. Thanks Maria and welcome to my blog...I so enjoy writing it and it's lovely to hear from readers. Oh and congrats on all those lovely Aquarian planets (I have Moon, Mars and Venus there).

    Will be following you on Twitter and checking out your blog too....


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