Fancy reading a excerpt of Saturn in Scorpio: Your Guide Through The Dark that hasn't appeared online before?
Yes? Then hop on over to the Beyond the Stars Astrology Blog, to learn more about coping with rejection and the importance of forgiveness.
While you're there, you'll also find lots of informative and insightful articles by astrologer Alison Gunn.
I like The 12th House - Know Thyself or Else and there's a great article on that big question astrologers get asked so often: Synastry and the 7th House: Is This Person Marriageable?
You can read the Saturn in Scorpio Excerpt here
FYI, Alison Gunn is also a writing and creativity coach. You can find out more at The Collaborative Writer.
Image credit: Scorpio by Josephine Wall
Tuesday, 29 January 2013
Saturday, 26 January 2013
Uranus in Aries Wakes Up Your Mars ~ Pt. 2

Mars in Libra
If you have Mars in Libra you put your energy into building relationships through being sociable, charming and cooperative. Before making a decision and acting on it, you consider the other side of things and/or the other people involved. Your reputation for indecisiveness is not deserved. If you hesitate before you act it’s only because you want to weigh up all the options and then act in an even-handed, fair way. However, once your mind is made up you have no problem acting on your decision quickly, forcefully and sometimes self-righteously. When challenged you are a worthy opponent who likes to play fair. While you may say that you dislike conflict, you do in fact need it, because it presents you with a mission to restore balance and harmony and make the world a more peaceful place.
Mars in Libra blends dynamically with the energy of Uranus in Aries, bringing challenges into your life. Your personal relationships could go through some dramatic changes while Uranus is in Aries, but be aware that this transit is as much about your relationship with yourself as it is about your relationship with others. As your life and the way you relate to the world changes you may find yourself in conflict with others and when this happens it will be helpful to understand that what we see in other people is often simply a reflection of ourselves. Remembering this as you meet opposition will help you to ‘own’ your own process and not project it onto others and this in turn, will help you make the most of the bright new opportunities that are opening up to you.
At some point over the next seven years, transiting Uranus will oppose your natal Mars. While the opposition is active, the Mars in Libra-Uranus in Aries dynamic described above will become more pronounced. This will not be a time for sitting on the fence. It will be a very dynamic time for seizing opportunities and making dramatic life changes that can take you forward into an exciting future.
Mars in Scorpio
If you have Mars in Scorpio you use your considerable energy in a measured, controlled way. Calm on the surface, underneath you are driven by deep passions and strong emotions, although few would guess from the outside just how intensely you experience life. The sheer depth of your feelings makes you feel vulnerable so you put a lot of energy into protecting yourself, unconsciously fearing that you could get hurt if you expose your emotions to the world. However, when your passion is ignited you will go to almost any lengths to get what you want and have the ability to magnetically attract the object of your desire, be it money, control, power or a relationship. When you do trust someone enough to let them in, you are capable of forming deep and long lasting bonds.
Mars in Scorpio sits awkwardly with the energy of Uranus in Aries and you may find yourself having to adjust to unexpected new circumstances which are out of your control, a situation which will not sit easily with you. Relationships could throw you into frustrating situations which could ignite your temper if your buttons are pressed too many times! During this time, you would be wise to pick your fights carefully. Fighting for those things / relationships that you are truly passionate about will be well worth the effort as always, but essentially this transit is here to teach you that stubbornly fighting on or obsessively trying to control everything is not always the best thing to do. Sometimes you can achieve much more, much faster, by simply letting go and moving on. At the very least, you are being asked to adjust your perspective and meet others half way, whether you want to or not!
At some point over the next seven years, transiting Uranus will quincunx your natal Mars. While the quincunx is active, the Mars in Scorpio-Uranus in Aries dynamic described above will become more pronounced. Things could get sticky and tricky, but will undoubtedly be passionate!
Mars in Sagittarius
If you have Mars in Sagittarius you have boundless restless energy which you pour into many and diverse activities and relationships. It is important to you to be honest to yourself and to others. Your honesty is often take for tactlessness by more sensitive types, but you rarely mean any harm, it’s just that deep down you are guided by a strong sense of morality and idealism. Your adventurous spirit and impulsive urges can lead to recklessness if you are not careful, but it is part of your life journey to explore all avenues and experience life to the full. Your actions are often guided by an idealistic vision of where you want to be in the future, although very often it is the chase that excites you the most!
Mars in Sagittarius blends well with the energy of Uranus in Aries. Your physical energy, natural charisma and innate enthusiasm will be enhanced by Uranus in Aries, which could attract new and exciting things into our life. You will certainly feel restless for change, but in your impatience to move onto new adventures, you could all too easily end up throwing baby out with the bathwater! Instead, use this time constructively and creatively and you will find you can move a few quick steps forward towards fulfilling your dreams.
At some point over the next seven years, transiting Uranus will trine your natal Mars. While the trine is active, the Mars in Sagittarius-Uranus in Aries dynamic described above will become more pronounced. All you need to do is be ready and willing to grab the opportunities coming your way and make the most of them.
Mars in Capricorn
If you have Mars in Capricorn you put your energy into achieving tangible, material goals and progressing with your ambitions. While others might tag you for a slow-starter, the thing is, you hate to waste your precious time and energy on pointless tasks, so before you start anything new, you prefer to take some time up front to plan and strategise carefully. Once you do get going though, you can be super-dynamic and a great organiser/administrator who sees things through in a serious and self-disciplined way. One of your life’s lessons is to learn patience and understand that all good things come to those who wait – and those who are prepared to put the effort in! You are very down to earth in your physical appetites and have great stamina!
Mars in Capricorn blends dynamically with the energy of Uranus in Aries, bringing challenges into your life. Your patience could be tested as well thought out plans go unexpectedly awry. When bright new opportunities come into your life, if they feel too good to be true, then they probably are, so you will need to carefully work out what’s worth pursuing and what’s not. This basically means taking a reality check from time to time, something you are very good at! However, this is for sure a time for action, because ‘doing something about it’ is the best way you can deal with the tense situations you may find yourself in. At best, this is a great time to work on releasing yourself from the past, letting go of the fears and ‘what-ifs’ that have been holding you back and going for broke to turn long-held ambitions into reality.
At some point over the next seven years, transiting Uranus will square your natal Mars. While the square is active, the Mars in Capricorn-Uranus in Aries dynamic described above will become more pronounced. This will certainly be a challenging and unpredictable transit, but it could also be very energising and if handled well, could see you using strengths and resources you didn’t even know you had!
Mars in Aquarius
If you have Mars in Aquarius you put your energy into being individual and independent and expressing yourself freely. You are not competitive in the conventional sense because you prefer to go your own way rather than pursue the same goals as everyone else. When you have the freedom to do this, you really can be creatively innovative and original. The trouble is, the urge to rebel sometimes gets in the way of achieving your goals and you can ‘cut off your nose to spite your face’ just to be contrary! Your energies are best directed towards helping others or acting on behalf of a cause – anything that makes a real difference in the world - so long as you have the space to do it authentically, honestly and in your own unique way.
Lucky you! Mars in Aquarius blends well with the energy of Uranus in Aries. Furthermore, because your Mars is ruled by Uranus, you will feel more comfortable than most with the transit of Uranus in Aries. You can expect eureka moments, creative breakthroughs and fast forward movement towards your goals and ambitions. The caveat is that you are ready and willing to make the most of the opportunities that come your way and that you pursue them with objectivity, authenticity and positive intention.
At some point over the next seven years, transiting Uranus will sextile your natal Mars. While the sextile is active, the Mars in Aquarius-Uranus in Aries dynamic described above will become more pronounced. If you find yourself in a rut, even an unconventional one, now’s the time to shake yourself out of it and claim a self reliant future.
Mars in Pisces
If you have Mars in Pisces your energy is expressed compassionately and emotionally and you tend to act on instinct rather than logic. You are very sensitive to the moods and feelings of others and the vibes all around you, making it difficult sometimes to know what desires and emotions are your own and what you are simply absorbing from the atmosphere and from the needs of other people. At best, you act with empathy, kindness and compassion, but must guard against making unnecessary sacrifices for the sake of others. When you give yourself the permission to be true to yourself and your feelings, you can truly do a lot of good and can be an inspiration and a guiding vision for others.
Mars in Pisces doesn’t see eye to eye with Uranus in Aries. The direct, fast acting, challenging energies of Uranus in Aries can feel harsh and uncompromising to a sensitive soul like yourself. Fortunately, your flexibility, empathy and ability to see the bigger picture will help you to understand what is going on and why.
Uranus won’t make a significant transit to your Mars while it’s in Aries. However, while Uranus was in Pisces over the last seven years, you will have had transiting Uranus conjunct your Mars. No doubt, during that time you went through many changes in your life, some difficult and others very exciting. Uranus in Aries is your time to embrace the positive changes that have occurred and build on them to claim an exciting future for yourself.
How do I find out what sign my natal Mars is in?
You can quickly and simply draw up your birth chart at Make a note of the sign that Mars is in and also the degree it’s in.
You say that Uranus in Aries will make an aspect to my natal Mars – when will that be and how long will it last?
The earlier your Mars is placed in its sign, the sooner you will have the aspect. For example, if your Mars is at 0 degrees of Capricorn, Uranus in Aries will be forming a square aspect to it right now. Or, if your Mars is at 25 degrees of Libra, Uranus will form an opposition aspect to it in 2017.
Uranus transits can last for anything from a few months, up to a year or so. To find out exactly when Uranus will transit your Mars and for how long, you will need to consult an ephemeris or have your transits calculated on professional astrological software.
Please also note that Uranus will be back in Pisces from August this year until March next, so if your Mars is in the last three degrees of Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius or Pisces, Uranus in Pisces will make a dynamic transiting aspect to your Mars during that time. Uranus in Pisces is a very different dynamic to Uranus in Aries, but unfortunately there’s not scope to discuss it here.
I read the description of my Mars in its sign and it didn’t feel like the whole picture, why is that?
Most likely your Mars is aspected by other planets in your natal chart. This will colour how your Mars energy expresses itself. For example, with the Sun in aspect to Mars, the Mars energy will be dynamically illuminated and intensified. With the Moon in aspect to Mars, your energy is expressed emotionally, reactively, instinctively. In aspect to Mercury, your Mars energy will be stimulated and expressed through a diverse range of ideas, opinions and activities. When Venus connects to Mars, energy is expressed more diplomatically and creatively and your actions are more relationship focused. Jupiter in aspect to Mars will exaggerate and expand the Mars energy, making you more adventurous and goal driven. Saturn in aspect to Mars may dampen your enthusiasm but will give you patience, discipline and focus. Uranus in aspect to Mars focuses your energy on the need for excitement, originality and independence. Transiting Uranus in Aries will bring out these qualities in you, whatever your Mars sign. Neptune in aspect to Mars will focus your energy on idealistic, creative or spiritual pursuits. Pluto in aspect to Mars will make your energy more concentrated, powerful and intense.
A final note about Uranus transits
Uranus transits, while exciting and sometimes stressful, can be very unpredictable. This makes Uranus transits difficult to predict. They often manifest in exciting and often surprising life events and changes. Sometimes these are initiated by the person having the transit and other times they seem to come at you from the outside. Sometimes, they can represent inner journeys that see you change from the inside out, but aren’t obviously apparent in the external circumstances of your life. Expecting the unexpected is a good way to approach your Uranus transit.
Enjoy the ride!
With love,
Click Here to Read Part 1 – Mars in Aries through Virgo
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Saturday, 19 January 2013
Uranus in Aries wakes up your Mars!
As Uranus moves through dynamic, restless Aries, it continues to wake up and shake up your natal Mars. It challenges you to act true to your Mars sign and aspects, to use your Mars energy, vitality and assertiveness in an authentic way. The following I wrote and posted in 2010, but it's well worth a revisit now. How is your Mars doing?
Uranus in Aries is an exciting transit of fast forward movement, sudden change, spontaneous happenings and exciting breakthroughs. Because Mars rules Aries, your natal Mars will be stimulated by Uranus in Aries, so here’s a look at Mars through the signs and how Uranus in Aries might affect it.
Mars in Aries
If you have Mars in Aries you have a tendency to be competitive, direct and impatient. You like to take the initiative and lead from the front. Decisions are made impulsively and followed up on quickly, often without considering the consequences. You tend to act on hunches, on intuition and while your actions might seem risky and ill considered to more cautious types, they often pan out quite well! If they don’t, then you tend to have the resilience to bounce back quickly and carry on regardless.
Mars in Aries blends well with the energy of Uranus in Aries. Change is in the air and you are ready to dive in head first embrace it with open arms. Uranus awakens your inner warrior and you’ll be un-phased by any obstacle that stands in your way. You’ll probably be more impatient and excitable than usual, so try not to waste a good opportunity by behaving too recklessly. With lots of excess restless energy to burn, taking regular physical exercise is very important during this transit.
At some point over the next seven years, transiting Uranus will conjunct your natal Mars. While the conjunction is active, the Mars in Aries-Uranus in Aries dynamic described above will become more pronounced. Life is about to get exciting, so go for it!
Mars in Taurus
If you have Mars in Taurus you use your energy very steadily and like to take your time over things. This however, makes for incredible stamina. You really can carry on long after the others have packed up and gone home! You like to put your energy into things – jobs, relationships etc - which will bring you material and emotional security. Tasks performed seem pointless if they don’t produce tangible, measurable results. A lover of simple, down-to-earth pleasures, you like your sex and your meals long lasting and slow.
Mars in Taurus has difficulty seeing eye to eye with Uranus in Aries. You see, Uranus in Aries wants fast forward radical change, but with Mars in Taurus you tend to put your energy into stubbornly resisting change and trying to keep things just the way they are. This could cause you some stress. Imagining yourself as a tall strong tree might help. While you can’t control the fact that your upper branches are swaying in the winds of change, your roots are strong, deep and solidly fixed in the earth, so the tree (you) can remain stable, strong and grounded, whatever comes its way. Certainly, at this time of change and uncertainty, the world needs people like you to hold the fort and help keep things sane and grounded. Finally, Mars in Taurus people like to bring a bit of beauty into the world and often have a marked artistic/creative streak. Under Uranus in Aries, you could well find that streak stimulated in new exciting, ways!
Uranus won’t make a significant transit to your Mars while it’s in Aries.
Mars in Gemini
If you have Mars in Gemini you use your energy to follow many and diverse paths. You are flexible, curious and need to feel constantly stimulated and you do this through communicating, making connections with others and exploring new ideas. You may be easily distracted and change your mind often, directing your energy towards your latest new goal, idea or project, leaving other things unfinished. While you are very skilled at juggling lots of different things at once, you need to learn to follow things through to completion and not leave too many balls hanging in the air! Fortunately, you are mentally and physically dexterous enough to cope with many things at once and that feeling when everything magically seems to come together is a feeling to savour.
Mars in Gemini blends well with the energy of Uranus in Aries. Your open mindedness and enthusiasm for change will serve you well over the next few years. You will have heaps of positive energy to pour into new projects and into making exciting connections with others. This is a good time for developing new skills and exploring new ideas, as recent constraints on your ability to move forward begin to fall away. You will be restless for change, so be careful you don’t simply initiate change for change’s sake and try not to spread yourself too thin.
At some point over the next seven years, transiting Uranus will sextile your natal Mars. While the sextile is active, the Mars in Gemini-Uranus in Aries dynamic described above will become more pronounced and new opportunities will come your way, so long as you are ready, willing and able to make the most of them.
Mars in Cancer
If you have Mars in Cancer you tend to act indirectly and sympathetically, sensitive to the feelings and reactions of others. That said, when backed into a corner or when your own or a loved one’s security is at stake, you can be indomitable. There is a lot going on under the surface with Mars in Cancer as you process things internally at a deep level before you act. Because of this, your actions are often guided by instinct and intuition. You need to feel physically and emotionally safe and because of this you pour a lot of you energy into protecting yourself, particularly in situations where you feel vulnerable. You don’t open up easily to others, but the people you love and trust the most are very fortunate, because you would do anything for them.
Mars in Cancer blends dynamically with the energy of Uranus in Aries, bringing challenges into your life. When challenges come along which threaten your sense of security and your place in the world, you are on the defensive and ready to put up a fight to protect what is yours. However, some Mars in Cancer people could face very challenging changes during this transit – be it in your career, your home life or in your relationships – and while this may be deeply upsetting, at least a part of you will understand the necessity of what is occurring. Becoming aware that change needs to happen in your life and consciously letting go of old, worn out dreams, goals and emotional attachments is the key to unlocking the powerful personal growth and development opportunities available to you at this time. If life feels like a series of endings, remembering that endings come before new beginnings will help you to embrace the new and exciting developments that are possible in almost any sphere of your life these next few years.
At some point over the next seven years, transiting Uranus will square your natal Mars. While the square is active, the Mars in Cancer-Uranus in Aries dynamic described above will become more pronounced. This will certainly be a challenging and unpredictable transit, but it will also be incredibly energising and if handled well, could bring out the very best in you.
Mars in Leo
If you have Mars in Leo you assert yourself proudly, warmly and from the heart. Your actions may be dramatic and self-seeking, because you seek attention and recognition. Pride can sometimes get the better of you and if your will is too stubborn and self-centred, this can lead to problems, especially if you don’t get the compliments you feel you deserve for your unquestionable prowess! When this happens you can become pushy, overbearing and domineering. At best though, your natural confidence and sunny disposition is shared generously with others and your cup runneth over with creative flair and positive vitality.
Mars in Leo blends well with the energy of Uranus in Aries and this should be a time when your creative energies flow easily. Your physical energy will also be enhanced by Uranus in Aries, perhaps bringing exciting and unexpected encounters! Certainly you can gain positive rewards from any endeavour you pour your energy into at this time. However, the danger is that you will simply rest on your laurels during this time. Fine, be lazy if you must – just ‘be’ if you like, but wouldn’t it be a shame to let this time pass you by without actively making the most of your abundant natural energy, talent and ability?
At some point over the next seven years, transiting Uranus will trine your natal Mars. While the trine is active, the Mars in Leo-Uranus in Aries dynamic described above will become more pronounced.
Mars in Virgo
If you have Mars in Virgo you assert yourself modestly and discriminatingly. Your mission is to serve others, work hard and be helpful. You put your energy into practical tasks, but not before carefully mulling over exactly how you are going to put those tasks into action. Steer clear of being over-critical of yourself and others and avoid unnecessary stress by remembering that the world and the people in it are far from perfect!
Mars in Virgo sits awkwardly with the energy of Uranus in Aries and you may find yourself having to adjust to new circumstances you are not totally comfortable with. This can be irritating and frustrating. In particular you may find the balance in your relationships shifts, as significant others go through major life changes and you have to adjust accordingly, even if you feel as if they are acting selfishly. Or it may be that your life is undergoing big changes and you feel as if you are stuck on a see-saw going back and forth between the old and the new. Your task will be to find and maintain the balance, making small adjustments as you go along, until eventually you can find a way to more comfortably integrate the new changes into your life. Tapping into your innate flexibility, practical intelligence and hard working nature will help you enormously during this time.
At some point over the next seven years, transiting Uranus will quincunx your natal Mars. While the quincunx is active, the Mars in Virgo-Uranus in Aries dynamic described above will become more pronounced.
Part 2 – Mars in Libra through Mars in Pisces - coming up next.
How do I find out what sign my natal Mars is in?
You can quickly and simply draw up your birth chart at Make a note of the sign that Mars is in and also the degree it’s in.
You say that Uranus in Aries will make an aspect to my natal Mars – when will that be and how long will it last?
The earlier your Mars is placed in its sign, the sooner you will have the aspect. For example, if your Mars is at 0 degrees of Capricorn, Uranus in Aries will be forming a square aspect to it right now. Or, if your Mars is at 25 degrees of Libra, Uranus will form an opposition aspect to it in 2017.
Uranus transits can last for anything from a few months, up to a year or so. To find out exactly when Uranus will transit your Mars and for how long, you will need to consult an ephemeris or have your transits calculated on professional astrological software.
Please also note that Uranus will be back in Pisces from August this year until March next, so if your Mars is in the last three degrees of Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius or Pisces, Uranus in Pisces will make a dynamic transiting aspect to your Mars during that time. Uranus in Pisces is a very different dynamic to Uranus in Aries, but unfortunately there’s not scope to discuss it here.
I read the description of my Mars in its sign and it didn’t feel like the whole picture, why is that?
Most likely your Mars is aspected by other planets in your natal chart. This will colour how your Mars energy expresses itself. For example, with the Sun in aspect to Mars, the Mars energy will be dynamically illuminated and intensified. With the Moon in aspect to Mars, your energy is expressed emotionally, reactively, instinctively. In aspect to Mercury, your Mars energy will be stimulated and expressed through a diverse range of ideas, opinions and activities. When Venus connects to Mars, energy is expressed more diplomatically and creatively and your actions are more relationship focused. Jupiter in aspect to Mars will exaggerate and expand the Mars energy, making you more adventurous and goal driven. Saturn in aspect to Mars may dampen your enthusiasm but will give you patience, discipline and focus. Uranus in aspect to Mars focuses your energy on the need for excitement, originality and independence. Transiting Uranus in Aries will bring out these qualities in you, whatever your Mars sign. Neptune in aspect to Mars will focus your energy on idealistic, creative or spiritual pursuits. Pluto in aspect to Mars will make your energy more concentrated, powerful and intense.
A final note about Uranus transits
Uranus transits, while exciting and sometimes stressful, can be very unpredictable. This makes Uranus transits difficult to predict. They often manifest in exciting and often surprising life events and changes. Sometimes these are initiated by the person having the transit and other times they seem to come at you from the outside. Sometimes, they can represent inner journeys that see you change from the inside out, but aren’t obviously apparent in the external circumstances of your life. Expecting the unexpected is a good way to approach your Uranus transit.
Enjoy the ride!
With love,
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Wednesday, 2 January 2013
Planetary Retrogrades for 2013

Below are the planetary retrograde dates and positions for 2013, plus over at my website you can find Moon info for January - Void of Course and Moon Sign Changes and Moon Phases (with explanations).
Mercury turns retrograde on 24 February at 19 Pisces 47
Mercury turns direct on 18 March at 05 Pisces 41
Mercury turns retrograde on 27 June at 23 Cancer 04
Mercury turns direct on 21 July at 13 Cancer 24
Mercury turns retrograde on 22 October at 18 Scorpio 19
Mercury turns direct on 11 November at 02 Scorpio 34
Venus turns retrograde on 22 December at 28 Capricorn 57
Venus turns direct on 1 February 2014 at 13 Capricorn 34
Mercury turns direct on 18 March at 05 Pisces 41
Mercury turns retrograde on 27 June at 23 Cancer 04
Mercury turns direct on 21 July at 13 Cancer 24
Mercury turns retrograde on 22 October at 18 Scorpio 19
Mercury turns direct on 11 November at 02 Scorpio 34
Venus turns retrograde on 22 December at 28 Capricorn 57
Venus turns direct on 1 February 2014 at 13 Capricorn 34
No Mars retrograde in 2013
Jupiter turns retrograde on 4 October 2012 at 16 Gemini 22
Jupiter turns direct on 30 January at 06 Gemini 19
Jupiter turns retrograde on 7 November at 20 Cancer 30
Jupiter turns direct on 7 March 2014 at 10 Cancer
Saturn turns retrograde on 19 February at 11 Scorpio 31
Saturn turns direct on 9 July at 04 Scorpio 49
Saturn turns direct on 9 July at 04 Scorpio 49
Uranus turns retrograde on 18 Jul at 12 Aries 31
Uranus turns direct on 17 December at 08 Aries 35
Uranus turns direct on 17 December at 08 Aries 35
Neptune turns retrograde on 8 June at 05 Pisces 22
Neptune turns direct on 14 November at 02 Pisces 34
Pluto turns retrograde on 13 Apr at 11 Capricorn 35
Pluto turns direct on 21 Sep at 08 Capricorn 59
Chiron turns retrograde on 17 June at 13 Pisces 50
Chirons turns direct on 20 November at 09 Pisces 07
Note: dates are based on European time zones and may vary by a maximum of one day for other time zones.
Pluto turns retrograde on 13 Apr at 11 Capricorn 35
Pluto turns direct on 21 Sep at 08 Capricorn 59
Chiron turns retrograde on 17 June at 13 Pisces 50
Chirons turns direct on 20 November at 09 Pisces 07
Note: dates are based on European time zones and may vary by a maximum of one day for other time zones.
For an explanation of retrograde and direct, please click here
See also:with love Mandi
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