can’t think of Nelson Mandela without the Free
Nelson Mandela tune popping into my head. Released in 1984, it was a
protest song against his imprisonment for opposing
the apartheid South African government.
Mandela has a Moon-Uranus Square in his birth chart, an
aspect of freedom, independence and rebellion. In Mandela’s case, his early
years were nothing less than a rebellion against his mother country.
Moon-Uranus is not an aspect you would expect to suit someone who spent 27
years incarcerated. And it’s not. But Mandela was a political prisoner and with his Moon in tenacious, unyielding
Scorpio, he never gave up on his ideals. Eventually, his time inside became an
act of protest in itself and this no doubt helped to sustain him.
The Moon falls in the 12th, the house
associated with imprisonment. With this placement comes the need to feel and
understand sacrifice, to serve, to surrender oneself to something greater, but
with the Moon in Scorpio in its Fall, this happens the hard way, the long-
winded way. He needed to hold fast to the courage and strength of his
convictions. Notice that the Moon also Squares Mercury and Saturn in Leo in the
9th House. This is an aspect pattern which suggests a stubborn
adherence to one’s highest ideals and the patience required to do so. It also
suggests internationalism (9th House) and it was in part due to mounting anti-apartheid pressure
from abroad that Mandela eventually regained his freedom.
Mandela’s Sun in Cancer falls in his 8th House.
An 8th House Sun draws its energy from deep inner resources. 8th
House Sun people can feel socially isolated, literally in Mandela’s case for 27
years of his life. It is, however, through the experience of isolation and also
through the experience of crisis that Sun in the 8th people can eventually find
the strength to emerge from the shadows transformed and able to live life in
full light. And Mandela did this to the max. It wasn’t enough for him or for
the world for him just to be free. He was the leader of a banned political
party, the ANC, before he went to jail and within a few years of his release, as
the leader of a now legal ANC, he was elected as the first black president of
South Africa. This also fulfilled the higher promise of Mercury-Saturn in Leo
in the 9th square Moon in the 12th and widely opposing Uranus in Aquarius in
the 3rd.
The astrology is neatly summed up in the titles of his
two of his books, The Struggle is My Life
and Long Walk to Freedom as do the
following quotes:
For to be free is not merely to cast off one’s chains, but to live in a way
that respects and enhances the freedom of others.
There is no easy walk to freedom anywhere, and many of us will have to pass
through the valley of the shadow of death again and again before we reach the
mountaintop of our desires.

The 27 years he was in jail represents pretty much an
entire Saturn cycle. It is fitting that transiting Saturn was opposing his
natal Neptune at the start of his incarceration in August 1962. Additionally,
transiting Pluto and Secondary Progressed Sun were just past his MC. This transit
marks out this time as a major milestone period in his life, suggesting a significant
shift in status.
On his release in February 1990, transiting Pluto had
just entered his 12th house, Squaring his 9th House
Mercury-Saturn conjunction and widely applying to conjunct his Moon. These
transits are a symbol of needs and ideals powerfully transformed and given
In 1993, he was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize, jointly
with Frederik Willem de Klerk (South
Africa’s last apartheid-era President),
for their work towards the peaceful termination of the apartheid regime. Mandela's transits for the December ceremony include healing Chiron on the MC and Saturn
conjunct natal Uranus, marking a zenith moment for the rebel being embraced by
an old order (represented by de Klerk) who were finally embracing the powerful
forces of change. There was also a rather fitting buildup of transiting planets
– Sun, Venus, Mercury, North Node and Pluto – in Mandela’s 12th
Upon his election as President of South Africa, in early
May 1994, Neptune and Uranus were opposing his Sun and Saturn had recently made
the first pass of its transit to his IC. Transiting Chiron was still in the midst
of its series of conjunctions with his MC, a transit that symbolised the healing
that needed to be done in South Africa after many years of apartheid and was
also an apt symbol for the final acceptance of Mandela, the former maverick, into
his full power and influence.
There’s no doubt Mandela has had a long and singularly
remarkable life, one which is reflected powerfully in his birth chart and
transits. Once dubbed a dangerous and violent threat, he rose to become one of
modern history’s most transformative leaders, described by Desmond Tutu as “the beloved father of
our nation” His current illness, as transiting Neptune approaches
his IC, is a reminder that while this popular and influential figure cannot live forever, his
legend will never be forgotten.
Chart data from Astrodatabank. Birth time rectified by
Noel Tyl http://www.astro.com/astro-databank/Mandela,_Nelson
Quotations from www.brainyquote.com
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