I always have great fun recording the Academy of Astrology UK weekly podcast, hosted by the wonderful Rod Chang. It's never scripted, we simply pick our topic in advance and then run with it.
Monday, 16 August 2021
Quincunx, Aversion & Venus in Libra
Friday, 30 July 2021
How did we get here from there? The Jupiter Saturn Cycle
Happening tomorrow (31st July)!
Saturday, 24 July 2021
Venus in Virgo and the Rise of Globalism
Hi there, don't worry, I'm not suggesting a link between Venus in Virgo and Globalism, it's two separate topics in the latest Academy of Astrology Podcast.
First Rod Chang, Marcos Patchett and myself discuss Venus in Virgo, including Marcos' explanation of why and how Venus in Virgo is traditionally in its Fall (a better explanation than you'll read in any book)
Then, I give a taster of my upcoming talk on Jupiter and Saturn and the Rise of Globalism. I am so excited for this talk, it was such fun to put together and full of fascinating insights and connections.
It's on Saturday 31st July, 5pm GMT.
Suitable for all levels of astrology knowledge and recordings available if you can't participate live.
Here is the link, with more information and booking details.
See you there!
Lots of love,
P.S. Venus is in Virgo from 22nd July to 16th August
Saturday, 3 July 2021
How Did We Get Here from There? The Jupiter Saturn Cycle & the Rise of Globalism
I'm very excited for my upcoming talk for the Academy of Astrology UK on 31st July. Here are the details:
How Did We Get Here from There? The Jupiter Saturn Cycle & the Rise of Globalism
The Conjunctions of the Jupiter and Saturn cycle, as they move through the four elements, are a reliable witness to how ideas and potentials become reality and the backdrop for humanity's most important developments.
Our journey begins thousands of years ago in ancient Sumer, when the seeds of our modern global connectedness were sown. Tracking the Jupiter Saturn Conjunctions through the elements, we will seek to answer the question: how did we get here from there?
Along the way, we’ll look at how history has been transformed by developments in how we communicate and spread information. We’ll also consider how the speed of global change has dramatically increased over the last 40 years as the Conjunctions transitioned from the Earth signs to the Air signs. And we look at how the 2020 Aquarius Conjunction found the world battling an airborne virus and wondering: what is the new normal?
Here's the booking link:
It's part of the Academy of Astrology's Mundane Series of Lectures and it's a fabulous opportunity to hear some of the world's top astrologers discuss world astrology, the big outer planet cycles and much, much more...
While we're here... here's the AOAUK's latest podcast where we have a very lively conversation, with loads of examples, about the current Venus-Mars Conjunction, triggering the ongoing Saturn-Uranus Square ... enjoy!
With love,
Mandi xxx
Saturday, 26 June 2021
Mundane Astrology - a crash course + Nodes on Zoom on YouTube & more
Sue Tompkin's talk at 5pm UK today kicks off the Academy's mundane lecture in style and there are a few places left if you're quick: https://www.academyofastrology.co.uk/mundane-astrology-a.../
While you're there, you can check out all the upcoming lectures, including my own on Jupiter, Saturn and the Great Re-Set: https://www.academyofastrology.co.uk/mundane-astrology-series/
Saturday, 22 May 2021
AoA Podcast: Gemini, Mercury Retrograde, Mercury Square Neptune and more
In case you missed the live stream, this week's Academy of Astrology Podcast is now on YouTube.
Rod, Sue, Marcos and me discuss the Sun in Gemini, Mercury Square Neptune and share our tips for the upcoming Mercury Retrograde.
You can also catch up with previous editions on our channel: Academy of Astrology (the discussion on Jupiter in Pisces is not to be missed).
And while you're here, we're now taking bookings for the Academy of Astrology's lecture series on Mundane Astrology. Top names including Sue Tompkins, Lynn Bell, Darby Costello and Dr Bernadette Brady and many more, share their knowledge and insight on how astrology is reflected in world events.
I'll be talking about the Jupiter - Saturn cycle on Saturday 31st July. I'll be examining the big elemental cycles of these two most important planets in world astrology and how they have influenced our culture, our climate and how we work and connect.
Join us! Full details here: http://www.academyofastrology.co.uk/mundane-astrology-series/
And here: http://www.academyofastrology.co.uk/how-did-we-get-here-from-there-the-jupiter-saturn-great-mutation-cycle/
Tuesday, 27 April 2021
Academy of Astrology Podcast #2 - Mars in Cancer
This week's AoA Podcast, with Rod Chang and Marcos Patchett, offers fantastic insight into Mars' current journey through Cancer, a sign where Mars can feel particularly uncomfortable.
A highly recommended watch, they also discuss the implications of the intense Scorpio Full Moon both personally and on a world level.
Since this Podcast was recorded, now that Mars is in Cancer and currently in a short-lived mutual reception with the Moon in Scorpio, news reports are alleging that the UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson may have unethically funded the £££££ refurbishment of his private downing street flat.
It's notable that Johnson has Cancer on his MC (the public/status/reputation angle) in his natal chart AND Moon in Scorpio! Also notable is that when the story broke, it was during the Scorpio Full Moon opposing the stellium of Sun, Mercury, Venus and Uranus in Taurus, the sign of money. Full Moons of course shine a light on things, the Scorpio Full Moon in particular can show up things we'd rather stayed hidden. Johnson is also suffering a challenge to his reputation after un-named sources alleged that he said, in a fit of rage, that he'd rather the dead bodies piled up than go into a third lockdown. It will be interesting to see how this one plays out over the next few weeks.
Monday, 19 April 2021
Academy of Astrology Podcast #1
I'm excited to share the Academy of Astrology's new Podcast...
Edition #1, features Academy Tutors Rod Chang, Sue Farebrother, Marcos Patchett and myself, Mandi Lockley.
We discuss Mundane Astrology, take a peek at the chart for the late Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh and share a few thoughts about Uranus in Taurus...
Subscribe to our channel to watch the Podcasts live and ask questions, or to watch the recording available immediately afterwards: Academy of Astrology YouTube Channel
Join us for #2 - we'll look at the upcoming Full Moon in Scorpio. Friday 23rd April, 8pm BST.
We'll also soon be announcing the Academy of Astrology's Mundane Lecture Series - featuring fascinating ideas and topics from some of the best and most popular astrologers, as well as some exciting up and coming voices.
With love, Mandi x
Monday, 5 April 2021
Empathy in the Birth Chart, Part 2
In Part 1, we defined empathy and saw how, when we are in defensive mode, empathy is not always possible. Concluding that empathy itself can’t be seen in the birth chart, we discussed, with an illuminating case study, how our chart aspects suggest where our empathy-blocking defences can kick in. In Part 2, more signifiers for defence mechanisms in the birth chart…
Saturn aspects suggest defence mechanisms because Saturn tests, blocks and controls. It represents where we have fears and doubts and lack confidence. All of these are fuel for our defences.
Venus-Saturn, for example, there might be defences against getting hurt in relationships,
manifesting in a fear of letting others get too close. The Venus-Saturn person therefore
might un-empathetically hurt and reject someone else before it can be done to
them. (See Part 1 for a case study example of how a generational Mercury Square
Saturn played out).
Lack of empathy
can also come through some of the aspects we might think of as easier. Jupiter
types, for example, who are confident, upbeat and optimistic, can sometimes
lack tolerance and empathy for those who are struggling with low self-esteem or
who, for whatever reason, lack the faith, courage and self-belief to pursue their
dreams and ambitions.
Aspect patterns
are also a good place to look for defences, especially T-Squares, which so
often describe the nitty gritty issues in a person’s life. Grand
Trines are also associated with defence mechanisms, because they represent
where we hesitate to step out of our comfort zone.
If we think
about the zodiac signs, Aries types might lack empathy for those who aren’t
fast-paced go-getters; Taurus or Libra might disapprove of Aries' need to be
numero uno and label them as aggressive or selfish, not understanding the Aries
mission to go through life as a warrior. A Gemini type might be unfairly
labelled as someone who can’t commit to one thing, with others not getting that
Gemini is here to experience variety and needs to keep their options open. And
so on, through the signs…
Back to those sensitive Water signs mentioned in Part 1 and why they might not always necessarily be empathetic. It’s because that emotional sensitivity, if it gets too much, can be defended against to protect the Water person from pain and suffering. I recently watched a Netflix show about teen fairies learning to harness their powers. One of them was an empath, who wore headphones constantly to protect herself from becoming overwhelmed by the feelings of others. Sensitive humans can also feel overwhelmed by their empathy at times and that’s when their psychological defences can kick in, which while offering protection, but can also block empathy.
The Cancerian
retreating into their shell is a well known astrological symbolism.
Cancerians need to feel safe and at home. They are drawn to people who help them to
feel comfortable and once they find them, they seek to keep them close. Whether it’s their
blood family or the ‘family’ they choose, Cancerians need to feel cushioned by their relationships.
However, this can lead to clannish cliques and those who don’t make
it into Cancer’s close circle might feel rejected. This is where a defence might
make someone else feel the hurt that the defended person is trying to protect
themselves from. The hurt doesn’t go away, it’s just passed on.
Scorpio of
course has its famous defensive sting. Using that sting to point out others’
flaws, often with merciless honesty, is Scorpio’s way of protecting themselves
from such searing scrutiny. Last of all, we have compassionate, empathetic
Pisces; but feeling everyone’s emotions as if they are their own can make
porous, sensitive Pisces retreat into victim mode. When Pisces feels that
nobody’s problems are as bad as theirs, it’s hard for them to feel empathy.
Conversely, Pisces, with a genuine desire to stop someone’s suffering, might go
into full rescue mode, but if this is done with pity rather than real empathy,
the support they offer can feel dis-empowering.
These examples
show that while you can’t judge levels of natural empathy from a chart, you can
see areas where empathy might potentially be blocked. Astrology can help with
self-understanding and the recognition of where we fall into our defences. We all
need defences of course, they are very useful, but by becoming more aware of
them we can potentially see where they have become unhelpful and where we might
be unwittingly hurting others or not recognising when they might need support
and compassion and empathy.
Click here for Part 1 - Empathy in the Birth Chart?
Wondering about life post-pandemic? A consultation can help you clarify what it might look like and better understand your opportunities, stumbling blocks and options. Details here: Consultations and Other Services
With love,
Tuesday, 30 March 2021
Empathy in the Birth Chart?
I’ve been wondering lately; can the birth chart tell us how empathetic someone is?
Collins Dictionary describes
empathy as “the power of understanding and imaginatively entering into another
person’s feelings.” In other words, it’s the ability to imagine yourself in
someone else’s shoes, regardless of whether or not you have experienced what
they are experiencing.
There are different
kinds of empathy. Emotional empathy is how we commonly think of empathy, as per
the dictionary definition above. There is also cognitive empathy, which is the
ability to see things from someone else’s perspective without necessarily
feeling their feelings. Then there’s compassionate empathy, which is when empathy
is followed through with helpful action.
empathy is most easily associated with the Water element (Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces),
because qualities associated with Water are emotional sensitivity and connection.
However, when Water dominates a chart, it doesn’t necessarily guarantee
empathetic responses to the feelings of others (I’ll explain in Part 2 why this
might be). It’s also not the case that those with a lack of Water in their
chart or with a dominance of Fire (Aries, Leo, Sagittarius), Earth (Taurus,
Virgo, Capricorn) or Air (Gemini, Libra, Aquarius) don’t have as much capacity
for empathy, although we might surmise that an Air type is likely to have more cognitive
empathy than emotional, for example. However, I’m focusing on emotional empathy
here and everyone, whatever the element balance in their chart, has feelings.
It’s my experience that most people with any element emphasis or deficit
in their chart are capable of this kind of empathy, but are also capable of
showing a lack of empathy at times.
So, the
question remains, can you determine empathy from the birth chart? I think not
and nor, I believe, can you tell if someone lacks empathy from their
chart. Lack of empathy/callousness is defined as one of the characteristics of psychopaths and I don’t believe you can spot one just from a chart, any more
than you can spot an empath. But let’s assume, for the purposes of this essay,
that most people are capable of some degree of empathy and look at the question
from a different angle.
As I strolled,
in a moment of universal synchronicity, something random happened that made me
feel no empathy, followed by a distinct empathetic response just moments later.
Called out of
my thinking head by shouting, my automatic conscious response was curiosity.
What’s happening, where is this noise coming from? Meanwhile, unconsciously, my
brain would have been trying to figure out if this posed any danger to me. So,
no empathy here, just my natural, selfish, survival response with a measure of
inquisitiveness. I discovered where the noise was coming from when a young
woman ran yelling out of an open front door, swiftly followed by two police
officers. As she crossed the road and started running directly towards me, the
officers still in pursuit, again I felt no empathy. I only feared for my own
safety, so moved out of the way pretty sharpish.
Once they’d
passed me and I was safe, I again became curious about what was happening. The
woman had been caught up by the police who were trying to restrain her. She was
terribly upset; crying and begging them to let go of her. Now, witnessing her
obvious distress, I felt upset and had the beginnings of tears in my eyes. I
didn’t know the background of her situation, whether she’d hurt someone else or
herself, or if she was having some sort of breakdown. Nevertheless, I had a fleeting
emotional upset in response to this stranger’s anguish. In other words, I could
empathise, despite the fact that I didn’t understand what was happening and that
thankfully I’ve never myself been chased and restrained by the police. However,
it was possible for me to imagine feeling so scared that I would need to
run away from capture.
It would have
been impossible for me to empathise when I felt I might be in danger in this
uncertain situation. My automatic response was to defend myself, to make myself
safe, nobody else mattered at that point. So, if it’s impossible to be
empathetic when our defences are up (physical or emotional), we can explore how
the defence mechanisms suggested by our birth chart, get in the way of, inhibit
or delay our emotional empathy.
Where do we see
our defences in our chart? A safe bet is that they are suggested by our aspects
and aspect patterns. First, what do we mean by defences? Ego defence mechanisms
“are psychological processes people use, in order to protect themselves against
extreme discomfort and tension. They are also effective in maintaining mental
composure and self-esteem in a variety of what might otherwise be very painful
situations. Defence mechanisms operate at an unconscious level, and all of us
use them occasionally. However, prolonged and persistent use of them is
counter-productive, because such defences serve to distort reality and falsify
experience.” (Hough, p85).
Square aspects between planets are an obvious candidate for showing potential defence mechanisms in the birth chart. This is because squares often impel us to act, but the tension of the Square means that that action might be the activation of a defence mechanism. Take, for example, Mercury Square Saturn. This aspect suggests a fear of not being clever enough or a fear of being wrong and usually this fear stems from early life experiences. Perhaps the child was ridiculed or punished when they made a mistake? Perhaps their defence was to give up trying and live with the ‘story’ that they are stupid. Or perhaps they arm themselves with the ‘belief’ that they are right about everything and everyone else is wrong. This might feel like a safe place to sit and in the short term it protects from the threat of further punishment or ridicule. But to be wrong, to make mistakes, to allow ourselves to fail is how we learn and ultimately how we succeed. If someone beats themselves up over failing a test (or even for failing to get top marks in a test), how are they able to show empathy to others who might be struggling on that test and could perhaps use a little support and encouragement? And the subtle message the Mercury-Saturn person gives to others is that they think anyone who gets lower marks than them really is stupid.
A lady with this aspect who, while bright, for socio-economic reasons, was unable to get the education they wanted. Their child, however (also with Mercury Square Saturn) was able to access higher education. Throughout their years at university, the mother constantly denigrated and ridiculed the child’s desire to get educated, telling them they were lazy and a failure for choosing to get a degree over going straight into a job, marriage and children. Because the mother unconsciously felt envious and threatened by their child’s education opportunities and defended themselves accordingly, there was no empathy for the path their child had taken. Unaware for many years that their mother’s response was a defensive one, born of disappointment from their own childhood, the child was also unable to empathise with their mother’s insecurities and ended up feeling like the failure their mother said they were, while at the same time, emotionally disengaging from the mother, thus confirming the mother’s fears that they would lose their child if they got educated.
This example, shows how, if we become aware of the issues of our challenging aspects, we can also become aware of our defences and ultimately understand what is behind them. When the child (as the well-educated adult they became) understood where their mother was coming from, they were able to forgive, rebuild the relationship, feel proud of their academic achievements and finally share them with the world without fear (or rather feel the fear and do it anyway - old habits die hard).
Part 2 coming soon... more examples of how defences in the birth chart can block empathy.
In the meantime, if you enjoyed this article... you might also enjoy Jupiter, Saturn and the Superego
Wondering about life post-pandemic? A consultation with Mandi Lockley can help you clarify what it might look like and better understand your opportunities, stumbling blocks and options. Details here: Consultations and Other Services
Reference: Hough, M. (2019) Counselling Skills and Theory. 4th Edition. UK: Hodder Education.
Update (April 2024) I have now moved my content to YouTube & you can view my channel, On Purpose Astrology, by clicking on this lin...